Noćne Gužvarice - Mini strudel
Pripremite danas kada imate vremena, a ispecite i servirajte sutradan . Idealna poslastica za iznenadne goste , dok vi popijete kaficu mini štrudlice sa makom ili orasima su ispečene. Svi će biti oduševljeni predivnim ukusom i prelepim izgledom a zasigurno će vas pitati za recept.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 300 ml mlakog mleka
- 8 g suvog kvasca ili 25 g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100 g putera
- 2 žumaanca
- 100 g kristal šećera
- Pola narendane limunove korice
- 550-600 g brašna
- Prstohvat soli
Za fil je potrebno:
- Po receptu ide 300 g mlevenog maka(može i lešnici, orasi…)
- Ja sam utrošila 600 g maka jer moja porodicaa tako voli
- 2 belanca
- 130 g prah šećera
- 10 g vanil šećera
- 50 ml vrelog mleka
- Malo narendane korice limuna
Za premazivanje je potrebno 2 žumanca i malo putera
Peći na 200°C (390°F) prvih 15 minuta zatim smanjiti na 180°C(360°F) i peći još 30 minuta

Prepare today when you have time, and bake and serve the next day. An ideal cookies for unexpected guests, mini strudels with poppy seeds or walnuts are baked while you drink your coffee with guests. Everyone will be delighted with the wonderful taste and beautiful appearance, and they will surely ask you for the recipe.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 300 ml of warm milk
- 8 g dry yeast or 25 g fresh
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 100 g of butter
- 2 egg yolks
- 100 g of sugar
- Half a grated lemon zest
- 550-600 g of flour
- Pinch of salt
For the filling you need:
- according to the recipe goes 300 g of ground poppy seeds (can be used and hazelnuts, walnuts…)
- I used 600 g of poppy because my family likes it that way
- 2 egg whites
- 130 g of icing sugar
- 10 g of vanilla sugar
- 50 ml of hot milk
- A little grated lemon zest
You need 2 egg yolks and a little butter for the coating
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for the first 15 minutes then reduce to 180°C (360°F) and bake for another 30 minutes
Domaća Štrudla Sa Jabukama - Homemade Apple Strudel
Štrudla od jabuka zasigurno je jedan od recepata koji mirišu na detinjstvo. Tako brz i jednostavan recept sa par namirnica. Tako mekana i ukusna.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 500 g brašna
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kesica (14g) suvog kvasca ili 20 g svežeg
- 1 jaje
- 1 žumance
- 100 g putera
- 200 ml mlakog mleka
Za fil je potrebno:
- 1 kg jabuka ( izrendati jabuke)
- 4 kašike griza
- 1 kesica vanil šećera (9g)
2-3 kašike mlevenih oraha (posuti po rendanim jabukama) po želji
Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 40 minuta

Apple strudel is certainly one of the recipes that smell like childhood. Such a quick and easy recipe with just a few ingredients. So soft and delicious.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 500 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 bag (14g) of dry yeast or 20 g of fresh yeast
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 100 g of butter
- 200 ml of warm milk
For the filling you need:
- 1 kg of apples (grated apples)
- 4 spoons of semolina
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar (9g)
2-3 spoons of ground walnuts (sprinkled over grated apples) as desired
Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 40 minutes
Žerbo Štrudla-Amazing Strudel
Jedna od mnogobrojnih štrudli ali ova meni posebno draga , mama nam je često pravila. Žerbo štrudla omiljena poslastica svih nas. Recept koji sam skoro pa zaboravila , listajući stari rokovnik sa receptima naiđoh i na ovaj . Brza priprema sa ne puno namirnica , poslastica koja će vas uvek oduševiti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400g brašna
- 100ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca
- 100g kristal šećera
- rendana kora jedne pomorandže
- 100g otopljenog putera
- 300g mlevenih oraha
- 250g džema od kajsija ili (po izboru)
- 100g otopljene čokolade za kuvanje
- 1 kašika ulja

One of the many strudels, but this one is especially dear to me, my mother often made it for us. Zerbo strudel is a favorite sweetnes of all of us. A recipe that I almost forgot, while leafing through an old diary with recipes, I came across this one as well. Quick preparation with not many ingredients, a dessert that will always delight you.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400g flour
- 100ml of warm milk
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast
- 100g crystal sugar
- one grated orange zest
- 100g of melted butter
- 300g ground walnuts
- 250g apricot jam or (optional)
- 100g of melted cooking chocolate
- 1 tablespoon of oil
Štrudla sa blitvom-Chard Strudel
Miris i ukus mekog, pečenog testa filovanog nadevom koje su naše bake pravile, vraća nas u detinjstvo. Recept za štrudlu sa sirom i blitvom obogaćena kukuruznim brašnom pa je tako i čini bogatijom i ukusnijom . Ovaj recept nije mnogo zahtevan, a pruža nezaboravno zadovoljstvo našem čulu ukusa.
Štrudla kao štrudla je tradicionalna Nemačka poslastica čiju su recepturu možemo reći vojvođanske domaćice dovele do savršenstva u raznim oblicima , a nema skoro nikoga ko je odoleo čarima onih sa makom, džemom ili orasima.
Češće je pravimo slatku, ali i varijanta sa sirom i blitvom je odličan izbor za večeru ili za doručak a i nećemo se osramotiti posluživanjem naših gostiju. Dekorativnog izgleda , topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400-450g brašna
- 1 kesica(8g) suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- 200ml mleka
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100ml mlake vode
- 100g kukuruznog brašna ili palente
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašika putera ili ulja
- Zmesiti meko testo i podeliti na 4 dela
- Svaki deo rastanjiti i premazati uljem kako bi se lakše razvlačilo
- 1 veza blitve
- 150g sira
- 1 jaje
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 jaje za premazivanje i susam za posipanje
Ostaviti 15 minuta da naraste pre pečenja
Peći na 200°C (392°F) 35 minuta

The smell and taste of the soft, baked dough filled with the filling that our grandmothers made, takes us back to our childhood. The recipe for strudel with cheese and chard is enriched with corn flour, so it makes it richer and tastier. This recipe is not very demanding, and it gives unforgettable pleasure to our sense of taste.
Strudel as strudel is a traditional German delicacy whose recipe we can say Vojvodina’s housewives has brought to perfection in various forms, and there is almost no one who has resisted the charms of those with poppy seeds, jam or walnuts.
We make it sweet more often, but the variant with cheese and chard is also a great choice for dinner or breakfast, and we will not be ashamed of serving our guests. Decorative look, a warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400-450g flour
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 30g of fresh
- 200ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 100ml of warm water
- 100g of corn meal
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon butter or oil
- Knead soft dough and divide into 4 parts
- Coat each part with oil to make it easier to stretch
- 1 bunch of chard
- 150g of cheese
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg for coating and sesame seed for sprinkling
Leave to rise for 15 minutes before baking
Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) for 35 minutes
Strudla sa spanacem-Spinach strudel
- Necessary ingredients:
- 300 ml of warm milk
- 8 g of dry or 20 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 2 eggs
- 100 ml of oil
- 500 – 550 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Stuffing:
- 400 g of spinach
- 100 g sour cream or sour milk
- 350 g of cheese
- 150 g butter
- Coat the strudel with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 egg

- Potrebne namirnice:
- 300 ml mlakog mleka
- 8 gr suvog ili 20 gr svezeg kvasca
- 1 kasicica secera
- 2 jaja
- 100 ml ulja
- 500 – 550 gr brasna
- 1 kasicica soli
- Fil:
- 400 gr spanaca
- 100 gr kisele pavlake ili kiselog mleka
- 350 gr sira
- 150 gr putera
- Premazite strudlu sa 1 kasikom kisele pavlake i 1 jaje
Strudla sa orasima-Walnuts strudel
- Necessary ingredients for walnuts strudel:
- Dough:
- 300 ml of warm milk
- 8 g of dry or 20 – 25 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 18 g of vanilla sugar
- 2 egg yolk
- 4 tablespoons oil
- 3 tablespoons sour cream
- Pinch of salt
- 30 g of crystal sugar
- 200 g of butter
- 550 – 600 g of flour
- Fill(topping):
- 400 g of ground walnuts
- 100 ml of hot milk
- 50 g of crystal sugar
- 18 g vanilla sugar
- 2 egg whites

- Potrebne namirnice za strudlu sa orasima:
- Testo:
- 300 ml mlakog mleka
- 8 gr suvog ili 20 – 25 gr svezeg kvasca
- 1 kasicica secera
- 18 gr vanilin secer
- 2 zumanca
- 4 kasike ulja
- 3 kasike kisele pavlake
- prstohvat soli
- 30 gr kristal secera
- 200 gr putera
- 550 – 600 gr brasna
- Fil:
- 400 gr mlevenih oraha
- 100 ml vrelog mleka
- 50 gr kristal secera
- 18 gr vanilin secer
- 2 belanca