Posni Recepti-Fasting Recipes
Posna Lisnata Pita Sa Pečurkama - Fasting Mushroom Pie
Posna lisnata pita sa pečurkama i prazilukom a jednostavno se lista kao knjiga.. Tako lisnata i hrskava da joj niko ne može odoleti. Uz samo malo volje i strpljenja napravićete jednu savršenu pitu a vaši ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni. Sa ne puno namirnica dobićete preukusan doručak ili večeru. Jednostavno idealna da se može praviti u bilo kojoj varijanti kako posnoj tako i u mrsnoj. Njena fleksibilnost vam dozvoljava da je možete praviti i puniti po vašoj želji.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
Za testo je potrebno:
- 450 g braašna
- 350 ml mlake vode
- 1 kašičica soli
- 2 kašike ulja
Za fil je potrebno:
- 2 praziluka
- 400 g svežih pečuraka
Malo soli , bibera , začina ( po ukusu)
Za premazivanje kora je potrebno otprilike 100 ml ulja
Peći na 240°C (460°F) 15-20 minuta

Fasting flaky pie with mushrooms and leeks and it simply flips like a book… So flaky and crispy that no one can resist it. With just a little willpower and patience, you will make a perfect pie and your household will be more than delighted. With not many ingredients, you will get a delicious breakfast or dinner. It is simply ideal that it can be made in any variant, both fasting and fatty. Its flexibility allows you to make and fill it as you wish.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…
For the dough you need:
- 450 g of flour
- 350 ml of warm water
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 tablespoons of oil
For the filling you need:
- 2 leeks
- 400 g of fresh mushrooms
- A little salt, pepper, spices (as you like)
Approximately 100 ml of oil is needed to coat the crusts
Bake at 240°C (460°F) for 15-20 minutes
Slana Šuster Posna Pita - Lenten Pie
Nešto sasvim novo i drugačije . Posna slana šuster pita. Pita koja zaslužuje trenutak pažnje. Tako ukusna i sočna. Probajte i oduševićete se , a ukućani će biti više nego zadovoljni. Ljubitelji pečuraka joj neće odoleti.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…
Za testo je potrebno:
- 450 g brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašičica suvog kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- ½ kašičice kurkuma začina
- 180 ml mineralne vode
- 180 ml ulja
Za fil je potrebno:
- Na mlo ulja propržiti 2 praziluka
- 400 g pečuraka
Začiniti po ukusu ( so,biber,začin)
Malo origana
Za premazivanje korica sam koristila pica sos (može i kečap)
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 40 minuta

Something completely new and different. Fasting salted pie. A pie that deserves a moment of attention. So delicious and juicy. Try it and you will be delighted, and the household will be more than satisfied. Mushroom lovers will not resist it.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…
For the dough you need:
- 450 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- ½ teaspoon of turmeric spice
- 180 ml of carbonated water
- 180 ml of oil
For the filling you need:
- Fry 2 leeks in a little oil
- 400 g of mushrooms
Season to taste (salt, pepper, spices)
A little oregano
To coat the crust, I used pizza sauce (you can also use ketchup)
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 40 minutes
Posna Štrudla Sa Orasima - Fasting Strudel With Walnuts
Štrudla sa orasima zasigurno je jedan od recepata koji mirišu na detinjstvo. Ovoga puta u posnoj varijanti.Tako brz i jednostavan recept sa par namirnica. Tako mekana i ukusna. Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
Za testo je potrebno:
- 200 mlake vode
- 8 g suvog kvasca
- 70 g šećera
- 40 ml ulja
- 1 kesica(10g) vanil šećera
- Oko 400 g brašna
- Prstohvat soli
Za fil je potrebno:
- 200 g mlevenih oraha
- 5-6 kašika šećera
- 12 punih kašika vode
Peći na 180°C ( 360°F) 35-40 minuta

Strudel with walnuts is certainly one of the recipes that smell like childhood. This time in a lenten version. Such a quick and simple recipe with a few ingredients. So soft and delicious. Highly recommended by your Aurora…
For the dough you need:
- 200 warm water
- 8 g of dry yeast
- 70 g of sugar
- 40 ml of oil
- 1 bag (10g) of vanilla sugar
- About 400 g of flour
- Pinch of salt
For the filling you need:
- 200 g of ground walnuts
- 5-6 spoons of sugar
- 12 full spoons of water
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 35-40 minutes
Posne Oblande - Fasting Wafers
Posno ili mrsno , odlučite sami! Instant brza poslastica. Oblanda sa plazma keksom I čokoladom. Tako ukusna da joj bilo ko može odoleti. Kada pomislite da više nemate vremena a gosti stižu evo jednog brzog I lakog recepta. Posna varijanta je podjednako prelepa I preukusna kao I mrsna. Probajte I bićete prezadovoljni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore… NAMIRNICE:
- Potrebno je jedno pakovanje oblandi
- 300 ml vode
- 250 g šećera
- 250 g posnog margarina
- 200 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 300 g mlevene posne plazme ili nekog drugog keksa

Lean or fatty, decide by yourself! An instant quick treat. Wafer with (plasma) biscuit and chocolate. So delicious that anyone can’t resist it. When you think you don’t have time anymore and guests are arriving, here is a quick and easy recipe. The lean version is just as beautiful and delicious as the fatty one. Try it and you will be delighted.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…
- One package of wafers is required
- 300 ml of water
- 250 g of sugar
- 250 g of lean(fasting) margarine
- 200 g of cooking chocolate
- 300 g of ground fasting plasma or some other biscuit
Posni Kolač - Fasting Cake
Iznenadićete se kada ga budete probali, sa tako malo sastojaka za kratko vreme imamo savršen kolač koji nestane za tren, moja preporuka odmah dupla mera Za ljubitelje kolača sa jabukama ovo je pravi pogodak, ne oduzima nam puno vremena u kuhinji a porodica ili prijatelji biće oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
- 3 seckane jabuke
- 250 ml vode
- 100 ml ulja
- 100 gr šećera
- 1 prašak za pecivo
- 3 kašike džema od kajsija ili po zelji
- 200 gr brašna
- 3 kašike kakao Praha
Potreban je kalup 23 cm
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 35 minuta

You will be surprised when you try it, with so few ingredients in a short time we have a perfect cake that disappears in an moment, my recommendation immediately double measure. For apple cake lovers this is a real hit, it doesn’t take much time in the kitchen and family or friends will be delighted .
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…
- 3 chopped apples
- 250 ml of water
- 100 ml of oil
- 100 g of sugar
- 1 baking powder (14 g)
- 3 spoons of apricot jam or as desired
- 200 g of flour
- 3 spoons of Praha cocoa
A 23 cm mold is required
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 35 minutes
Posne Štanglice - Fasting Bars
Domaći posni kolač , sa ručno razvijenim koricama. Sa dodatkom džema od kajsija korice su tako meke i fleksibilne. Kolač za sva vremena koji se može raditi i u posnoj a i u masnoj varijanti. Pogodan je za sve vrste slavlja a teško mu je odoleti . Svi će biti oduševljeni i tražiće vam recept za ovaj jedinstveni kolač. Napravite ovaj predivni kolač a ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
Za kore je potrebno:
- 16 kašika vode
- 200 ml ulja
- 200 g džema od kajsija
- 100 g šećera
- 550-600 g brašna
- 1 kašičica sode bikrbone
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
Korice peći na 180°C (360°F) 5 minuta
Za fil je potrebno:
- 600 ml vode
- 300 g šećera
- 250 g posnog margarina
- 250 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 300 g posnog mlevenog keksa
- 200 g mlevenih oraha
Kolač posuti mlevenim orasima

Homemade fasting cake, with a hand-made crust. With the addition of apricot jam, the crust is so soft and flexible. A cake for all times that can be made both in a fasting and a fat version. It is suitable for all kinds of celebrations and it is hard to resist. Everyone will be delighted and ask you for the recipe for this unique cake. Make this wonderful cake and your family will be more than delighted.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…
For crusts you need:
- 16 tablespoons of water
- 200 ml of oil
- 200 g of apricot jam
- 100 g of sugar
- 550-600 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
Crusts bake at 180°C (360°F) for 5 minutes
For the filling you need:
- 600 ml of water
- 300 g of sugar
- 250 g of lean margarine
- 250 g of cooking chocolate
- 300 g of lean ground biscuit
- 200 g of ground walnuts
Sprinkle the cake with ground walnuts
Posne Štanglice Sa suvim Kajsijama - Fasting bars with Apricot
Prelepe posne štanglice sa suvim kajsijama i orasima. Jedinstvene domaće korice koje se tope u ustima , starinska poslastica koja podstiče sva čula i vraća vas u prošla vremena kako smo se sladili nekada. Brza i jednostavna priprema , kolač koji će biti često biti na vašem stolu.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
Za kore je potrebno:
- 200 ml mlake mineralne gazirane vode vode
- 200 ml ulja
- 3 kašike šećeraa
- 450 – 500 g brašna
- 1 kašičica sode bikarbone
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
Za fil je potrebno:
- 200 ml vode
- 200 g šećera
- 125 g posnog putera ili margarina
- 350 g suvih mlevenih kajsija
- 350 g mlevenih oraha ( može i 150 g posnog keksa i 150 g mlevenih oraha)
- 2 kašike džema od kajsija
Za premazivanje korica je potrebno 2-3 kašike mlake vode ili sok od pomorandže
Kore peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 7-8 minuta

Beautiful fasting bars with dry apricots and nuts. Unique homemade crusts that melt in the mouth, an antique sweet that encourages all the senses and returns you to past times as we use to it once a time. Fast and easy preparation, the cake that will be often on your table.
The warm recommendation of your Aurora …
For the crusts :
- 200 ml of warm carbonated water
- 200 ml of oil
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 450 – 500 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of pastry powder
For the filling :
- 200 ml water
- 200g of sugar
- 125 g of fasting butter or margarine
- 350 g of dry ground apricots
- 350 g of ground walnuts (150 g of fasting biscuits and 150 g of ground walnuts)
- 2 tablespoons of apricot jam
It takes 2-3 tablespoons of warm water or orange juice to coat the crusts
Crusts bake at 180 ° C (360 ° F) 7-8 minutes
Posne ruzice sa pivom i dzemom -Fasting cake with beer&jam
Necessary ingredients for fasting roses with plum jam:
- 250 ml of beer
- 200 ml of oil
- 18 g of vanilla sugar
- peel of one lemon
- baking powder
- 400-450 g of flour
- plum jam

Potrebne namirnice za posne ruzice sa dzemom od sljiva:
- 250 ml piva
- 200 ml ulja
- 18 gr vanilin secer
- korica jednog limuna
- prasak za pecivo
- 400-450 gr brasna
- dzem od sljiva
Posne krofne-Fasting doughnut
Evo jednog lepog predloga za vreme posta kako se zaslaaditi. Krofne tako ukusne da će svi ukućaani biti oduševljeni .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
- 200ml mlake vode
- suvog kvasca ili 20gr. svežeg
- 2 kašike šećera
- 200 ml. gazirane vode
- 150 ml ulja
- brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
- 2 kesice vanilin šećera
- narendana korica limuna

Here is a nice suggestion to sweeten yourself during Fasting days. Donuts so delicious that everyone in the house will be delighted.
Highly recommended by your Aurora…
- 200ml of warm water
- 10 gr. dry yeast or 20 gr. fresh
- 2 spoons of sugar
- 200 ml. carbonated water
- 150 ml of oil
- flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 bags of vanilla sugar
- grated lemon zest