Torte-Birthday Cakes
Puslica Torta - Meringue cake
Torta koja nikoga nije ostavila ravnodušnim. Moja omiljena a koju ne pravim tako često. Puslica Torta , torta u kojoj se ne dodaju previše sastojaka, jednostavna a predivnog ukusa. Na ovaj način su pripremale naše bake i majke. Napravite po ovom receptu i obradujte vašu porodicu i prijatelje. Verujem da će vam svi tražiti recept kada je budu probali.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore💖💖
Peku se 2 kore
Za kore je potrebno:
Prva kora:
- 5 belanaca (umutiti penasto)
- 220 g šećera
- 1 kašika sirća (može I jedna kašika isceđenog limuna)
- Peći na 180°C (360°F) 60 minuta
- Pleh dimenzije 22x33cm (9’’.0 x 12’’.99)
Druga kora :
- 5 belanaca (umutiti penasto)
- 220 g šećera
- 1 kašika sirća ili (može i jedna kašika isceđenog limuna)
- Peći na 180°C (360°F) 60 minuta
- Pleh dimenzije 22x33cm (9’’.0 x 12’’.99)
Za fil je potrebno :
- 10 žumanaca
- 750 ml mleka
- 5 kašika šećera
- 8 kašika brašna
- 2 kesice(20g) vanil šećera
- 250 g putera
- 4-5 kašika šećera u prahu
Fil podeliti na 2 jednaka dela , u jedan deo dodati 250 g mlevenih oraha
Tortu ukrasiti šlagom

A cake that left no one indifferent. My favorite that I don’t make that often. Meringue Cake, a cake in which not too many ingredients are added, simple but with a wonderful taste. This is how our grandmothers and mothers prepared it. Make this recipe and make your family and friends happy. I believe everyone will be asking you for the recipe once they try it.
Highly recommended by your Aurora…💖💖
2 crusts are baked
For crusts you need:
First crust:
- 5 egg whites (beat foamy)
- 220 g of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar or (can use one tablespoon of squeezed lemon)
- Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 60 minutes
- Tray dimensions 22x33cm (9”.0 x 12”.99)
Second crust:
- 5 egg whites (beat foamy)
- 220 g of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar (maybe one tablespoon of squeezed lemon)
- Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 60 minutes
- Tray dimensions 22x33cm (9”.0 x 12”.99)
For the filling you need:
- 10 egg yolks
- 750 ml of milk
- 5 spoons of sugar
- 8 spoons of flour
- 2 bags (20g) of vanilla sugar
- 250 g of butter
- 4-5 spoons of icing sugar
Divide the filling into 2 equal parts, add 250 g of ground walnuts to one part
Decorate the cake with whipped cream
Mađarska Palačinka Torta-Hungarian Pancake
Palačinke nam nikako ne mogu dosaditi iz prostog razloga, jer su kombinacije koje sa njima možemo raditi beskonačne. Slane, slatke, sa orasima, čokoladom, plazma keksom, raznim prelivima. Upravo je ovaj recept poseban jer nije od onih klasičnih palačinki koje smo navikli da pravimo. Nešto sasvim drugačije.
Postoji li neko da ne voli palačinke? Iskreno mislim da ne i zato je ova torta koja od omiljenih nam palačinki na sasvim drugačiji način pun pogodak.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 6 jaja (odvojiti belanca od žumanaca)
- 300ml mleka
- Narendana korica jednog limuna
- Prstohvat soli
- 1 kašika šećera
- 100ml vode
- 300g brašna
- 70g putera (može i ulje)
Za premazivanje(moj izbor)
- 200g džema od kajsija (po vašoj želji)
- 150g mlevenih oraha
- Ukrasiti glazurom od čokolade , ganaž, posuti prah šećerom ili mlevenim orasima

We can’t get bored of pancakes for a simple reason, because the combinations we can make with them are endless. Salty, sweet, with nuts, chocolate, plasma biscuits, various toppings. This recipe is special because it is not one of those classic pancakes that we are used to making. Something completely different.
Is there anyone who doesn’t like pancakes? I honestly don’t think so and that’s why this cake, which is one of our favorite pancakes, is a complete hit in a completely different way.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …
- 6 eggs (divide yolks from egg whites)
- 300ml of milk
- one lemon zest
- A pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 100ml of water
- 300g flour
- 70g butter ( also you can use oil)
For coating (my choice)
- 200g apricot jam (Your choice)
- 150g ground walnuts
- Decorate with chocolate glaze, ganache, sprinkle with icing sugar or ground walnuts
Boem Čokoladna Torta-Amazing Birthday Chocolate Cake
Ukusna, prefinjena, idealna za rođendane ili neke druge svečanosti koje želite da učinite nezaboravnim!
Jedna od onih torti koja se prenosi kroz generacije, ukusom osvaja sve koji je probaju, naročito one koji su ljubitelji čokolade. Mogu vam iskreno reći da će i vama tražiti recept kao i meni.
Ako želite iznenaditi nekog ovo je prava torta i pravi recept za vas, topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za koru je potrebno: A peku se 3 kore
- 4 belanca
- 4 kašike šećera
- 100g mlevenih oraha
- 5g kakao praha
- Peći na 180°C 15 minuta
Žuti fil:
- 6 žumanaca
- 5 kašika šećera
- 18g vanil šećera
- 4 kašike brašna
- 500ml mleka
- 200g putera ili margarina
Čokoladni fil:
- 6 žumanaca
- 5 kašika šećera
- 18g vanil šećera
- 100g čokolade za kuvanje
- 150g putera ili margarina
- Skuvati na pari
Za ganaž je potrebno:
- 200g čokolade
- 200ml vruće slatke pavlake
- Na kraju posle žutog fila ukrasiti tortu sa krem šlagom od čokolade( po izboru ko voli)

Delicious, sophisticated, ideal for birthdays or other celebrations that you want to make unforgettable!
One of those cakes that is passed down through the generations, tastes great for everyone who tries it, especially those who love chocolate. I can honestly tell you that everyone will ask you for a recipe like they asked me.
If you want to surprise someone, this is the right cake and the right recipe for you, a warm recommendation from your Aurora …💖💖
For the crust you need: And You need to bake 3 crusts
- 4 egg whites
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 100g ground walnuts
- 5g cocoa powder
- Bake at 180 ° C (356°F) for 15 minutes
Yellow cream:
- 6 yolks
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 18g vanilla sugar
- 4 tablespoons flour
- 500ml of milk
- 200g butter or margarine
Chocolate cream:
- 6 yolks
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 18g vanilla sugar
- 100g of cooking chocolate
- 150g butter or margarine
- cook at steam
For Ganache:
- 200g of chocolate
- 200ml hot whipped cream
On the end, after the yellow filling, decorate the cake with chocolate whipped cream (of your choice)
Starinska torta sa orasima-Antique cake with walnuts
- Necessary ingredients for the cake with walnuts and chocolate:
- Filling:
- 750 ml of milk
- 6 tablespoons crystal sugar
- 18 g vanilla sugar
- 7 tablespoons flour
- 250 g butter
- 3 – 4 teaspoons icing sugar
- 250 g of ground walnuts
- 100 g of chocolate
- Cake crust:
- 6 eggs
- 4 teaspoons crystal sugar
- 14 tablespoons ground walnuts
- 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 4 tablespoons flour
- pinch of salt
- Tray dimensions 30cm x 40cm (11.8inch x15.7inch)

- Potrebne namirnice za tortu sa orasima i cokoladom:
- Fil:
- 750 ml mleka
- 6 kasika kristal secera
- 18 gr vanilin secer
- 7 kasika brasna
- 250 gr putera
- 3 – 4 kasike prah secera
- 250 gr mlevenih oraha
- 100 gr cokolade
- Kora:
- 6 jaja
- 4 kasike kristal secera
- 14 kasika mlevenih oraha
- 1 1/2 kasicica prasak za pecivo
- 4 kasike brasna
- prstohvat soli
- Dimenzija pleha 30 x 40
Panj Torta-Log Cake
- Necessary ingredients for a beautiful Chocolate log cake:
- Fill:
- 750 ml of milk
- 6 teaspoons of sugar
- 7 tablespoons flour
- 250 g butter
- vanilla, can also use extract or vanilla sugar 36 g
- 250 g of ground walnuts
- 150 g dark chocolate
- Crust:
- 6 eggs
- 6 teaspoons of sugar
- 6 tablespoons flour

- Potrebne namirnice za predivnu panj tortu:
- Fil:
- 750 ml meka
- 6 kasika secera
- 7 kasika brasna
- 250 gr putera
- vanilla, moze i exstrakt ili vanilin secer 2 kesice
- 250 gr mlevenih oraha
- 150 gr crne cokolade
- Kora:
- 6 jaja
- 6 kasika secera
- 6 kasika brasna