Piroške-Fryed dough
Najbolji recept za Piroške -Testo koje se topi u ustima -Spolja hrskave a unutra Šuplje
Piroške ili mekike kako ih ko zove ja ih obično pravim sa nekim punjenjem, ovog puta su bile sa svežim sirom(mocarelom) i šunkom, mogu biti prazne pa čak i sa mesom, ponekad ih pravim i sa krompirom. Nestanu za tren, testo je kao pena, spolja su hrskave unutra su šuplje bez imalo testa. Nadam se da će vam se ovaj recept dopasti. podelite recept sa vasim prijateljima. Sve vas puno ljubi vaša Aurora!!💖💖
- 250 ml vrele vode
- 4-5 kašika brašna
- 10 gr suvog kvasca potopiti u 250 ml mlake vode sa 1 kašičicom šećera
- 1 – 2 kašičice soli
- 700 gr brašna
- 2-3 kašike ulja
- Sveža mocarela sir
- Šunka

The best recipe for Piroske(fryed dough) – Dough that melts in your mouth – Crispy on the outside and hollow on the inside
Fritter or( mekike) as they are called, I usually make them with some filling, this time they were with fresh cheese (mozzarella) and ham, they can be empty and even with meat, sometimes I make them with potatoes. They disappear in an moment, the dough is like foam, they are crispy on the outside, hollow on the inside . I hope you enjoy this recipe. share the recipe with your friends. All of you are loved by your Aurora !!💖💖
- 250 ml of boiling water
- 4-5 tablespoons flour
- Dip 10 g of dry yeast in 250 ml of warm water with 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 – 2 teaspoons salt
- 700 g of flour
- 2-3 tablespoons of oil
- Fresh mozzarella cheese
- ham
Domaci ustipci bez mleka i jaja-Homemade fritters
Najbolji i najbrži domaci uštipci bez mleka i jaja
Uštipci koje se brzo prave, tako vazdušasti stari domaci , kada nemate ideju ovaj recept je idealan za doručak ili večeru.
Topla preporuka ovog recepta Vasa Aurora…💖💖
Potrebni sastojci za uštipke:
- 500g brašna
- 400ml. mlake vode
- 1 suvi kvasac(8gr.) ili 20gr. svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašičica šećera
- ulje za prženje

The best and fastest homemade fritters without milk and eggs
Quickly made fritters, so airy old homemade, when you have no idea this recipe is ideal for breakfast or dinner.
Warm recommendation of this recipe Vasa Aurora…💖💖
Ingredients for fritters:
1. 500gr. flour
2. 350ml. – 400ml. warm water
3. 1 dry yeast (8gr.) Or 20gr. fresh yeast
4. 1 teaspoon salt
5. 1 teaspoon sugar
6. frying oil
Balon Ustipci-Balloon Fritters
Čuveni Balon uštipci!!
Htela sam sa vama da podelim ovaj brz i lagan recept. Kada nemate ideju za doručak ovo je idealan recept. Jednostavni uštipci koji mogu biti slani a i slatki. Nadam se da ćete i vi probati.
Topla preporuka za ovaj recept
Vasa Aurora…💖💖
Potrebni sastojci za Čuvene Balon Uštipke:
- 200ml mlake vode
- 1 kesica (8g)suvog kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- jogurta
- 1 jaje
- 600g brašna
- 1 ½ kašičica soli

The famous Balloon fritters !!
I wanted to share this quick and easy recipe with you. When you have no idea for breakfast this is the ideal recipe. Simple fritters that can be salty and sweet. I hope you try it too.
A warm recommendation for this recipe
Vasa Aurora…💖💖
Ingredients needed for the Famous Balloon Fritters:
1. 200ml. warm water
2.1 bag of 8gr. dry yeast
3. 1 teaspoon sugar
4. 200ml. yogurt
5. 1 egg
6. 600gr. flour
7. 1 ½ teaspoon of salt