Najnoviji Recepti-Latest Recipes
Lagan Ručak Sa Pečenim Paprikama - Lunch With Roasted Peppers
Evo jedne ideje za brz I lagan ručak , može se služiti I kao predjelo. Nešto što verovatno svi vole a to su pečene paprike. Neodoljiv muris pečenih paprika koji se širi kućom. Naravno paprika možemo spremati na razne načine ali probajte na ovaj način I bićete više nego oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- Pečene paprike ( oko 10 kom)
- 400 gr bilo kog sira
- 3 jaja
- peršun
- malo soli
- biber
Paprike umakati u brašno I ređati
- 2 jaja
- 100 ml mleka
- malo putera ili ulja (2 kašike)
- 80 gr rendanog kačkavalja
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 40 minuta
Posuti rendanom mocarelom i vratiti u rernu na 10 minuta

Here is an idea for a quick and easy lunch, it can also be served as an appetizer. Something that probably everyone likes is roasted peppers. The irresistible smell of roasted peppers that spreads through the house. Of course, we can prepare paprika in various ways, but try this way and you will be more than delighted.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- Roasted peppers (about 10 pieces)
- 400 g of any cheese
- 3 eggs
- parsley
- a little salt
- pepper
Dip the peppers in flour and arrange them
- 2 eggs
- 100 ml of milk
- a little butter or oil (2 tablespoons)
- 80 g of grated cheese
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 40 minutes
Sprinkle with grated mozzarella and return to the oven for 10 minutes
Domaće Lisnato pecivo sa Viršlom - Homemade Hot Dog Pastry
Svima nama omiljeno pecivo iz pekare.Domaće lisnato pecivo , rol viršla a tako hrskavo i ukusno. Može biti i kao predjelo a može i za doručak ili večeru. Priprema na jedan tako brz i jednostavan način. Ukućani će biti prezadovoljni a gosti oduševljeni ovim pecivom da će tražiti komad više.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 300 ml mlakog mleka
- 200 ml mlake vode
- 8 g suvog ili 30 g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100 ml ulja
- 750-800 g brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
250 g putera za premazivanje
12 komada srednjih viršli
1 umućeno jaje sa 1 kašičicom mleka za premazivanje
Peći na 180°C(360°F) 30 minuta

All of us favorite pastry from the bakery. Homemade puff pastry, hot dog roll, so crispy and delicious. It can be served as an appetizer or for breakfast or dinner. Preparation in such a quick and simple way. The housemates will be overjoyed and the guests will be delighted with this pastry that they will ask for more pieces.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 300 ml of warm milk
- 200 ml of warm water
- 8 g of dry or 30 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 100 ml of oil
- 750-800 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
250 g butter for spreading
12 pieces of medium hot dogs
1 beaten egg with 1 teaspoon of milk for coating
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 30 minutes
Domaća Krempita - Homemade Vanilla Cream Pie
Domaća krempita tako lagana i kremasta, topi se u ustima.Užitak ukusa koji vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Brza i lagana priprema a dobićete preukusnu poslasticu. Krempitu služiti hladnu svakako uz domaći sok , limunadu svakako po vašem ukusu , a osećaj će biti kao da ste u poslastičarnici.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za koru nam je potrebno:
- 1 celo jaje
- 3 žumanca
- 3 kašike mlake vode
- 3 kaašike šećera
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
- 2 kašike brašna
Peći na 200°C (390°F) 10 minuta
Za krem je potrebno:
- 800 ml vode
- 3 kesice pudinga od vanile
- 200 g šećera
Skuvati puding
Posebno umutiti penasto 3 belanca sa 5 kašika šećera
U vreo puding dodati penasto umućena belanca
Za ukrašavanje 300 ml umućene slatke pavlake ili 2 krem šlaga
Ohladiti i servirati poslasticu

Homemade cream pie so light and creamy, it melts in your mouth. A taste delight that will not leave you indifferent. Quick and easy preparation and you will get a delicious treat. Serve the cream pie cold, of course, with homemade juice, lemonade, of course, to your taste, and you will feel like you are in a pastry shop.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the crust we need:
- 1 whole egg
- 3 egg yolks
- 3 tablespoons of warm water
- 3 spoons of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 2 tablespoons of flour
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for 10 minutes
For the cream you need:
- 800 ml of water
- 3 bags of vanilla pudding
- 200 g of sugar
Cook the pudding
Separately, whip 3 egg whites with 5 spoons of sugar until foamy
Add foamy egg whites to the hot pudding
To decorate, 300 ml of whipped cream or cream as you wish
Cool and serve the treat
Domaće Pancerote - Homemade Panzerotti
Recept koji privlači veliku pažnju a sigurna sam da ćete obogatiti vašu knjigu recepata sa ovim prelepim receptom.Tako hrskavo a tako mekano kao pamuk , neodoljive domaće pancerote kojima je teško odoleti. Punjenje jednostavno možete korigovati po vašoj želji. Najmlađi će se najviše obradovati. Recept koji morate probati , veoma brza i jednostavna priprema koja ne oduzima puno vremena a vaša porodica će biti oduševljena. Pogodne za doručak ili večeru uz šolju mleka ili jogurta.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 600 g brašna
- 200 ml. Mleka
- 200 ml mlake vode
- 8 g suvog ili 25 g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 50 ml. Ulja
Za punjenje je potrebno:
- Pica sos ili kečap
- Po vašoj želji : pečenica , šunka …
Pržiti u ulju

A recipe that attracts a lot of attention and I’m sure you will enrich your recipe book with this beautiful recipe. So crispy and so soft as cotton, irresistible homemade pancerota that is hard to resist. You can easily adjust the filling as you wish. The youngest will be the most happy. A must-try recipe, very quick and simple preparation that doesn’t take much time and your family will be delighted. Suitable for breakfast or dinner with a cup of milk or yogurt.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 600 g of flour
- 200 ml. Milk
- 200 ml of warm water
- 8 g of dry or 25 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 50 ml. Oils
For filling you need:
- Pizza sauce or ketchup
- According to your wish: roast beef, ham…ect.
Fry in oil
Zvrk Pita Sa Spanaćem - Whirligig Pie With Spinach
Jedna od lepših pita , ko je ljubitelj spanaća. Takozvana zvrk pita sa spanaćem. Tako mekana i ukusna da joj je teško odoleti. Sa namirnicama koje su svima dostupne , brza i jednostavna priprema. Idealna za doručak ili večeru uz čašu jogurta , mleka.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 200 ml mlakog mleka
- 8 g suvog kvasca ili 30 g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100 ml jogurta
- 100 ml ulja
- 500 g brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
- 50 g putera za premazivanje ( može mast,ulje, margarin)
Za fil je potrebno:
- 300 g svežeg spanaća, ( može zelje , blitva)
- 250 g sira
- 2 belanca
- malo soli
- 2 žumanca za premazivanje
Peći na 180°C (360°F) oko 30 minuta

One of the most beautiful pies, who is a fan of spinach. The so-called whirligig pie with spinach. So soft and delicious that it’s hard to resist. With ingredients that are available to everyone, quick and simple preparation. Ideal for breakfast or dinner with a glass of yogurt, milk.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 200 ml of warm milk
- 8 g dry yeast or 30 g fresh one
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 100 ml of yogurt
- 100 ml of oil
- 500 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 50 g butter for coating (you can use fat, oil, margarine)
For the filling you need:
- 300 g of fresh spinach, (you can use greens, Swiss chard)
- 250 g of cheese
- 2 egg whites
- a little bit of salt
- 2 egg yolks for coating
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for about 30 minutes
Uskršnji Čokoladni Hleb - Easter Chocolate Chip Bread
Jednostavan i mekan ,savršen . Slatki Uskršnji hleb , ovaj recept je sa čokoladom a može biti i sa limunom , suvim grožđem… možete staviti šta god vi najviše volite. Idealan uz šolju mleka. Deca će se najviše obradovati.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 500 g brašna
- 8 g suvog kvasca ili 25 g svežeg
- 200 ml mleka
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 jaje I jedno belance
- 100 g šećera
- 50 ml ulja
- 50 g putera
- 70-80g mini čokoladni komadići
- 1 vanil šećer
- Malo ekstrata od vanile
Za premazivnje je potrebno:
- 1 žumance
- 1 kašika mleka
Peći na 160°C (320°F) 40-45 minuta

Simple and soft, perfect. Sweet Easter bread, this recipe is with chocolate chips and can also be with lemon, raisins… you can put whatever you like. Ideal with a cup of milk. Children will be the happiest for this one.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 500 g of flour
- 8 g dry yeast or 25 g fresh
- 200 ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 egg and one egg white
- 100 g of sugar
- 50 ml of oil
- 50 g of butter
- 70-80g mini semi sweet chocolate chips
- 1 vanilla sugar
- A little bit of vanilla extract
For coating is necessary:
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 spoon of milk
Bake at 160°C (320°F) for 40-45 minutes
Ramazanske Lepinje - Ramadan Buns
Tako praktične i lagane za pripremu , poznate ramazan lepinje. Sa namirnicama koje imate kod kuće dobićete prelepe i preukusne lepinje. Tako vazdušaste i mekane, jednostvno probajte napraviti i uverićete se koliko su predivne.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 500 g brašna
- 400 ml mlake vode
- 1 kašičica soli
- 8 g suvog ili 30 g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
Za premazivanje je potrebno:
- 1 ½ kašika brašna
- 50 ml vruće vode
- 1 žumance
Sve sjediniti , umutiti i premazati lepinje
Peći na 220°C (430°F) 15 minuta

So practical and easy to prepare, the famous Ramadan buns. With the ingredients you have at home, you will get beautiful and delicious buns. So airy and soft, just try to make them and you will see how wonderful they are.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 500 g of flour
- 400 ml of warm water
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 8 g dry or 30 g fresh
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
For coating you need:
- 1 ½ spoons of flour
- 50 ml of hot water
- 1 egg yolk
Combine everything and coat the buns
Bake at 220°C (430°F) for 15 minutes
Posne Mak Kocke - Fasting Poppy Cubes
Recept koji vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Tako ukusan i jednostavan za napraviti sa vrlo malo namirnica. Prilično je izdašan a najvažnije je da je preukusan. Posne mak kocke, ali tajna ovog kolača nije u maku već njegova priprema sa čajem od kamilice. Kada budete probali biće jedan od omiljenih na vašem stolu. Možete ga praviti i u obliku štrudle ako vam je tako lakše. Po meni, lepše je u obliku kocke i na štanglice. U svakom slušaju napravite.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 250 ml mlakog čaja od kamilice
- 8 g suvog ili 25 g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera za narastanje kvasca
- Prstohvat soli
- 150 ml ulja
- 10 g vanil šećera
- 3 kašike šećera
- Narendna 1 korica limuna
- 500-550 g brašna
Za fil je potrebno:
- 300 g mlevenog maka
- 250 ml vrelog čaja od kamilice
- 4 pune kašike džema od kajsija
- 3 kašike šećera
Ostaviti kolač da naraste 30 minuta
Premazati kolač mlakom vodom
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 45 minuta

A recipe that will not leave you indifferent. So delicious and easy to make with very few ingredients. It is quite generous, but the most important thing is that it is delicious. Lenten poppy cubes, secret of this cake is not in the poppy but its preparation with chamomile tea. When you try it, it will be one of the favorites on your table. You can also try it in the form of a strudel if that’s easier for you. In my opinion, it is more beautiful in the form of a cube and on bars. Anyway , make and you will be surprised.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 250 ml of warm chamomile tea
- 8 g of dry or 25 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar for yeast growth
- A pinch of salt
- 150 ml of oil
- 10 g of vanilla sugar
- 3 spoons of sugar
- 1 grated lemon peel
- 500-550 g of flour
For the filling you need:
- 300 g of ground poppy seeds
- 250 ml of hot chamomile tea
- 4 full spoons of apricot jam
- 3 spoons of sugar
Leave the cake to rise for 30 minutes
Coat the cake with warm water
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 45 minutes
Aurorin Specijalitet Komplet Ručak - Aurora's Specialty Lunch Set
Jedan od prelepih recepata a sa vrlo malo mašte i volje iznenadićete sami sebe. Jedinstveni komplet ručak na drugačiji način. Jednostavno mu ne možete odoleti a porodica će biti oduševljena. Svako ko je probao nije ostao ravnodušan a da ne pita za recept.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 500 g Brašna
- 350 ml vode
- 70 g putera
- 1 kašičica soli
Za punjenje je potrebno:
- 350 g seckane teletine
- 2 krompira
- 2 manje glavice crnog luka
- 2 paradajza
- Biber , so, začin, peršun
- Malo vode
- 1 kockica putera
Za premazivanje 1 jaje
Peći na 190°C (375°F) prvih 35 minuta zatim pokrijte folijom i pecite na 200°C (390°F) još 10 minuta.

One of the beautiful recipes and with a little imagination you will surprise yourself. A unique lunch set in a different way. You simply cannot resist it and the family will be delighted. Everyone who tried it did not remain indifferent without asking for the recipe.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 500 g Flour
- 350 ml of water
- 70 g of butter
- 1 teaspoon of salt
For filling you need:
- 350 g of chopped veal
- 2 potatoes
- 2 small onions
- 2 tomatoes
- Pepper, salt, spices, parsley
- A little bit of water
- 1 cube of butter
For coating 1 egg
Bake at 190°C (375°F) for the first 35 minutes, then cover with foil and bake at 200°C (390°F) for another 10 minutes.
Posni Kolač Sa Jabukama - Fasting Apple Cake
Iznenadićete se kada ga budete probali, sa tako malo sastojaka za kratko vreme imamo savršen kolač koji nestane za tren, moja preporuka odmah dupla mera Za ljubitelje kolača sa jabukama ovo je pravi pogodak, ne oduzima nam puno vremena u kuhinji a porodica ili prijatelji biće oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 3 seckane jabuke
- 250 ml vode
- 100 ml ulja
- 100 gr šećera
- 1 prašak za pecivo
- 3 kašike džema od kajsija ili po zelji
- 200 gr brašna
- 3 kašike kakao Praha
Potreban je kalup 23 cm
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 35 minuta

You will be surprised when you try it, with so few ingredients in a short time we have a perfect cake that disappears in an moment, my recommendation immediately double measure. For apple cake lovers this is a real hit, it doesn’t take much time in the kitchen and family or friends will be delighted .
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 3 chopped apples
- 250 ml of water
- 100 ml of oil
- 100 g of sugar
- 1 baking powder (14 g)
- 3 spoons of apricot jam or as desired
- 200 g of flour
- 3 spoons of cocoa powder
A 23 cm mold is required
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 35 minutes
Posna Pita Na Vodi - Fasting Pie
Evo jednog predloga za jedan predivan posni recept, pita na vodi. Sa samo par namirnica dobićete preukusnu pitu. Tako sočna , idealna za doručak ili večeru. Svi će vam tražiti parče više kada budu probali. Na jedan lak i jednostavan način imaćete predivan obrok.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 2 praziluka
- 400 g šampinjona ili pečurki po želji
Prodinstati na malo vode
- 200 ml kuvanog paradajza
- 1 kašičica bibera
- 1 kašičica začina
- 1 kašičica soli , peršuna
- 500 g kora za pite i baklave
Premazati sokom od paradajza
Peći na 200°C(392°F) 15-20 minuta, čim dobiju zlatno žutu boju prekriti foliom i peći još 20 minuta

Here is a suggestion for a beautiful fasting recipe, pie on water. With just a couple of groceries you will get a delicious pie. So juicy, ideal for breakfast or dinner. Everyone will ask you for a piece more when they tried. On one easy and simple way you will have a beautiful meal.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora … 💖💖
- 2 peace of leek
- 400 g of mushrooms as desired
Stew on some water
- 200 ml of tomato pasta
- 1 teaspoon of pepper
- 1 teaspoon spice
- 1 teaspoon of salt, parsley
- 500 g of filo pastry sheets
Coat with tomato juice
Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) 15-20 minutes, as soon as they get a golden yellow color cover with foil and bake another 20 minutes
Posno! Kokosovi Čupavci na vodi - Lenten coconut Lamingtons
Idealna poslastica u vreme posnih dana. Kokosovi čupavci na vodi. Tako mekani i sočni da će svi biti oduševljeni ukusom. Brza, jednostavna i laka priprema. Sa namirnicama koje imate kod kuće dobićete predivan kolač bez mleka, jaja, ulja i margarina.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za biskvit je potrebno:
- 250 g brašna
- 50 g griza
- 14 g praška za pecivo(1 kesica)
- 130 g šećera
- 9 g vanil šećera (1kesica)
- 300 ml vode
- 1 kašičica sirća
Za preliv je potrebno:
- 200 ml vode
- 40 g kakao preha ili 1 puna kašika turske mlevene kafe
- 130 g šećera
Umakati u kokosovom brašnu
Peći na 200°C (392°F) 20 minuta

An ideal delicacy during fasting Lenten days. Coconut tufts(Lamingtons) on the water. So soft and juicy that everyone will be delighted with the taste. Quick, simple and easy preparation. With the ingredients you have at home, you will get a wonderful cake without milk, eggs, oil and margarine.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the biscuit you need:
- 250 g of flour
- 50 g semolina
- 14 g baking powder (1 bag)
- 130 g of sugar
- 9 g of vanilla sugar (1 bag)
- 300 ml of water
- 1 teaspoon of vinegar
For dressing you need:
- 200 ml of water
- 40 g of cocoa powder or 1 full spoon of ground Turkish coffee
- 130 g of sugar
Dip in shredded coconut
Bake at 200°C (392°F) for 20 minutes
Noćne Gužvarice - Mini strudel
Pripremite danas kada imate vremena, a ispecite i servirajte sutradan . Idealna poslastica za iznenadne goste , dok vi popijete kaficu mini štrudlice sa makom ili orasima su ispečene. Svi će biti oduševljeni predivnim ukusom i prelepim izgledom a zasigurno će vas pitati za recept.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 300 ml mlakog mleka
- 8 g suvog kvasca ili 25 g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100 g putera
- 2 žumaanca
- 100 g kristal šećera
- Pola narendane limunove korice
- 550-600 g brašna
- Prstohvat soli
Za fil je potrebno:
- Po receptu ide 300 g mlevenog maka(može i lešnici, orasi…)
- Ja sam utrošila 600 g maka jer moja porodicaa tako voli
- 2 belanca
- 130 g prah šećera
- 10 g vanil šećera
- 50 ml vrelog mleka
- Malo narendane korice limuna
Za premazivanje je potrebno 2 žumanca i malo putera
Peći na 200°C (390°F) prvih 15 minuta zatim smanjiti na 180°C(360°F) i peći još 30 minuta

Prepare today when you have time, and bake and serve the next day. An ideal cookies for unexpected guests, mini strudels with poppy seeds or walnuts are baked while you drink your coffee with guests. Everyone will be delighted with the wonderful taste and beautiful appearance, and they will surely ask you for the recipe.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 300 ml of warm milk
- 8 g dry yeast or 25 g fresh
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 100 g of butter
- 2 egg yolks
- 100 g of sugar
- Half a grated lemon zest
- 550-600 g of flour
- Pinch of salt
For the filling you need:
- according to the recipe goes 300 g of ground poppy seeds (can be used and hazelnuts, walnuts…)
- I used 600 g of poppy because my family likes it that way
- 2 egg whites
- 130 g of icing sugar
- 10 g of vanilla sugar
- 50 ml of hot milk
- A little grated lemon zest
You need 2 egg yolks and a little butter for the coating
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for the first 15 minutes then reduce to 180°C (360°F) and bake for another 30 minutes
Domaći Ražani Hleb na drugačiji način - Homemade rye bread in a different way
Domaći ražani hleb u kalupu za mafine. Bez čekanja , mešenja i narastanja. 5 do 10 minuta pripreme a dobićete zdrav i prelep hleb. Tako lagana priprema a ukućani će biti oduševljeni predivnim ukusom.
Topla preporuka vaše Aaurore…💖💖
- 8 g suvog kvasca (razmutiti u 150 ml mlake vode).
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 400 g ražanog brašna
- 100 g belog pšeničnog brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
- 2 kašike maslinovog ulja ( može i običnog ulja)
- 600 ml mlake vode
- 1 šaku bundevinog semena
- 1 šaku susama ili suncokreta
Za posipanje: ovsene pahulje
Peći na 200°C (390°F) oko 30 minuta

Homemade rye bread in a muffin mold. Without waiting, mixing and growth. 5 to 10 minutes of preparation and you will get healthy and beautiful bread. Such an easy preparation and the household will be delighted with the wonderful taste.
Highly recommended by your Aaurora…💖💖
- 8 g of dry yeast (stir in 150 ml of warm water).
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 400 g of rye flour
- 100 g of white wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 spoons of olive oil (regular oil can also be used)
- 600 ml of warm water
- 1 handful of pumpkin seeds
- 1 handful of sesame or sunflower seeds
For sprinkling: oatmeal
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for about 30 minutes
Vikend domaća pita sa sirom - Weekend homemade pie with cheese
Takozvana vikend pita , tako mekana I pufnasta. Jednostavna I brza priprema . Pogodna je za doručak ili večeru. Domaća a tako prelepa, ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni a tražiće parče više.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 750 g brašna
- 8 g suvog ili 25-30 g svežeg kvasca
- 400 ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kašičica soli
- 100 ml ulja
- 2 belanca
- 2 pune kašike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
Za fill je potrebno:
- 450 g ricotta sira
125 g putera za premazivanje
2 žumanca za premazivanje
Peći na 220°C (430°F) 15 minuta dok porumeni a zatim smanjiti na 200°C(390°F) I peći još15 minuta

The so-called weekend pie, so soft and puffy. Simple and quick preparation. It is suitable for breakfast or dinner. Homemade and so beautiful, the housemates will be more than delighted and will ask for a piece more.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 750 g of flour
- 8 g of dry or 25-30 g of fresh yeast
- 400 ml of warm milk
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 100 ml of oil
- 2 egg whites
- 2 full spoons of sour cream or sour milk
For filling , you need:
- 450 g of ricotta cheese
125 g butter for spreading
2 egg yolks for coating
Bake at 220°C (430°F) for 15 minutes until golden brown then reduce to 200°C (390°F) and bake for another 15 minutes
Vikend Brzi Domaći Kroasani - Weekend Quick Homemade Croissants
Nešto što svi vole i obožavaju a lepše nego iz pekare , domaći lisnati i tako hrskavi kroasani sa sirom i kremom, bez čekanja i narastanja testa idealne za mame koje baš nemaju puno vremena..Domaći brzi vikend kroasani. Nema ko ih bar jednom nije probao a u ovoj domaćoj varijanti su tako neodoljivi. Slojeviti i tako hrskavi idealni su za doručak ili večeru a klinci im se najviše obraduju. Jednostavno mogu biti u bilo kojoj varijanti , ko ih kako voli da li sa džemom , kremom, sirom a mogu biti i prazne.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 750 g brašna
- 250 ml mlake vode
- 250 ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog ili 30 g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 100 ml ulja
Za fil je potrebno:
- 200-300 g sira
- 2 jaja
1 celo jaje i 1 žumance za premazivanje
Susam za posipanje
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 25-30 minuta

Something that everyone loves and adores and more beautiful than from the bakery, homemade puffy and so crispy croissants with cheese and cream, without waiting and the rise of the dough, ideal for moms who don’t have a lot of time.. Homemade quick weekend croissants. There is no one who has not tried them at least once, and in this homemade version they are so irresistible. Layered and so crunchy, they are ideal for breakfast or dinner, and the kids enjoy them the most. They can simply be in any variety, who likes them, whether with jam, cream, cheese, and they can be empty.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 750 g of flour
- 250 ml of warm water
- 250 ml of warm milk
- 1 bag (8g) of dry or 30 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 100 ml of oil
For the filling you need:
- 200-300 g of cheese
- 2 eggs
1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk for coating
Sesame seeds for sprinkling
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 25-30 minutes
Izmišljeni Kolač - Imaginary Cake
Idealan za sve prilike a tako ukusan i kremast. Takozvani izmišljeni kolač kome je teško odoleti. Jednostavna priprema. Ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni a prijatelji će vam sigurno tražiti recept. Tajna izmišljenog kolača je nestrpljivost jer mu je teško odoleti a ne probati ga pre njegove finalne izrade, prosto mami i pleni svojim izgledom i ukusom.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za patišpanj je potrebno:
- 5 jaja
- 5 kašika šećera
- 5 kašika brašna
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
- 1 kašika ulja
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 10-150 minuta
Za fil je potrebno:
- 4 jaja
- 200 gr. Šećera
- 80 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 250 g putera
- 4-5 kašika mlevenog keksa
- 4-5 kašika mlevenih oraha
Potrebna su dva manja lista oblande
Fil kuvati na pari ( može a i nemora)
Fil podeliti na 3 jednaka dela i premazivati kore.
U prvi deo fila dodati 4-5 kašika mlevenog keksa
U drugi deo fila dodati 4-5 kšika mlevenih oraha
Treći deo fila ostaviti kakav jeste ne dodavati ništa
Redosled premazivanja:
- List oblande
- Fil bez orha i keksa
- Patišpanj( kora)
- Fil sa orasima
- Patišpanj (kora)
- Fil sa keksom
- List oblaande
- Fil od čokolade
- Posuti mlevenim orasima
Kolač pritisnuti ( sa nekim težim predmetom), ostaviti u frižideru da prenoći , seći i služiti sutradan.

Ideal for all occasions and so delicious and creamy. The so-called fictional cake that is hard to resist. Simple preparation. The housemates will be more than delighted and friends will surely ask you for the recipe. The secret of a fictional cake is impatience because it is hard to resist and not try it before its final creation, it simply entices and captivates with its appearance and taste.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the spongecake you need:
- 5 eggs
- 5 spoons of sugar
- 5 tablespoons of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 1 tablespoon of oil
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 10-150 minutes
For the filling you need:
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. Sugar
- 80 g of cooking chocolate
- 250 g of butter
- 4-5 tablespoons of ground biscuits
- 4-5 spoons of ground walnuts
Two smaller wafer sheets are needed
Make the filling on steam (you can do it on steam or may not)
Divide the filling into 3 equal parts and coat the crusts.
Add 4-5 spoons of ground biscuits to the first part of the filling
Add 4-5 tablespoons of ground walnuts to the second part of the filling
Leave the third part of the filling as it is, do not add anything
Coating order:
- Wafer sheet
- Filling without walnuts and biscuits
- Spongecake (crust)
- Filling with walnuts
- Spongecake (crust)
- Biscuit filling
- Sheet wafer
- Chocolate filling
- Sprinkle with ground nuts
Press the cake (with a heavier object), leave it in the fridge overnight, cut it and serve it the next day.
Aurorina Božićna Pogača - Aurora's Christmas Bread(Pogacha)
Tako dekorativna i mekana Aurorina Božićna pogača . Lagana i brza priprema ne oduzimajući puno vremena napravićete jednu predivnu pogaču. Može se praviti za sve svečane prilike i ukrasiće vašu trpezu. Ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 900 g brašna ( + 50 g brašna za razmešivanje)
- 8 g suvog ili 30 g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 celo jaje i 2 belanca
- 1 kašika sirća
- 400 ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kašičica soli
- 3 kašike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
- 5 kašika ulja
2 žumanceta za premazivanje
100 g putera za premazivanje
Posuti susamom i semenkama po želji
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 40-45 minuta

Aurora’s Christmas bread (pogacha) is so decorative and soft. Easy and quick preparation, without taking much time, you will make a wonderful pogacha. It can be made for all festive occasions and will decorate your table. The housemates will be more than delighted.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 900 g of flour (+ 50 g of flour for table kneading)
- 8 g of dry or 30 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar
- 400 ml of warm milk
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 3 tablespoons of sour cream or sour milk
- 5 tablespoons of oil
2 egg yolks for coating
100 g butter for spreading
Sprinkle with sesame and seeds as desired
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 40-45 minutes
Sunce Pogača - Sun Golden Pogacha
Sunce zlatna pogača koja će obasjati vaše svečane praznike. Veoma dekorativna , brza i lagana priprema. Jednostavno svi će vas pitati za recept ove svečane pogače. Uz samo malo truda i volje napravićete predivnu pogaču. Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 500 g brašna
- 60 ml ulja
- 70 ml jogurta ili 2 kašike pavlake
- 250 ml mleka
- 1 jaje
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 25g svežeg
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100 g putera za premazivanje
- 1 žumance za premazivanje pogače
- Posuti susamom
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 40-45 minuta

The sun golden pogacha that will light up your festive holidays. Very decorative, quick and easy preparation. Everyone will simply ask you for the recipe for this festive pogacha. With just a little effort and will, you will make a wonderful pogacha. A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 500 g of flour
- 60 ml of oil
- 70 ml of yogurt or 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- 250 ml of milk
- 1 egg
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 25g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 100 g butter for spreading
- 1 egg yolk for coating
- Sprinkle with sesame seeds
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 40-45 minutes
Svečana Pogača za sve prilike - Festive Pogacha for all occasions
Svečana pogača za sve prilike, a priprema joj je tako jednostavna i lagana. Tako mekana i vazdušasta. Uz malo mašte i strpljenja napravićete jednu predivnu pogaču, a jedna od vrlina u pripremanju testa je strpljenje. Takođe je bitno vreme, i ljubav prema testu i napravićete sve što poželite. Sa ovom pogačom ćete biti više nego oduševljeni a ukućani će tražiti da je napravite i sutradan .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 800 g brašna
- 400-450 ml mlakog mleka
- 2 jaja
- 8 g suvog kvasca ili 25-30 g svežeg
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 5 kašika ulja
- 1 kašika sirća( Ja sam koristila jabukovo) može bilo koje
- 3 kašike pavlake
50 g putera za premazivanje
1 jaje za premazivanje
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 45 minuta

A festive cake(pogacha) for all occasions, and its preparation is so simple and easy. So soft and airy. With a little imagination and patience, you will make a wonderful festive bread cake(pogacha), and one of the virtues in preparing the dough is patience. Time is also important, and love for the dough and you will make anything you want. You will be more than delighted with this bread cake(pogacha), and your family will be asking you to make it the next day as well.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 800 g of flour
- 400-450 ml of warm milk
- 2 eggs
- 8 g of dry yeast or 25-30 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 5 tablespoons of oil
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar(I used apple one) any one can be used
- 3 spoons of cream
50 g butter for spreading
1 egg for coating
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 45 minutes
Posne Štanglice - Fasting Bars
Domaći posni kolač , sa ručno razvijenim koricama. Sa dodatkom džema od kajsija korice su tako meke i fleksibilne. Kolač za sva vremena koji se može raditi i u posnoj a i u masnoj varijanti. Pogodan je za sve vrste slavlja a teško mu je odoleti . Svi će biti oduševljeni i tražiće vam recept za ovaj jedinstveni kolač. Napravite ovaj predivni kolač a ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za kore je potrebno:
- 16 kašika vode
- 200 ml ulja
- 200 g džema od kajsija
- 100 g šećera
- 550-600 g brašna
- 1 kašičica sode bikrbone
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
Korice peći na 180°C (360°F) 5 minuta
Za fil je potrebno:
- 600 ml vode
- 300 g šećera
- 250 g posnog margarina
- 250 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 300 g posnog mlevenog keksa
- 200 g mlevenih oraha
Kolač posuti mlevenim orasima

Homemade fasting cake, with a hand-made crust. With the addition of apricot jam, the crust is so soft and flexible. A cake for all times that can be made both in a fasting and a fat version. It is suitable for all kinds of celebrations and it is hard to resist. Everyone will be delighted and ask you for the recipe for this unique cake. Make this wonderful cake and your family will be more than delighted.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For crusts you need:
- 16 tablespoons of water
- 200 ml of oil
- 200 g of apricot jam
- 100 g of sugar
- 550-600 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
Crusts bake at 180°C (360°F) for 5 minutes
For the filling you need:
- 600 ml of water
- 300 g of sugar
- 250 g of lean margarine
- 250 g of cooking chocolate
- 300 g of lean ground biscuit
- 200 g of ground walnuts
Sprinkle the cake with ground walnuts
Pravi Domaći Sir - Real Homemade Cheese
Jedinstveni ukus domaćeg sira, na vrlo jednostavan i lak način napravite sami kod kuće. Tako su naše bake nekada pravile domaći sir . Pravi punomasni sir od nekuvanog pasterizovanog mleka. U većini slučajeva mleko se skuva da bi se kajmak pomerio ali tada sir više nije punomasan i menja ukus. Jednostavan recept sa samo 2 sastojka. Napravite na ovaj način a ukućani će biti oduševljeni .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 7½ L mleka
- 2 kašike sirila (maje)
- So
- U pripremi sve mora biti čisto i sterilno!!

You can make the unique taste of homemade cheese at home in a very simple and easy way. This is how our grandmothers used to make homemade cheese. He makes full-fat cheese from uncooked pasteurized milk. In most cases, the milk is boiled to move the cream, but then the cheese is no longer full-fat and the taste changes. A simple recipe with only 2 ingredients. Make it this way and the housemates will be delighted.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 7 ½ L of milk
- 2 tablespoons of rennet
- salt
- In preparation , everything must be clean and sterile!!
Hrskave Rolnice sa Ajvarom i Sirom - Crispy Rolls with Ajvar and Cheese
Brzo i lako a sasvim nešto drugačije. Rolnice sa sirom i ajvarom a obložene prezlama. Tako hrskave a preukusne. Ne iziskujući puno vremena u pripremi idealne su za doručak ili večeru uz čašu jogurta ili mleka. Vaši ukućani će biti oduševljeni ovim receptom a sigurno će tražiti rolnicu više.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 8 lista gotovih kora
Za premazivanje je potrebno:
- 100 ml vode
- 100 ml ulja
Za fil je potrebno:
- 400 g sira (može i manja količina)
- 1 jaje
- Po potrebi so ako je sir neslan
- 8-10 punih kašika ajvara
100 g prezli za valjanje rolnica
Peći na 200 °C (400 °F) 20-25 minuta
Rolnice služiti tople uz čašu jogurta ili mleka

Quick and easy and something completely different. Rolls with cheese and ajvar covered with breadcrumbs. So crunchy and delicious. Not requiring a lot of preparation time, they are ideal for breakfast or dinner with a glass of yogurt or milk. Your family members will be delighted with this recipe and will surely ask for more rolls.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 8 sheets of filo pastry
For coating you need:
- 100 ml of water
- 100 ml of oil
For the filling you need:
- 400 g of cheese (maybe a smaller amount)
- 1 egg
- If necessary, salt if the cheese is unsalted
- 8-10 full spoons of ajvar
100 g breadcrumbs for rolling rolls
Bake at 200 °C (400 °F) for 20-25 minutes
Serve the rolls warm with a glass of yogurt or milk
Jedinstvena Baklava - Unique Baklava
Jedinstvena poslastica koju svi obožavavaju, prava poslastičarska. U izvornoj pripremi pravi se od testa gde se kore razvlače tanko. Prava domaća BAKLAVA . Pravi poznavaoci znaju da je najbolja sa maslacem ili uljem. Baklava krije mnogo tajni u svojoj pripremi. Jedna od njih je i da se mora prelivati sirupom i do 3-4 puta. Baklava i sirup moraju biti različitih temperatura, a tajna je u tome da baklava mora biti hladna a sirup vruć. Kada se prelije ostavlja se da se ohladi i sirup koji nije upila ocediti i ponovo zagrejati i preliti baklavu.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 500 g tankih gotovih kora
- 125 g posnog putera ili margarina
- 50 ml ulja
- 350 g mlevenih oraha
Možete dodati po svom ukusu i mleveni keks, pistaće, suvo grožđe…
Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 25 minuta
Za sirup je potrebno:
- 450 g šećera
- 750 ml vode
- 3-4 koluta limuna
Preliti vrućim sirupom hladnu baklavu!

A unique delicacy that everyone adores . In the original preparation, it is made from dough where the crusts are stretched thinly. Real homemade BAKLAVA. True specialist know that it is best with butter or oil. Baklava hides many secrets in its preparation. One of them is that it must be poured with syrup up to 3-4 times. Baklava and syrup must be at different temperatures, and the secret is that the baklava must be cold and the syrup hot. When it is poured, it is left to cool and the syrup that has not been absorbed is drained and reheated and poured over the baklava.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 500 g of thin filo pastry
- 125 g of fasting butter or margarine
- 50 ml of oil
- 350 g of ground walnuts
You can also add ground biscuits, pistachios, raisins…
Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 25 minutes
For the syrup you need:
- 450 g of sugar
- 750 ml of water
- 3-4 slices of lemon
Pour the hot syrup over the cold baklava!
Posne Štanglice Sa suvim Kajsijama - Fasting bars with Apricot
Prelepe posne štanglice sa suvim kajsijama i orasima. Jedinstvene domaće korice koje se tope u ustima , starinska poslastica koja podstiče sva čula i vraća vas u prošla vremena kako smo se sladili nekada. Brza i jednostavna priprema , kolač koji će biti često biti na vašem stolu.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za kore je potrebno:
- 200 ml mlake mineralne gazirane vode vode
- 200 ml ulja
- 3 kašike šećeraa
- 450 – 500 g brašna
- 1 kašičica sode bikarbone
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
Za fil je potrebno:
- 200 vode
- 200 g šećera
- 125 g posnog putera ili margarina
- 350 g suvih mlevenih kajsija
- 350 g mlevenih oraha ( može i 150 g posnog keksa i 150 g mlevenih oraha)
- 2 kašike džema od kajsija
Za premazivanje korica je potrebno 2-3 kašike mlake vode ili sok od pomorandže
Kore peći 180 °C (360 °F) 7-8 minuta

Beautiful fasting bars with dry apricots and nuts. Unique homemade crusts that melt in the mouth, an antique sweet that encourages all the senses and returns you to past times as we use to it once a time. Fast and easy preparation, the cake that will be often on your table.
The warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
For the crusts :
- 200 ml of warm carbonated water
- 200 ml of oil
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 450 – 500 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1 teaspoon of pastry powder
For the filling :
- 200 water
- 200g of sugar
- 125 g of fasting butter or margarine
- 350 g of dry ground apricots
- 350 g of ground walnuts (150 g of fasting biscuits and 150 g of ground walnuts)
- 2 tablespoons of apricot jam
It takes 2-3 tablespoons of warm water or orange juice to coat the crusts
Crusts bake at 180 ° C (360 ° F) 7-8 minutes
Posna Lisnata Pita Sa Pečurkama - Fasting Mushroom Pie
Posna lisnata pita sa pečurkama i prazilukom a jednostavno se lista kao knjiga.. Tako lisnata i hrskava da joj niko ne može odoleti. Uz samo malo volje i strpljenja napravićete jednu savršenu pitu a vaši ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni. Sa ne puno namirnica dobićete preukusan doručak ili večeru. Jednostavno idealna da se može praviti u bilo kojoj varijanti kako posnoj tako i u mrsnoj. Njena fleksibilnost vam dozvoljava da je možete praviti i puniti po vašoj želji.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 450 g braašna
- 350 ml mlake vode
- 1 kašičica soli
- 2 kašike ulja
Za fil je potrebno:
- 2 praziluka
- 400 g svežih pečuraka
- Malo soli , bibera , začina ( po ukusu)
Za premazivanje kora je potrebno otprilike 100 ml ulja

Fasting flaky pie with mushrooms and leeks and it simply flips like a book… So flaky and crispy that no one can resist it. With just a little willpower and patience, you will make a perfect pie and your household will be more than delighted. With not many ingredients, you will get a delicious breakfast or dinner. It is simply ideal that it can be made in any variant, both fasting and fatty. Its flexibility allows you to make and fill it as you wish.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 450 g of flour
- 350 ml of warm water
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 tablespoons of oil
For the filling you need:
- 2 leeks
- 400 g of fresh mushrooms
- A little salt, pepper, spices (as you like)
Approximately 100 ml of oil is needed to coat the crusts
Domaća Štrudla Sa Jabukama - Homemade Apple Strudel
Štrudla od jabuka zasigurno je jedan od recepata koji mirišu na detinjstvo. Tako brz i jednostavan recept sa par namirnica. Tako mekana i ukusna.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
- 500 g brašna
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kesica (14g) suvog kvasca ili 20 g svežeg
- 1 jaje
- 1 žumance
- 100 g putera
- 200 ml mlakog mleka
Za fil je potrebno:
- 1 kg jabuka ( izrendati jabuke)
- 4 kašike griza
- 1 kesica vanil šećera (9g)
2-3 kašike mlevenih oraha (posuti po rendanim jabukama) po želji
Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 40 minuta

Apple strudel is certainly one of the recipes that smell like childhood. Such a quick and easy recipe with just a few ingredients. So soft and delicious.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
- 500 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 bag (14g) of dry yeast or 20 g of fresh yeast
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 100 g of butter
- 200 ml of warm milk
For the filling you need:
- 1 kg of apples (grated apples)
- 4 spoons of semolina
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar (9g)
2-3 spoons of ground walnuts (sprinkled over grated apples) as desired
Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 40 minutes
Posna Kuglof Pogača - Fasting Kugloff Bread
Recept koji će vam pomoći kada ste u nedoumici šta bi ste napravili u posnim danima. Kuglof posna pogača sa spanaćem. Na jedan od tradicionalnih načina brza i laka priprema sa vrlo malo namirnica. Pogača je idealna za posne dane a i može se koristiti i u dijetalnom programu. Jako je bogata vitaminima , lanenim i bundevinim semenkama. Bogata visoko kvalitetnim proteinima lanenog semena kao i bundevinog semena koje sadrže proteine, vitamine i minerale.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 500 g spanaća (sitno isecknog)
- 1 kašičica soli
- 5 kašika griza
- 150 ml mineralne gazirane vode
- 150 ml ulja
- 7 kašika brašna ( postepeno dodavati)
- 1 kesica praška za pecivo(14g)
- Biber po ukusu
- ½ kašičice ljute tucane paprike
- ½ kašičice crvene mlevene slatke paprika
- 1 šaka bundevinog semena
- 1 šaka lanenog semena
- 1 šaka susama
Ostaviti 15 minuta da odstoji pa peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 40 minuta
Ja sam koristila kuglof kalup a može se peći i u tepsiji.
Podmazati kalup uljem i malo brašna

A recipe that will help you when you are in doubt about what to make on fasting days. Kugloff fasting bread with spinach. In one of the traditional ways, quick and easy preparation with very few ingredients. The cake is ideal for fast days and can be used in a diet program. It is very rich in vitamins, flax and pumpkin seeds. Rich in high-quality flax seed proteins as well as pumpkin seeds, which contain proteins, vitamins and minerals.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 500 g of spinach (finely chopped)
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 5 spoons of semolina
- 150 ml of mineral carbonated water
- 150 ml of oil
- 7 spoons of flour (add gradually)
- 1 bag of baking powder (14g)
- Pepper as your taste
- ½ teaspoon of hot pepper
- ½ teaspoon red ground sweet paprika
- 1 handful of pumpkin seeds
- 1 handful of flax seeds
- 1 handful of sesame seeds
Leave to stand for 15 minutes and bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 40 minutes
I used a kugloff mold and it can be baked in a pan as well
Grease the mold with oil and a little flour
Zamesi ,zamrzni a peci kada ti je potrebno - Meat pie on the go
Danas jedan prelep recept a pre svega jako koristan za sve nas koji nemamo baš uvek vremena da zamesimo nešto domace,ukusno, pa evo ideje za predivan recept koji ce nam poslužiti u vreme kada nam dodju gosti ili za predstojeće praznike. Zamesi, zamrzni i ispeci..Nadam se da će vam se dopasti, pišite mi u komentarima, podelite recept sa vašim prijateljima.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 300 ml mlake vode
- 700 -750 gr brašna
- 1 kašičica suvog kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 2 belanca
- 3 kašike ulja
- 2 kašike kiselog mleka
- 3 kašike otopljenog putera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 600 gr mlevenog junećeg mesa
- 1 glavica crnog luka
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašičica začina
- 1 kašičica bibera
- 1 kašičica crvene slatke paprike
- Peršun

Today a beautiful recipe and above all very useful for all of us who don’t always have time to make something homemade, delicious, so here is an idea for a wonderful recipe that will serve us when we have guests or for the upcoming holidays. Knead, freeze and bake.. I hope you like it, write me in the comments, share the recipe with your friends.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 300 ml of warm water
- 700-750 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 2 egg whites
- 3 tablespoons of oil
- 2 spoons of sour cream
- 3 tablespoons of melted butter
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 600 g of ground beef
- 1 head of onion
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of spices
- 1 teaspoon of pepper
- 1 teaspoon of red sweet pepper
- parsley
Starinski kolač Noć I Dan - Old fashioned cake Day and Night
Kolač za koji se uvek traži recept –Dan I Noć. Dekorativan i tako lep, a tek prefinjeni ukus i spoj fila od oraha i čokolade prava je poslastica za sve sladokusce. Idealan je za proslave jer može stojati nekoliko dana a da ne izgubi na svežini. Starinski kolač naših baka koji se brzo priprema a još brže pojede. Sa ne tako puno sastojaka koje većinom imate kod kuće napravićete dekorativan i preukusan kolač.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za koru (biskvit ) je potrebno:
- 200 g putera
- 100 g Kristal šećera
- 5 jaja ( odvojiti belanca od žumanaca)
- 15 kašika brašna (300 g )
- 100 ml mleka
- Podeliti smesu na 2 dela , u jedan deo dodati 2 kašike kakao Praha
- Ispeći 2 kore (biskvit) svetlu i tamnu
- Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 15 minuta
- Dimenzija pleha je 30x20cm
Za fil je potrebno:
- 200 g putera
- 140 g Kristal šećera
- 200 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 150 ml mleka
- 100 g mlevenih oraha
- 50 g mlevenih badema
Možete staviti samo 150 g mlevenih oraha
Posipati kolač mlevenim orasima

The cake for which the recipe is always requested – Day and Night. Decorative and so beautiful, and the newly refined taste and combination of walnut and chocolate filling is a real treat for all gourmets. It is ideal for all kind of parties because it can stand for several days without losing its freshness. An old-fashioned cake of our grandmothers that is quick to prepare and even quicker to eat. With not so many ingredients that you usually have at home, you will make a decorative and delicious cake.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the crust (biscuit) you need:
- 200 g of butter
- 100 g Crystal sugar
- 5 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks)
- 15 tablespoons of flour (300 g)
- 100 ml of milk
- Divide the mixture into 2 parts, add 2 spoons of cocoa to one part
- Bake 2 crusts (biscuits), light and dark
- Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 15 minutes
- The size of the baking tray is 30x20cm
For the filling you need:
- 200 g of butter
- 140 g Crystal sugar
- 200 g of cooking chocolate
- 150 ml of milk
- 100 g of ground walnuts
- 50 g of ground almonds
You can put only 150 g of ground walnuts
Sprinkle the cake with ground nuts
Dvobojne Šarene Oblande - Two-tone Colorful Wafers
Jednostavan recept za najlepše dvobojne šarene oblande. Pogodne za sve vrste proslava, a najmlađi ukućani će se najviše obradovti. Veoma brza i lagana priprema bez oduzimanja puno vremena.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 250 ml mleka
- 200 g kristal šećera
- 300 g mlevenog keksa
- 300 g mlevenih oraha
- 250 g putera
- 1 kesica (9g) vanil šećera
- 100 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 1 pakovanje oblandi ( dimenzije 23×30 cm)
Smesu podeliti na 2 dela , u prvi deo dodati vanil šećer a u drugi deo dodati 100 g otopljene čokolade za kuvanje.
Ostaviti preko noći u frižideru,

A simple recipe for the most beautiful two-tone colorful wafers. Suitable for all kinds of celebrations, and the youngest members of the household will be the happiest. Very quick and easy preparation without taking much time.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 250 ml of milk
- 200 g of crystal sugar
- 300 g of ground biscuits
- 300 g of ground walnuts
- 250 g of butter
- 1 bag (9g) of vanilla sugar
- 100 g of cooking chocolate
- 1 pack of wafers (dimensions 23×30 cm)
Divide the mixture into 2 parts, add vanilla sugar to the first part and add 100 g of melted cooking chocolate to the second part.
Leave overnight in the fridge,
Rol pitice sa mlevenim mesom - Roll meat pies
Kada ste u nedostatku sa vremenom evo jednog brzog i jednostavnog recepta. Rol pitice od gotovih kora sa mlevenim mesom i taranom. Tako ukusne i hrskave da će vaši ukućani biti oduševljeni.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
1 pakovanje tankih gotovih kora za pitu
Za fil je potrebno:
- 500 g mlevene teletine (može i junetina)
- 3 manje glavice crnog luka
- 1 veću papriku iz tegle
- 100 g tarane
- 50 ml ulja
- 1 kašičica aleve paprike
- 1 kašičica začina(vegete)
- Malo soli, bibera
- 1 jaje
Premazati mešavinom malo mleka i ulja
Peći na 200 °C (390 °F) 30-35 minuta

When you are short on time here is a quick and easy recipe. Roll of pies made from filo pastry with lean ground veal meat and tarana. So tasty and crispy that your household will be delighted.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
1 package of filo pastry
For the filling you need:
- 500 g of lean ground veal (can also be beef)
- 3 small onions
- 1 large pickled red pepper
- 100 g of tarana
- 50 ml of oil
- 1 teaspoon of dry red paprika
- 1 teaspoon of spices (vegeta)
- A little salt and pepper
- 1 egg
Coat with a mixture of a little milk and oil
Bake at 200 °C (390 °F) for 30-35 minutes
Mini lisnate pitice od domaćih kora - Mini homemade pies
Predivne lisnate mini pitice od domaćih sukanih kora. Punjene spanaćem i sirom a ukus koji ostavlja bez reči. Lagana priprema sa vrlo malo sastojaka. Veoma praktične za poneti a vaši će gosti biti oduševljeni i tražiće komad više . Idealne za dorućak ili većeru. Nemojte zaobići ovaj predivan recept, probajte i vi.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 250 ml mlakog mleka
- 250 ml mlake vode
- 1 kašika suvog kvasca ili 15-20g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašika sirća (može bilo koje)
- 1 kašičica soli
- 650-700g brašna
- 400 g spanaća
- 300 g sira
Za premazivanje je potrebno 150 g putera i 50 ml ulja

Beautiful leafy mini pies made from homemade twisted crusts. Stuffed with spinach and cheese and a taste that leaves you speechless. Easy preparation with very few ingredients. Very practical to take away and your guests will be delighted and ask for more. Ideal for breakfast or dinner. Do not miss this wonderful recipe, try it yourself.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 250 ml of warm milk
- 250 ml of warm water
- 1 spoon of dry yeast or 15-20g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar (can be any)
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 650-700g of flour
- 400 g of spinach
- 300 g of cheese
For coating, you need 150 g of butter and 50 ml of oil
Rafaelo Kuglice - Raffaello sweet tradition
Tako slatke I neodoljive . Sastojci za ovaj recept su prilično jednostavni i lako ih je pronaći. Recept Raffaello je jedinstvena, harmonična mešavina pažljivo odabranih sastojaka: finih kokosovih pahuljica i celog lešnika. Poslastica za sva čula. Rafaelo je jednostavno, čisto zadovoljstvo i više je od hiljadu reči.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 150 ml vode
- 200 g kristal šećera
- 100 g putera
- 100 g kokosa
- 200 g mleka u prahu
- Celi lešnici
Kokos za valjanje kuglica

So sweet and irresistible. The ingredients for this recipe are quite simple and easy to find. The Raffaello recipe is a unique, harmonious blend of carefully selected ingredients: fine coconut flakes and whole hazelnuts. A treat for all the senses. Raffaello is simply, pure pleasure and worth more than a thousand words.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 150 ml of water
- 200 g of crystal sugar
- 100 g of butter
- 100 g of coconut
- 200 g of skim milk powder
- Whole hazelnuts
Coconut for rolling the balls
Praznična puter pogača - Holiday buttery pogacha
Dekorativna praznična puter pogača. Sa malo truda i mašte ukrasićete svoju prazničnu večeru ili veselje. Tako mekana i ukusna da joj retko ko može odoleti. Na vrlo lagan i jednostavan način do perfektne i preukusne pogače.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 650 g brašna
- 250 ml mlakog mleka
- 100 ml jogurta
- 100 ml ulja
- 2 cela jaja i 1 belance
- 1 kesica(8g) suvog kvasca ili 25g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašićica soli
- 100 g putera za premazivanje
Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 40-45 minuta
Posuti susamom

Decorative homemade holiday butter pogacha. With a little effort and imagination, you will decorate your festive dinner or party. So soft and delicious that hardly anyone can resist it. In a very easy and simple way to a perfect and delicious pogacha.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 650 g of flour
- 250 ml of warm milk
- 100 ml of yogurt
- 100 ml of oil
- 2 whole eggs and 1 egg white
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 25g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 100 g butter for coating
Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 40-45 minutes
Spread with sesame seed
Slane Vanilice - Salty mini cookies
Kada kažemo vanilice odmah pomislimo na nešto prelepo i slatko , ali zašto ne bi bile slane vanilice. Upravo ovaj recept predstavlja slanu tradiciju i vanilice u slanoj varijanti.Tako ukusne a tope se u ustima. Recept koji je tako jednostavan i brz za pripremu. Slane vanilice koje su pogodne kao predjelo za sve vrste slavlja a krasiće vašu trpezu dok će vaši gosti tražiti vanilicu više.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 250 g brašna
- 10 kašika mlevenih badema ( može i pistaća, indiskog oraha po vašem izboru)
- 100 g rendanog sira (bilo kog)
- 150 g putera
- 2 kašike pavlake
- Malo soli
- 7 g praška za pecivo ( ½ kesice)
- 7 kašika krem sira
- 5 kašika tvrdog kravljeg sira
- 100 g omekšalog putera
- So, biber po ukusu ( Ja sam dodala ljutu tucanu papriku)
Peći na 200 °C (395 °F) 10-15 minuta

When we say vanilla cookies ( Serbian traditional holiday cookies ) , we immediately think of something beautiful and sweet, but why not salty vanilla cookies? This particular recipe represents the salty tradition and vanillas cookies in a salty version. So tasty and melt in your mouth. A recipe that is so easy and quick to prepare. Salted vanilla cookies that is suitable as an appetizer for all kinds of celebrations and will decorate your table while your guests will ask for more and more.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 250 g of flour
- 10 spoons of ground almonds (you can also use pistachios, cashews of your choice)
- 100 g of grated cheese (any)
- 150 g of butter
- 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- A little salt
- 7 g of baking powder (½ bag)
- 7 spoons of cream cheese
- 5 tablespoons of hard cow’s cheese
- 100 g of softened butter
- Salt, pepper to taste (I added hot pepper)
Bake at 200 °C (395 °F) for 10-15 minutes
Ovo je jedan tako brz i lagan recept. Prelepa pita sa spanaćem neodoljivog ukusa. Priprema bez mešenja, narastanja i kvasca. Pogodna za doručak ili večeru. Bez čekanja , pripremi i ispeci. Probajte i vi i bićete oduševljeni ukusom.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno
- 500 g brašna
- 400 ml vode
- 130 ml ulja
- 270 ml jogurta
- 3 kašike kiselog mleka
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kesica(14g) praška za pecivo
Za fil je potrebno
- 300 g sitno seckanog spanaća
- Mladi crni luk (Ja sam iseckala 2)
- 200 g izmrvljenog sira
- 2 kašike brašna
- 2 jaja
- 1 kašičica soli
Peći na 190 °C (380 °F) 45 minuta
Pleh dimenzije 40x30cm

This is such a quick and easy recipe. A beautiful spinach pie with an irresistible taste. Preparation without mixing, rise and yeast. Suitable for breakfast or dinner. Without waiting, prepare and bake. Try it yourself and you will be delighted with the taste.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
Necessary for the dough
- 500 g of flour
- 400 ml of water
- 130 ml of oil
- 270 ml of yogurt
- 3 spoons of sour cream
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 bag (14g) of baking powder
Necessary for the coaating
- 300 g of finely chopped spinach
- green onions (I chopped 2 pcs)
- 200 g of crumbled cheese
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon of salt
Bake at 190 °C (380 °F) for 45 minutes
Baking tray dimensions 40x30cm
Pesak Torta - Sand Cake
Svima dobro poznata pesak torta, sa mlevenim keksom, kokosom I orasima. Tako kremasta I neodoljivog ukusa. Pogodna je za rođendane i razna slsvlja. Torta koja se ne peče a vrlo se brzo priprema a još brže pojede. Jednostavno slatkiš za sve prilike.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za fil je potrebno
- 800 ml mleka
- 3 kesice pudinga od vanile
- 4 kašike šećera
- 250 g putera
- 120 g prah šećera
Podeliti fil na 3 jednaka dela
Prvi deo:
- Dodati 150 g mlevene plazme i 1 kašiku nutele
Drugi deo:
- Dodati 150 g kokosa
Treći deo:
- Dodati 150 g mlevenih oraha
Za glazuru je potrebno:
- 150 ml slatke pavlake
- 150 g čokolade za kuvanje
Prečnik kalupa je 23 cm

Well-known sand cake, with crushed biscuits, coconut and walnuts. So creamy and irresistible. It is suitable for birthdays and various occasions. A no-bake cake that is prepared very quickly and eaten even faster. A simple sweet for all occasions.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
It is necessary for the filling:
- 800 ml of milk
- 3 bags of vanilla pudding
- 4 spoons of sugar
- 250 g of butter
- 120 g of powdered sugar
Divide the mixture into 3 equal parts:
First part:
- Add 150 g of ground plasma and 1 tablespoon of Nutella
The second part:
- Add 150 g of coconut
Third part:
- Add 150 g of ground walnuts
For the coating you need:
- 150 ml of whipped cream
- 150 g of dark chocolate
The diameter of the mold is 23 cm
Puž Pogača(pita) - Snail pie
Zamesi , umotaj i ispeci. Brza puž pogača (pita), filovana krem sirom i spanaćem. Bez narastanja i čekanja za 15 minuta spremna . Ovo je jedan od bržih recepata kada vam se žuri da spremite nešto na brzinu. Jednostavna priprema a tako mekana i ukusna a porodica će biti oduševljena neodoljivim ukusom.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo je potrebno:
👉 600 g brašna
👉 300 ml mlake vode
👉 1 kesica(8g) suvog kvasca ili 30 g svežeg
👉 1 kašičica šećera
👉 3 kašike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
👉 40 ml ulja
👉 jedno jaje
👉 1 kašičica soli
Za premazivanje je potrebno 150g putera a možete koristiti mast ili ulje
Za fil je potrebno:
👉 200 g sitno iseckanog I isceđenog spanaća
👉 200 g krem sira ili po vašoj želji
Peći na 200 °C (390 °F) 30 minuta
Ostavite vaš utisak - Leave your impression!

Knead, wrap and bake. Quick snail cake (pie), filled with cream cheese and spinach. Without growth and waiting, ready in 15 minutes . This is one of the faster recipes when you are in a hurry to prepare something quickly. Simple preparation and so soft and delicious, and the family will be delighted with the irresistible taste.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the dough you need:
👉 600 g of flour
👉 300 ml of warm water
👉 1 bag (8 g) of dry yeast or 30 g of fresh
👉 1 teaspoon of sugar
👉 3 spoons of sour cream or plain yogurt
👉 40 ml of oil
👉 one egg
👉 1 teaspoon of salt
For coating, you need 150g of butter, and you can use fat or oil
For the filling you need:
👉 200 g finely chopped and squeezed spinach
👉 200 g of cream cheese or as desired
Bake at 200 °C (390 °F) for 30 minutes
Margarete - Margaret Pastry
Tako meke i fine , takozvane margarete ali ovog puta na jednostavniji i praktičniji način. Mogu biti pogodne za doručak ili večeru ali i za poneti. Mogu se filovati po vašem izboru šta god vi najviše volite. Vrlo su simpatične a deca ih obožavaju.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 250 ml. Mlakog mleka
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 25g svežeg
- 80 g otopljenog putera
- 1 kašičica soli
Za fil je potrebno:
- 300 g sira
- 1 jaje
Premazati jednim umućenim jajetom
Posuti susamom po izboru
Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 20 minuta.
Da li vam se svidja recept? - Do you like a recipe?

So soft and fine, so-called margarete, but this time in a simpler and more practical way. They can be suitable for breakfast or dinner, but also for takeaway or snacks. They can be filled with whatever you more like. They are very cute and children adore them.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 250 ml. Warm milk
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 25g of fresh yeast
- 80 g of melted butter
- 1 teaspoon of salt
For the stuffing you need:
- 300 g of cheese
- 1 egg
Coat with one whisk egg
Sprinkle with sesame seeds of your choice
Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 20 minutes
Čudesna Pita - Miracle homemade pie
Tako mekana i lisnata, pita koja mami naša čula. Sa vrlo malo truda dobićete nešto savršeno. Ukus i miris jednostavno odišu lepotom ručno izrađenog testa koje nigde ne možete kupiti. Morate probati na ovaj način i uverićete se u razliku domaćeg i kupovnog u pekarama. Na ovaj način izrade dobićete tako pufnasto i listavo testo.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 300 ml. Mlakog mleka
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 25-30g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šćera
- 1 jaje
- 500g brašna + 50g za razvlačenje testa
- 250g putera (zamrznutog) potrebno je narendati na razvučenoj kori
Za fil je potrebno:
- 300g sira
- 2 jaja
Peći na 200 °C (390 °F) 35 minuta

So soft and flaky, a pie that tempts our senses. With very little effort you will get something perfect. The taste and smell simply exude the beauty of handmade dough that you can’t buy anywhere. You have to try it this way and you will see for yourself the difference between home-made and store-bought. This way of making it will give you such a puffy and leafy dough.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 300 ml. Warm milk
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 25-30g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 egg
- 500g of flour + 50g for rolling out the dough
- 250g of butter (frozen) should be grated on the stretched crust
For the topping you need:
- 300g of cheese
- 2 eggs
Bake at 200 °C (390 °F) for 35 minutes
Domace Vanilice - Hand made (Vanilice) cookies
Kada bi morala da nazovem desert kojeg se rado sećam iz detinjstva, morala bih da kažem Vanilice. Samo kada pomislite o tim malim kolačićima vraća nalet uspomena. Rado se setim tog ocaravajuceg mirisa i predivnog ukusa vanilica. Ovi kolačići se tradicionalno prave od masti, ali ja sam ovog puta koristila puter.
Starije generacije, poput mojih baka i deda, odrasli su jedući ove jednostavne kolačiće za desert a ne na danasnjim modernim i novokomponovanim viseslojnim kolacima. Takodje i nase generacije su tako odrastale na ovom domacem desertu jer se ovaj autenticni recept prenosi sa generacije na generaciju. Iz tog razloga, kad god pravim razne kolače, ovi su najpopularniji kod starijih gostiju jer upravo ovaj kolacic vraca uspomene.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 250g putera
- 100g prah secera
- 2 kesice (20g) vanil secera
- 2 jaja
- 1 kesica praska zapecivo(14g)
- 500g brasna
Filovanje vanilica sa dzemom po izboru
Peci na 220 °C (430 °F) 12-15 minuta. Ja sam ih pekla 13 min

If I had to name a dessert that I fondly remember from my childhood, I would have to say Vanilce. Just thinking about those little hand made cookies brings back a rush of memories. I fondly remember that enchanting smell and the wonderful taste of vanilice. These cookies are traditionally made with lard, but this time I used butter.
Older generations, like my grandparents, grew up eating these simple hand made cookies for dessert and not today’s modern and newly composed multi-layer cakes. Our generations also grew up on this homemade dessert because this authentic recipe is passed down from generation to generation. For this reason, whenever I make various cakes, these are the most popular with older guests because this particular cake brings back memories.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 250g of butter
- 100g of icing sugar
- 2 bags (20g) of vanilla sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 bag of baking powder (14g)
- 500g of flour
Vanilce filling with jam of your choice
Bake at 220 °C (430 °F) for 12-15 minutes. I baked them for 13 minutes
Košnice punjene mlevenim orasima-Beehives filled with walnuts
Jedan predivan recept , koliko god ih napravim nestanu za tren. Košnice od domaćeg testa punjene filom od oraha. Tako meke i ukusne a pogodne za sve prilike. Prava domaća poslastica. Napravite i iznenadite vašu porodicu , prijatelje Jako su dekorativne na tanjiru , zadivićete i iznenaditi vaše goste.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…❤
- 250 g Brašna
- ½ kašičice soli
- 70 ml. mlakog mleka
- 100 ml. mlake vode
- 1 kašičica meda
- 1 kašičica suvog kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- Malo narendane korice limuna
- 100 g Putera za premazivanje
- 200-250 g Mlevenih oraha
- Jedno belance
- 2 kašike šećera
- 1 kesica(9g.) vanil šećera
Za premazivanje , jedno žumance.
Peći na 200 °C (390 °F) 15 minuta

One wonderful recipe, no matter how many I make, disappears in a minute. Beehives made of homemade dough filled with walnut filling. So soft and delicious and suitable for all occasions. A real homemade delicacy. Make and surprise your family, friends and neighbours.
Highly recommended by your Aurora…❤INGREDIENTS:
- 250 g Flour
- ½ teaspoon of salt
- 70 ml. warm milk
- 100 ml. warm water
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 1 teaspoon of dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- A little grated lemon peel
- 100 g Butter for spreading
- 200-250 g of ground walnuts
- One egg white
- 2 spoons of sugar
- 1 bag (9g) of vanilla sugar
For coating, one egg yolk.
Bake at 200 °C (390 °F) for 15 minutes
Zlatna pogača za zlatnu medalju
Zlatna pogaca za zlatnu medalju. Sa vrlo malo maste i volje napravicete jednu predivnu pogacu. Na veoma lagan nacin pripreme obradovacete svoje ukucane. Ova pogaca moze krasiti razna slavlja i veselja.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- 150 ml. Mlakog mleka
- 100 ml. Mlake vode
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 20g sveeg
- 1 kasicica secera
- 1 jaje
- 60 ml. Ulja
- 1 kasicica soli
- 500 do 550g brasna
- Mak za posipanje
- 1 kockica putera za premazivanje
- 1 jaje za premazivanje pogace

Gold pogacha for the gold medal. With very little imagination and will, you will make a wonderful pogacha. With a very easy way of preparation, you will please your loved ones. This pogacha can decorate various celebrations.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…❤INGREDIENTS NEEDED:
- 150 ml. Warm milk
- 100 ml. Warm water
- 8g dry yeast or 20g fresh one
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 egg
- 60 ml. Of oil
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 500 to 550g of flour
- Poppy for sprinkling
- 1 cube of butter for spreading
- 1 egg for coating the pogacha
Slana strudla filovana mesom - Meat strudel
Slana strudla filovana mesom , tako socna i ukusna. Pogodna za dorucak ili veceru. Strudla od gotovih kora a podjednako kao da ste zamesili testo. Brza i jednostavna priprema a dobicete prelep slani rolat.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- Jedno pakovanje gotovih kora (500g)
- 300 gr praziluka ili 2-3 glavice crnog luka
- 500 gr mlevene junetine ili teletine
- 1 kasicica bibera
- 1 kasicica soli
- malo persuna
- 4 jaja
- 150 ml jogurta
- 100 ml ulja
- 150 gr griza
- 1 kesica praska za pecivo(14g)
- susam ili laneno seme za posipanje

Salty strudel filled with meat, so juicy and delicious. Suitable for breakfast or dinner. Strudels made from ready-made crusts(filo pastry), same as you had kneaded the dough. Quick and simple preparation and you will get a beautiful salty roll.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…❤
- One pack of filo pastry (500g)
- 300 g of leek or 2-3 heads of onion
- 500 g of ground beef or veal
- 1 teaspoon of pepper
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- Little bit of parsley
For coating:
- 4 eggs
- 150 ml of yoghourt
- 100 ml of oil
- 150 g semolina
- baking powder(14g)
- sesame or linseed for sprinkling
Crnogorska tradicionalna pita - Traditional Montenegro pie
Jedno od Crnogorskih tradicionalnih jela je i pita. Zaliva se prelivom od jaja i sira.Priprema se na jednostavan nacin a o ukusu i da ne raspravljamo. Po izvornom receptu se pece ispod saca , moze se peci i u kucnoj varijanti u rerni a podjednako ce biti lepa.Tako ukusna i socna , ostavice veliki utisak na vas. Jednostavno probajte i vi.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- 200g belog brasna
- 150g kukuruznog brasna
- 500ml mleka
- 4 kasike ulja
- 1 kasicica soli
- 100-150ml mineralne vode(kisele vode)
- 3 jaja
- Umutiti testo kao za palacinke , ispeci 8 do 10 komada palacinki
- 3 jaja
- 350g sira
- 100ml mineralne vode(kisele vode)
- 250ml jogurta
- 4 kasike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
- Peci na 200°C ( 390°F) 20 do 25 minuta

One of the Montenegrin traditional dishes is pie. It is covered with egg and cheese dressing. It is prepared in a simple way, and let’s not argue about the taste. According to the original recipe, it is baked under the sac (sac is a large metal or ceramic lid like a shallow bell with which bread dough or various dishes to be baked are covered, and over which ashes and live coals are placed), it can also be baked in the home version in the oven, and it will be just as beautiful. So tasty and juicy, it will leave a great impression on you. Simply try it by yourself.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…
- 200g of white flour
- 150g of corn flour
- 500 ml of milk
- 4 tablespoons of oil
- 1 teaspoons of salt
- 100-150ml of mineral water
- 3 eggs
- Beat the dough as for pancakes, bake 8 to 10 pieces of pancakes
- 3 eggs
- 350g of cheese
- 100 ml of mineral water
- 250 ml of yoghourt
- 4 spoons of sour cream or sour milk
- Bake at 200°C (390°F) for 20 to 25 minutes
Aurorini Ustipci - Aurora's Fritters
Majka je znala kada umesi domaci hleb a uvek ostane visak testa da nam pripremi neodoljiv dorucak . Mi smo to kao deca zvali (krugovi od testa ili mamini ustipci). Za dorucak su bili sa sirom a onda bi se zasladili sa par ustipaka ali sa dzemom od sljiva. Mamini ustipci bez mleka i jaja. Sa samo par sastojaka koje vec imate kod kuce napravicete neodoljiv dorucak. Dok budete pripremali a miris koji se lagano siri kroz vas dom , probudice vase ukucane pre nego pripremite dorucak.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- 650g-700g brasna (u zavisnosti koliko zelite umesiti)
- 500ml mlake vode
- 1 kasicica secera
- 3-4 kasike ulja
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 15-20g svezeg
- 1 ½ kasicica soli
- Ulje za przenje

My mother knew when to knead home-made bread and always have leftover dough to prepare an irresistible breakfast for us. As children we called it (dough circles or mom’s fritters). For breakfast, we used cheese, and then we would sweeten it with a couple of fritters , but with plum jam. Mom’s fritters without milk and eggs. With just a few ingredients that you already have at home, you will make an irresistible breakfast. While you are preparing and the smell that slowly spreads through your home, wake up your household members before you prepare breakfast.
warm recommendation of your aurora…❤
- 650g-700g flour (depending on how much you want to knead)
- 500ml of warm water
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 3-4 tablespoons of oil
- 8g of dry yeast or 15-20g of fresh yeast
- 1 ½ teaspoons of salt
Oil for frying
Strudla sa sljivama i makom - Strudel with poppy seed & plums
Brza priprema a prelepa poslastica. Uz ne puno namirnica a isto kao da ste zamesili ,dobicete prelepu strudlu od gotovih kora sa makom i sljivama. Tako lepog izgleda a jos lepseg ukusa koji se ne zaboravlja. Na lagan nacin do neodoljive poslastice. Obradujte vase ukucane ovom preukusnom strudlom.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- 450g gotovih kora ( Moje kore su tanke tako da sam koristila po 5 kora za jedan rolat), ako vi koristite deblje kore onda 3 kore po rolatu.
- 100g mlevenog maka
- 400g seckanih svezih sljiva
Za fil je potrebno:
- 3 jaja
- 250ml jogurta
- 100gr. griza
- 100ml. Ulja
- 250gr. secera
- 1 kesica vanil secera
- ½ kesice praska za pecivo (7gr.)

Quick preparation and a beautiful delicacy. With not many ingredients, you will get a beautiful strudel made from ready-made crusts with poppy seeds and plums. Such a beautiful appearance and an even more beautiful taste that you will never forget. In a light way to an irresistible delicacy. Delight your loved ones with this delicious strudel.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…❤INGREDIENTS REQUIRED: {for 2 rolls}
- 450g of ready-made crusts (My crusts are thin, so I used 5 crusts for one roll), if you use thicker crusts, then 3 crusts per roll.
- 100g of ground poppy seeds
- 400g of chopped fresh plums
For the filling you need:
- 3 eggs
- 250 ml. of yoghourt
- 100 gr. of semolina
- 100 ml. Oils
- 250 gr. sugar
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
- ½ bag of baking powder (7 gr.)
Vazdušasta Pogača - Airy Pogacha
Vazdusasta pogaca, jednostavno ce vas ostaviti bez daha. Tako mekana i vazdusasta a jednostavne, brze i lagane pripreme. Pogodna za sve vrste veselja i slavlja. Uz samo malo volje i maste pripremice je svako.
Probajte je napraviti, nece vam oduzeti puno vremena a odusevicete svoje ukucane, prijatelje i goste.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- 500g brasna
- 250ml mlakog mleka
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 20g svezeg
- 1 kasicica secera
- 2 cela jaja i jedno belance
- 4 kasike ulja
- 1 kasicica soli
Za premazivanje otprilike 30g putera ( moze se premazati i uljem)

An airy pogacha, it will simply leave you breathless. So soft and airy and simple, quick and easy to prepare. Suitable for all kinds of festivities and celebrations. With just a little willpower and good preparation, everyone can do it.
Try to make it, it won’t take much time and you will delight your neighbours, friends and guests.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…❤
- 500g of flour
- 250 ml of warm milk
- 8g dry yeast or 20g fresh
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 2 whole eggs and one egg white
- 4 tablespoons of oil
- 1 teaspoon of salt
For coating, approximately 30g of butter (it can also be coated with oil)
Lisnata Strudla sa Lesnicima - Hazelnuts Strudel
Punjena slatka tajna , tako lisnata i mekana . Poslastica koja nas je uvek obradovala kada je baka spremala ali ne tako cesto. Strudla punjena mlevenim lesnicima a moze i sa mlevenim orasima sa dodatkom dzema od kajsija daje predivan ukus i zadovoljstvo vasim nepcima. Idealna za posluzenje uz kaficu i caskanje. Napravite i obradujte svoje ukucane.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…❤
- 250ml mlakog mleka
- 8g suvog ili 20g svezeg kvasca
- Kasicica secera
- 50ml ulja
- 2 jaja
- 100ml mlake vode
- 550g brasna
- Malo soli
- 200g mlevenih pecenih lesnika
- Vanilin secer(1 kesica 9g)
- 2 belanca
- Rendana korica limuna ili pomorandze
- 70g secera

Stuffed sweet secret, so leafy and soft. A delicacy that always made us happy when grandma made it, but not so often. Strudel filled with ground hazelnuts and can be ground walnuts with the addition of apricot jam gives a wonderful taste and pleasure to your taste buds. Ideal for serving with coffee and chit-chat. Make it and make your loved happy.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…❤
- 250 ml of warm milk
- 8g dry or 20g fresh yeast
- A pinch of sugar
- 50ml of oil
- 2 eggs
- 100ml of warm water
- 550g of flour
- A little salt
- 200g of ground roasted hazelnuts
- Vanilla sugar (1 bag 9g)
- 2 egg whites
- Grated zest of a lemon or orange
- 70g of sugar
Vesela Poklon Pogača - Cheerful gift pogacha
Vesela poklon pogaca , za sve prilike kao sto su razna veselja i slavlja .Na ovaj nacin pripreme obradovacete svoju rodbinu i prijatelje. Na ovako predivnom i dekorativnom poklonu jednostavno ostace te bez reci. Pokusajte je napraviti i darovati je sa ljubavlju.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 900g brasna
- 350ml mlakog mleka
- 150ml jogurta
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 25-30g svezeg
- 100ml ulja
- 2 jaja
- 1 kasicica soli
- 150g putera
Peci na 180 stepeni 45-50 minuta (meni je trebalo sat vremena)
Flasu za kalup obloziti alu-folijom (bez poklopca na flasi)

A cheerful gift of pogacha, for all occasions, such as various festivities and celebrations.This way of preparation will make your relatives and friends happy. Such a beautiful and decorative gift will leave you speechless. Try to make it and give it as a gift with love.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 900g of flour
- 350 ml of warm milk
- 150 ml of yoghourt
- 8g of dry yeast or 25-30g of fresh yeast
- 100ml of oil
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 150g of butter
Bake at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes (it took me an hour)
Cover the bottle for the mold with aluminum foil (without the cap on the bottle).
Pogača za sve prilike - Pogacha for all occasions
Pogača za svaku priliku, za razna slavlja I proslave. Obradujte vašu porodicu I prijatelje ovom prekrasnom dekorativnom pogačom. Lagana I jednostavna priprema. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti ovaj recept I priprema na ovaj način.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 650g brašna
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100ml ulja
- 2 belanca
- 8g kvasca ili 25g svežeg
- 250ml mlakog mleka
- 100ml jogurta ( koji je odstojao na sobnoj temperaturi)
- Zamesiti testo
- 2 preostala žumanca , premazati pogaču
- Posuti susamom
- Peći na 200 stepeni dok ne porumeni a zatim smanjiti na 190 stepeni i peći još 30 minuta

Pogacha for every occasion, for various celebrations and situations . Delight your family and friends with this beautiful decorative pogacha. Easy and simple preparation. I hope you like this recipe and prepare it on this way.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 650g of flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 100ml of oil
- 2 egg whites
- 8g of yeast or 25g of fresh yeast
- 250 ml of lukewarm milk
- 100 ml of yogurt (which has been left at room temperature)
- Knead the dough
- Spread the 2 remaining egg yolks on the pogacha
- Sprinkle with sesame seeds
- Bake at 200 degrees( 390°F) until become golden brown , then reduce to 190 degrees(375°F)and bake for another 30 minutes.
Posne Punjene Paprike- Lenten stuffed peppers
Posne starinske punjene paprike . Prelepog izgleda a još lepšeg ukusa. Punjene krompirom prste da poližete. Mogu biti punjene i mesom , naravno ko šta više voli. Jednostavna i brza priprema, mogu se služiti vruće ili hladne .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 600g seckanog krompira (Ja sam seckala na kockice)
- 2 šargarepe
- 15 svežih paprika
- 60g pirinča
- 2 paradajza
- So po ukusu
- Malo bibera
- Malo začina

Lenten stuffed peppers. It looks beautiful and tastes even better. Stuffed with potatoes, fingers to lick. They can be stuffed with meat, of course, who prefers what ever. Simple and quick preparation, can be served hot or cold.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 600g of chopped potatoes (I chopped them into cubes)
- 2 carrots
- 15 fresh peppers
- 60g of rice
- 2 tomatoes
- Salt to taste
- A little pepper
- A little dry spice(vegetable mix)
Pica Sendvič - Pizza Sandwich
Brzo I praktično, jednostavno a preukusno. Ako imate kod kuce suvi hleb a kako ga ne biste bacali evo jednog predivnog recepta. Iskoristite suvi hleb i bez mešenja dobićete jednako prelepi ukus pice. . Za samo 10-15 minuta rešili ste nedoumicu šta bi ste za doručak ili večeru.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 1 vekna suvog hleba
- Hleb premazati namazom po volji (Jas am koristila zdenku sir ili sirni namaz)
- 100-150g šunke ili po vašem izboru
- Paradajz, kečap ili pica sos
- Preliti sa 4 umućena jaja I malo seckanog peršuna
- 150g mocarela sir
- Origano
Peći na 190°C (374°F) 15 minuta

Fast and practical, simple and delicious. If you have dry bread at home and don’t want to throw it away, here is a wonderful recipe. Use dry bread and you will get an equally beautiful taste of pizza without making dough. . In just 10-15 minutes, you solved the problem of what you would like for breakfast or dinner.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 1 loaf of dry bread
- Spread bread as desired (I used Laughing Cow cheese )
- 100-150g of ham or of your choice
- Tomato, ketchup or pizza sauce
- Pour over 4 whisked eggs and some chopped parsley
- 150g mozzarella cheese
- Oregano
Bake at 190°C (374°F) for 15 minutes
Mini pitice sa ricotta sirom - Mini filo pastry with ricotta cheese
Napravite ih danas, zaledite a pecite kada vam je potrebno – Hrskave, mirisne a jos punjene sirom!
Pozdrav dragi moji, danas jedan prelep recept a pre svega jako koristan za sve nas koji nemamo bas uvek vremena da zamesimo nesto domace,ukusno, pa evo ideje za predivan recept koji ce nam posluziti u vreme kada nam dodju gosti ili za predstojece praznike. Zamesi, zamrzni i speci..Nadam se da ce vam se dopasti, pisite mi u komentarima, podelite recept sa vasim prijateljima da i oni vide, ljubi vas vasa Aurora!
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 4 jaja
- malo soli
- 350 – 400 gr sitnog sira
- 3 kasike ulja
- 100 ml jogurta
- 500 gr kore za pite i gibanice
- 1 jaje za premazivanje

Make them today, freeze them and bake them when you need them – Crispy, fragrant and still filled with cheese!
Greetings my dears, today is a beautiful recipe and above all very useful for all of us who don’t always have time to make something homemade, delicious, so here is an idea for a wonderful recipe that will serve us when we have guests or for the upcoming holidays. Knead, freeze and bake… I hope you like it, write to me in the comments, share the recipe with your friends so they can see, your Aurora loves you!
Worm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 4 eggs
- a little bit of salt
- 350 – 400 g of ricotta cheese
- 3 tbsp. of oil
- 100 ml of yogurt
- 500 g of crust for pies and pastries ( filo pastry )
- 1 egg for coating
Brzi Osvežavajući Kolač sa Malinama-Raspberry Cake
Brz i tako osvežavajući kolač sa malinama. Jednostavan a idealan za sve prilike. U izvornom receptu su maline a možete kombinovati bilo koje voće kao što su jagode, višnje, kupine … jednostavno šta najviše volite. Na brz i lagan način pripreme obradovaćete svoju porodicu i prijatelje sa ovim predivnim kolačem i neodoljivim spojem ukusa.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Fil sa malinama:
- 300g svežih ili zamrznutih malina
- 100g kristal šećera
- 2 kašike kukuruznog skroba
- 200ml vode
Kuvati na tihoj vatri dok se zgusne
Žuti fil:
- 800ml mleka
- 2 pudinga od vanile
- 130g kristal šećera
Kuvati dok se zgusne na tihoj vatri
U vruć puding dodati 90g bele čokolade
Za ovaj kolač potrebno je 450g keksa
Za ukrašavanje:
450ml slatke pavlake ili šlag po izboru

Quick and so refreshing raspberry cake. Simple and ideal for all occasions. The original recipe contains raspberries, but you can combine any fruit such as strawberries, cherries, blackberries… just whatever you like best. In a quick and easy way of preparation, you will delight your family and friends with this wonderful cake and an irresistible combination of flavors.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
Topping with raspberries:
- 300g fresh or frozen
- 100g of crystal sugar
- 2 spoons of corn starch
- 200 ml of water
Cook on low heat until it thickens
Yellow topping:
- 800 ml of milk
- 2 vanilla puddings
- 130g of crystal sugar
Cook until thickened at low heat
Add 90g of white chocolate to the hot pudding
This cake requires 450g of biscuits
To decorate:
450 ml of whipped cream or cream of your choice
Mesni Lokumi-Meat Delight
Mesni lokumi lepši i od bureka, jedan predivan recept koji je veoma lagan za napraviti , bez buno truda i sa ne puno namirnica dobićete predivan doručak a i večeru. Jednostavno , brzo i lako a kada nemate vremena evo recepta koji će iznenaditi sve ukućane .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- Mlake vode
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 20g svežeg
- 50ml ulja
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 750-800g brašna
- 1 ½ kašičica soli
Propržiti na malo ulja 2 glavice crnog luka dodati 500g mlevene junetine, dodati kašičicu začina, malo soli i malo bibera.

Meat delight is even more beautiful than burek, a wonderful recipe that is very easy to make, without much effort and with not many ingredients, you will get a wonderful breakfast and dinner. Simple, quick and easy, and when you don’t have time, here’s a recipe that will surprise everyone in the house.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
- 500 ml. Warm waters
- 8g of dry yeast or 20g of fresh yeast
- 50ml of oil
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 750-800g of flour
- 1 ½ teaspoons of salt
Fry 2pieces of onion in a little oil, add 500g of ground beef, add a teaspoon of spices, a little salt and a little pepper.
Uvrnuta Lisnata Pita sa Spanaćem-Twisted spinach pie
Recept koji će vas osvojiti a najviše ljubitelje spanaća. Domaća pita od kiselog testa punjena sirom i spanaćem tako sočna i ukusna , mekana i lisnata. Može se puniti sa različitim filovima , jednostavno ko šta najviše voli. Premazana puterom a može i sa domaćom mašću. Prilagodljiva je za sve vrste obroka a retko ko joj može odoleti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 200ml mlakog mleka
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 20g svežeg
- Kašičica šećera
- 100ml mlake vode
- 100ml ulja
- 1 ½ kašičica soli
- 500g brašna
- 300g seckanog spanaća
- 200g sitnog sira
- 2 belanca
- Malo soli
Za premazivanje:
- 2 žumanca
Peći na 180°C (356°F) 35 minuta

A recipe that will win you over and most for spinach lovers. The so-called twisted homemade pie filled with cheese and spinach is so juicy and delicious, soft and puffy. It can be filled with different fillings, simply who likes what the most. Coated with butter and can be also with homemade fat. It is adaptable for all types of meals and rarely anyone can resist it.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 200ml of warm milk
- 8g dry yeast or 20g fresh
- A teaspoon of sugar
- 100ml of warm water
- 100ml of oil
- 1 ½ teaspoon of salt
- 500g flour
- 300g chopped spinach
- 200g of cheese
- 2 egg whites
- A little bit of salt
For coating:
- 2 egg yolks
Bake at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for 35 minutes
Starinski Rolat sa Orasima - Old fashioned roll with walnuts
Jedna od lepših starinskih poslastica koja se lepi za srce i dušu , a to je starinski rolat sa orasima. Brza i lagana priprema . Tako je od davnina, rolat sa orasima je bio prava poslastica. Jako stari recept, ali godine mu ništa ne mogu. Često prisutan kod nas.
Topla preporuka vaše aurore…💖💖
Za patišpanj(biskvit) je potrebno:
- 7 jaja
- 7 kašika šećera
- 7 kašika brašna
- 1 kašika vode
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
Za fil je potrebno:
- 250g mlevenih oraha
- 100ml vrućeg mleka
- 1 kesica vanil šećera
- 3 kašike šećera u prahu (po ukusu)
Peći na 180°C(356°F) do 15 minuta

One of the most beautiful antique delicacies that sticks to the heart and soul, and that is the antique roll with walnuts. Quick and easy preparation. That’s how it has been since ancient times, roll with walnuts was a real treat. A very old recipe, but age can’t do anything to it. Often present with us.
Warm recommendation of your aurora …💖💖
For spongecake (biscuit) you need:
- 7 eggs
- 7 tablespoons sugar
- 7 tablespoons flour
- 1 tablespoon water
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
The filling(topping) requires:
- 250g ground walnuts
- 100ml of hot milk
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
- 3 tablespoons icing sugar (your choice)
Bake at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for up to 15 minutes
Starinski Kolač sa Višnjama - Old fashioned cake with cherries
Starinski kolač sa višnjama provereno dobar recept moje majke a recept je u izvornom izdanju a pravio se ne na mere nego na kašike, višnje su se stavljale odprilike više ili manje ko kako voli. Ko bi odoleo ovakvom kolacu a tako jednostavan za napraviti. Potrebno je odvojiti samo malo vremena i na najlakši i najbrži način dobićete izvanrednu starinsku poslasticu. Kolač je tako mekan i osvešavajući jer mu kiselkaste višnje daju poseban ukus.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 5 jaja
- 20 kašika šećera
- 20 kašika mleka
- 20 kašika ulja
- 24 kašike brašna
- 1 kesica praška za pecivo (14g)
- 1 kesica vanil šećera (10g)
- 700 g svežih ili zamrznutih višanja (očišćenih)
Prvu polovinu testa peći 5 minuta na 180°C (356°F) da blago uhvati koricu, zatim staviti višnje i preliti drugom polovinom testa i peći 30 minuta na 180°C (356°F), posuti prah šećerom .

An old cake with cherries is a proven good recipe of my mother and the recipe is in the original edition and it was made not to measure but on spoons, cherries were put more or less as you like. Who would resist a cake like this and so easy to make. It only takes a little time and you will get an extraordinary antique treat in the easiest and fastest way. The cake is so soft and refreshing because sour cherries give it a special taste.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 5 eggs
- 20 tablespoons of sugar
- 20 tablespoons of milk
- 20 tablespoons oil
- 24 tablespoons flour
- 1 bag of baking powder (14g)
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar (10g)
- 700 g of fresh or frozen cherries (cleaned)
Bake the first half of the dough for 5 minutes at 180 ° C (356 ° F) to lightly cling to the crust, then place the cherries and pour over the other half of the dough and bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° C (356 ° F), sprinkle with icing sugar.
Mini Sukane Pogače(Listače) Punjene Sirom - Mini cheese pogacha
Mini sukane pogače takozvane Listače tako lepo upakovane a još i punjene, na jednostavan način pripreme dobićete predivan doručak . Neko ih voli i za večeru . Obogaćene mocarela sirom koji im daje prelep ukus a još veći uzitak a retko ko im može odoleti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 500 g brašna
- 8 g suvog ili 20g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica soli
- 60g otopljenog putera ili margarina
- 1 jaje
- 200ml mlake vode
- 50ml jogurta ili 1 kašika kiselog mleka ili pavlake
- Malo šećera
- 150g rendanog mocarela sira
- 100g sitnog sira ili 1-2 kašike pavlake
- 1 jaje
Umutiti jedno žumance sa malo mleka i premazati
Peci na 220°C (428°F) 15 minuta

The mini pogacha , so-called (Leafy) are so beautifully packaged and also stuffed, you will get a wonderful breakfast in a simple way of preparation. Some people love them for dinner too. Enriched with mozzarella cheese that gives them a beautiful taste and even greater pleasure, and rarely anyone can resist them.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 500 g flour
- 8 g of dry or 20 g of fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 60g melted butter or margarine
- 1 egg
- 200ml of warm water
- 50ml of yogurt or 1 tablespoon of sour milk or sour cream
- Little bit of sugar
- 150g grated mozzarella cheese
- 100g of cottage cheese or 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream
- 1 egg
Whisk one egg yolk with a little milk and coat
Bake at 220 ° C (428 ° F) for 15 minutes
101-a Kiflica - 101 Mini Rolls
Recept 101-a kiflica , pogodan za sve prilike kao što su dečiji rođendani , žurkice kao i za razna slavlja i prezentacije, Ketering (catering) kiflice. Ovim receptom ćete obradovati rodbinu , prijatelje a deca će im se posebno obradovati.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 1.5 kg brašna
- 500 ml mlakog mleka
- 450 ml mlake vode
- 16g suvog kvasca ili ( 40g svežeg)
- 1 ½ kašika soli
- 2 kašike šećera
- 100 ml ulja
- 150 g putera ili margarina
- 2 kašike sirća (ja sam koristila jabukovo sirće) može bilo koje , vinsko, alkoholno, itd.
Žumance za premazivanje
Posipati susamom, kimom, makom…
Peći na 180°C (356°F) 15-20 minuta

Recipe 101 rolls, suitable for all occasions such as children’s birthdays, parties as well as for various celebrations and presentations, Catering rolls. With this recipe, you will make your relatives, friends and children happy.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 1.5 kg of flour
- 500 ml of warm milk
- 450 ml of warm water
- 16g dry yeast or (40g fresh)
- 1 ½ tablespoon of salt
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 100 ml of oil
- 150 g butter or margarine
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar) can be any, wine, alcohol, etc.
Egg yolks for coating
Sprinkle with sesame seed, cumin, poppy seed …
Bake at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for 15-20 minutes
Tradicionalna Pita Koturača sa spanaćem-Traditional Pie
Recept koji je prenošen sa generacije na generaciju a malo ko mu može odoleti. Starinski recept tradicionalne pite koturače a obogaćen spanaćem. Jednostavno diše i miriše što bi mi rekli, predpostavljam da nema ko je nije probao bar jednom. Pripremom na ovaj način jednostavno ćete biti oduševljeni . Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 900 g brašna
- oko 600 ml mlake vode
- 50-60 ml ulja
- 1 kašičica soli
- 500 g spanaća
- 5 jaja
- 450 g sira ( ja sam koristila mladi neslani sir)
- 1 kašičica soli ( ako koristite slani sir so vam nije potrebna)
Peći na 220°C(428°F) prvih 15 minuta zatim smanjiti na 200°C(392°F) i peći još 10 minuta.

A recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation and no one can resist it. An old recipe for a traditional roll pie enriched with spinach. It simply breathes and smells (what would we tell), I guess there is no one who has not tried it at least once. You will simply be delighted to prepare in this way. Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 900 g of flour
- around 600 ml of warm water
- 50-60 ml of oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 500 g spinach
- 5 eggs
- 450 g of cheese (I used young unsalted cheese)
- 1 teaspoon of salt (if you use salted cheese you do not need salt)
Bake at 220 ° C (428 ° F) for the first 15 minutes then reduce to 200 ° C (392 ° F) and bake for another 10 minutes.
Slatka Tradicija(kolač sa jagodama)-Strawberry cake
Slatka Tradicija – Kolač sa jagodama. Lagan, kremast kolač za užitak
Pozdrav dragi moji, želim sa vama da podelim ovaj predivan recept za kolač koji sam napravila za svoju porodicu, decu koja ga obožavaju, šta bi to bilo nego jagode koje su nam stigle i svi ih obožavamo. Ovaj kolač je poseban jer je lagan, kremast, osvežavajuć a tako lak i jednostavan za pripremu. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti i da ćete ga napraviti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore💖💖
Potrebne namirnice za kolač sa jagodama:
- 450 – 500 gr jagoda
- 2 pudinga ( ja sam koristila ukus bele čokolade)
- 600 ml mleka
- 100 gr kristal šećera
- 150 gr putera ili margarina
- 2 kašike prah šećera
- 5 jaja
- 5 kašika šećera
- 2 kašike griza
- 4 kašike brašna
Ukrasiti: Krem šlag ili slatka pavlaka
Peći koru(biskvit) na 180°C (356°F)15 min.

Sweet Tradition – Strawberry cake. A light, creamy cake for enjoyment
Hello my dears, I want to share with you this wonderful cake recipe that I made for my family, the children who adore it, what would it be but the strawberries that have arrived in this time of the year and we all adore them. This cake is special because it is light, creamy, refreshing and so easy and simple to prepare. I hope you like it and make it.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora💖💖
Necessary ingredients for strawberry cake:
- 450 – 500 g of strawberries
- 2 puddings (I used the taste of white chocolate)
- 600 ml of milk
- 100 g of crystal sugar
- 150 g butter or margarine
- 2 tablespoons icing sugar
Crust (biscuit):
- 5 eggs
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 2 tablespoons of semolina
- 4 tablespoons flour
Garnish: Whipped cream or sweet sour cream
Bake the crust (biscuit) at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for 15 min.
Lisnata Sukana Pogača sa Zlatara-Leafy homemade Pogacha
Evo jednog predivnog recepta za sukanu pogaču koju sam umalo pa zaboravila a podsetila me je moja majka na ovaj predivan recept , po receptu moje bake sa Zlatara a premazivala se tada sa domaćom mašću i kajmakom. Ja sam ovog puta malo izmenila autentično premazivanje sa mašću , premazivala sam je puterom i obogatila pavlakom i sirom. Neodoljivog ukusa a još lepšeg mirisa pogača koja će osvojiti i vaše trpeze.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za testo:
- 600g brsšna
- 8g suvog kvasca ili (30g svežeg)
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 jaje
- oko 450ml vode
Fil ( za premazivanje):
- 200g putera
- 100g rendanog sira
- 3-4kašike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
Peći na 200°C (392°F) prvih 30 minuta zatim smanjiti na 180°C (356°F) i peći još 15 minuta

Here is a wonderful recipe for homemade pogacha, which I almost forgot, and my mother reminded me of this wonderful recipe, according to the recipe of my grandmother from Zlatar, and then coated with homemade fat and cream(kajmak). This time I changed the authentic coating with grease a bit, I coated it with butter and enriched it with sour cream and cheese. Irresistible taste and even more beautiful smell of bread that will win your tables.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
For the dough:
- 600g brshna
- 8g dry yeast or (30g fresh)
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
- about 450ml of water
Topping (for coating):
- 200g butter
- 100g grated cheese
- 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream or sour milk
Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) for the first 30 minutes then reduce to 180 ° C (356 ° F) and bake for another 15 minutes
Lenja Penjurlija-Lazy homemade pie
Kada nemate vremena evo jednog brzog recepta. Sa ne puno namirnica idealan doručak ili večera. Jednostavna priprema a bez mešenja. Naziv joj sve govori – Lenja penjurlija. Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 350-400g brašna
- 8g suvog kvasca ili (20g svežeg)
- 1 kašičica soli
- Malo šećera
- 100ml ulja
- 250g sira
- 400ml mleka
- peći na 180 °C 35 minuta

When you don’t have time, here’s a quick recipe. With not much food, ideal breakfast or dinner. Easy to prepare without kneading. Her name says it all – Lazy homemade pie . Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 350-400g of flour
- 8g dry yeast or (20g fresh)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- A little sugar
- 100ml of oil
- 250g of cheese
- 400ml of milk
- bake it at 180 °C(356 °F) for 35 minutes
Čudo pogača-Miracle of bread, Roll out & bake
Pogaču koju jednostavno ne mogu dočarati putem videa i opisati rečima . Tako mekana i pufnasta a tako prijanja za dušu. Tako brza i jednostavna priprema sa vrlo malo namirnica, zarolajte, ispecite i uživajte u neopisivom ukusu ove kako je Ja zovem ’’Čudo Pogača’’ . Verujte mi na reč najmekša pogača ikada..
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 500g brašna
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- 250ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 belance
- 3 kašike ulja
Za premazivanje:
- 40-50g otopljenog putera
- Egg yolk
Za posipanje:
- Susam ( po izboru)

A bread(pogacha) that I simply can’t describe up via video and describe in words. So soft and puffy and so pleasing to the soul. So quick and easy preparation with very few ingredients, roll, bake and enjoy the indescribable taste of this as I call it “Miracle of Bread”. Believe me on the word softest cake ever ..
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 500g of flour
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 30g of fresh one
- 250ml of warm milk
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg white
- 3 tablespoons oil
For coating:
- 40-50g of melted butter
- Egg yolk
For sprinkling:
- Sesame seed (optional)
Mašnica Pita sa Spanaćem-Tie pie with spinach
Može se nazvati pitom ili štrudlom, mašnice je krase i dostojna je njenog prelepog izgleda a još lepšeg ukusa. Primaljiva a teško joj ko može odoleti, filovana spanaćem i sirom i premazana puterom. Ovako bogatog ukusa retko ko može ostati ravnodušan a ne priznati da je jedinstvena.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 450g brašna
- 250ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 20g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 jaje
- 50ml ulja
Za premazivanje:
- 120g puteraa ili margarina
- 250g sira
- 1 jaje
- 200g svežeg spanaća
Takođe se može filovati samo sirom , mesom …
Peče se na 180°C(356°F) 30-35 minuta

It can be called pie or strudel, the bow adorns it and is worthy of its beautiful appearance and even more beautiful taste. She is receptive and hard to resist, stuffed with spinach and cheese and coated with butter. Rarely can anyone remain indifferent to such a rich taste and not admit that it is unique.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 450g of flour
- 250ml of warm milk
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 20g of fresh one
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
- 50ml oil
For coating:
- 120g butter or margarine
- 250g of cheese
- 1 egg
- 200g of fresh spinach
It can also be filled only with cheese, meat …
Bake at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for 30-35 minutes
Lisnata Džumbus Pogača-Puff Pastry Pogacha
Možemo je zvati džumbus ili žu-žu pogača , tako lagana za pripremu i sa malo sastojaka. Jedna od prelepih i ukusnih pogača a priliči za sve vrste proslava .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 700g brašna
- 200ml mlakog mleka
- 200ml mlake vode
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 2 jaja
- 4 kašike ulja
Za premazivanje:
- 150g putera
Za posipanje:
- Susam
Peći na 200°C(392°F) prvih 15 minuta a zatim smanjiti vatru na 180°C(356°F) i peći još 45 minuta

We can call it mess or (zu-zu) bread, so easy to prepare and with few ingredients. One of the beautiful and delicious bread and suitable for all kinds of celebrations.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 700g flour
- 200ml of warm milk
- 200ml of warm water
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 30g of fresh one
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- 4 tablespoons oil
For coating:
- 150g butter
For sprinkling:
- Sesame seed
Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) for the first 15 minutes and then reduce the heat to 180 ° C (356 ° F) and bake for another 45 minutes
Žerbo Štrudla-Amazing Strudel
Jedna od mnogobrojnih štrudli ali ova meni posebno draga , mama nam je često pravila. Žerbo štrudla omiljena poslastica svih nas. Recept koji sam skoro pa zaboravila , listajući stari rokovnik sa receptima naiđoh i na ovaj . Brza priprema sa ne puno namirnica , poslastica koja će vas uvek oduševiti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400g brašna
- 100ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca
- 100g kristal šećera
- rendana kora jedne pomorandže
- 100g otopljenog putera
- 1 jaje
- 300g mlevenih oraha
- 250g džema od kajsija ili (po izboru)
- 100g otopljene čokolade za kuvanje
- 1 kašika ulja

One of the many strudels, but this one is especially dear to me, my mother often made it for us. Zerbo strudel is a favorite sweetnes of all of us. A recipe that I almost forgot, while leafing through an old diary with recipes, I came across this one as well. Quick preparation with not many ingredients, a dessert that will always delight you.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400g flour
- 100ml of warm milk
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast
- 100g crystal sugar
- one grated orange zest
- 100g of melted butter
- 1 egg
- 300g ground walnuts
- 250g apricot jam or (optional)
- 100g of melted cooking chocolate
- 1 tablespoon of oil
Brza Pogača bez čekanja - No waiting pogacha
Ništa lepše od mirisa domaćeg peciva pa još pogača, lisnata, mirisna, ukusna, meka i sama pomisao na to nagoni te da ponovo napravite. Lagana i jednostavna za izradu da brže nemože biti. Bez narastanja i čekanja. Napravite , ispecite i uživajte u predivnom ukusu.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400g brašna
- 200-250ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kesica (8g) suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 100g otopljenig putera ili margarina
- 1 žumance za premazivanje
Susam za posipanje

Nothing is more beautiful than the smell of homemade pastries, so even bread, puffy, fragrant, tasty, soft and the very thought of it makes you want to make it again. Lightweight and easy to make it can’t be faster. No rising and waiting. Make, bake and enjoy the wonderful taste.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400g flour
- 200-250ml of warm milk
- 1 sachet (8g) of dry yeast or 30g of fresh one
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 100g of melted butter or margarine
- 1 egg yolk for coating
Sesame seed for sprinkling
Tunel Torta-Tunnel Cake
Predivna, kremasta i jednostavno neodoljiva. Ova fantastična Tunel Torta oduševiće i one sa najistančanijim ukusom. Kada je jednom probate ostaviće vas bez reči. Ne tako komplikovana za izradu sa malo volje i truda dobićete perfektnu tortu za sve prilike i svečanosti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 6 žumanca
- 300g šećera ( Ja sam stavila 150g)
- 2 kesice pudinga od vanile
- 6 kašika gustina ili brašna
- 1 litar mleka
- 250g putera ili margarina
Bela kora:
- 6 belanaca
- 6 kašika šećera
- 6 kašika brašna
- pola kesice praška za pecivo
Braon kora:
- 5 celih jaja
- 5 kašika šećera
- 100g mlevenih oraha
- 2 kašike prezli
Za osnovu (bazu) tunela:
- 250g mlevenih oraha
- 150g mlevenog keksa( Ja sam koristila plazma keks)
- 7 kašika šećera u prahu
- 150g putera ili margarina
- 70g čokolade za kuvanje
- 50-60ml mleka
Za dekoraciju:
ukrsiti šlagom, istopljenom čokoladom ( po izboru ko šta voli)

Beautiful, creamy and simply irresistible. This fantastic Tunnel Cake will delight even those with the most refined taste. Once you try it, it will leave you speechless. Not so complicated to make with a little will and effort, you will get the perfect cake for all occasions and ceremonies.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 6 yolks
- 300g sugar (I putted 150g)
- 2 bags of vanilla pudding
- 6 tablespoons cornstarch or flour
- 1 liter of milk
- 250g butter or margarine
White crust:
- 6 egg whites
- 6 tablespoons sugar
- 6 tablespoons flour
- half a bag of baking powder
Brown crust:
- 5 whole eggs
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 100g ground walnuts
- 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
For the base of the tunnel:
- 250g ground walnuts
- 150g ground biscuits (I used plasma biscuits)
- 7 tablespoons icing sugar
- 150g butter or margarine
- 70g of cooking chocolate
- 50-60ml of milk
For decoration:
top with whipped cream, melted chocolate (of your choice)
Pamuk Pogača-Soft Pogacha
Izgled joj je veoma lep, a priprema na lak i jednostavan način bez čekanja i narastanja..Ovo je jedna prelepa mekana pogača, jako lepog izgleda koju pravim u posebnim prilikama i za praznike jer je veoma dekorativna i naravno preukusna. Ovog puta punjena sirom a može se obogatiti spanaćem .
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 550-600g brašna
- 150ml mlakog mleka
- 150 mlake vode
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 50ml ulja
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 jaje
- 200g sira
- 1 belance
Za premazivanje:
- 100g putera ili margarina
Za posipanje :
- susam

It looks very nice, and it is prepared in an easy and simple way without waiting and growing. This is a beautiful soft bread(pogacha), very nice looking that I make on special occasions and for the holidays because it is very decorative and of course delicious. This time stuffed with cheese and can be enriched with spinach.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 550-600g of flour
- 150ml of warm milk
- 150ml warm water
- 8g dry yeast or 30g fresh one
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 50ml oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
- 200g of cheese
- 1 egg white
For coating:
- 100g butter or margarine
For sprinkling:
- sesame seed
Vaskršnji Hleb(Kozunak)-Easter Bread
Vaskršnji hleb kozunak mesi se sa voljom i ljubavlju, ako nemate želju i pravite ga brzo i bez strpljenja, nećete dobiti željeni ishod. Radite smireno, strpljivo i bićete oduševljeni lepotom ovog prelepog Vaskršnjeg hleba.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400-450g brašna
- 150ml mlakog mleka
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- Prstohvat soli
- Vanilin šećer(18g)
- 3 jaja
- 3 kašike ulja
- 50ml jogurta
- Korica jednog limuna
- 150g kristal šećera
- 100g otopljenog putera
- 150g suvog groždja ili po vašoj želji nekog drugog sušenog voća
- Za premazivanje 1 žumance i 1 kašika mleka
- Kristal šećer za posipanje
- Peći na 180°C (356°F) 45-50 minuta

Easter bread kozunak kneads with will and love, if you do not have the desire and make it quickly and without patience, you will not get the desired outcome. Work calmly, patiently and you will be delighted with the beauty of this beautiful Easter bread.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400-450g flour
- 150ml of warm milk
- 8g of dry yeast or 30g fresh one
- A pinch of salt
- Vanilla sugar (18g)
- 3 eggs
- 3 tablespoons oil
- 50ml of yogurt
- one lemon zest
- 150g crystal sugar
- 100g of melted butter
- 150g of raisins or, at your request, some other dried fruit
- To coat 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon milk
- Crystal sugar for sprinkling
- Bake at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for 45-50 minutes
Štrudla sa blitvom-Chard Strudel
Miris i ukus mekog, pečenog testa filovanog nadevom koje su naše bake pravile, vraća nas u detinjstvo. Recept za štrudlu sa sirom i blitvom obogaćena kukuruznim brašnom pa je tako i čini bogatijom i ukusnijom . Ovaj recept nije mnogo zahtevan, a pruža nezaboravno zadovoljstvo našem čulu ukusa.
Štrudla kao štrudla je tradicionalna Nemačka poslastica čiju su recepturu možemo reći vojvođanske domaćice dovele do savršenstva u raznim oblicima , a nema skoro nikoga ko je odoleo čarima onih sa makom, džemom ili orasima.
Češće je pravimo slatku, ali i varijanta sa sirom i blitvom je odličan izbor za večeru ili za doručak a i nećemo se osramotiti posluživanjem naših gostiju. Dekorativnog izgleda , topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400-450g brašna
- 1 kesica(8g) suvog kvasca ili 30g svežeg
- 200ml mleka
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 100ml mlake vode
- 100g kukuruznog brašna ili palente
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 kašika putera ili ulja
- Zmesiti meko testo i podeliti na 4 dela
- Svaki deo rastanjiti i premazati uljem kako bi se lakše razvlačilo
- 1 veza blitve
- 150g sira
- 1 jaje
- 1 kašičica soli
- 1 jaje za premazivanje i susam za posipanje
Ostaviti 15 minuta da naraste pre pečenja
Peći na 200°C (392°F) 35 minuta

The smell and taste of the soft, baked dough filled with the filling that our grandmothers made, takes us back to our childhood. The recipe for strudel with cheese and chard is enriched with corn flour, so it makes it richer and tastier. This recipe is not very demanding, and it gives unforgettable pleasure to our sense of taste.
Strudel as strudel is a traditional German delicacy whose recipe we can say Vojvodina’s housewives has brought to perfection in various forms, and there is almost no one who has resisted the charms of those with poppy seeds, jam or walnuts.
We make it sweet more often, but the variant with cheese and chard is also a great choice for dinner or breakfast, and we will not be ashamed of serving our guests. Decorative look, a warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400-450g flour
- 1 bag (8g) of dry yeast or 30g of fresh
- 200ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 100ml of warm water
- 100g of corn meal
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon butter or oil
- Knead soft dough and divide into 4 parts
- Coat each part with oil to make it easier to stretch
- 1 bunch of chard
- 150g of cheese
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg for coating and sesame seed for sprinkling
Leave to rise for 15 minutes before baking
Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) for 35 minutes
Mađarska Palačinka Torta-Hungarian Pancake
Palačinke nam nikako ne mogu dosaditi iz prostog razloga, jer su kombinacije koje sa njima možemo raditi beskonačne. Slane, slatke, sa orasima, čokoladom, plazma keksom, raznim prelivima. Upravo je ovaj recept poseban jer nije od onih klasičnih palačinki koje smo navikli da pravimo. Nešto sasvim drugačije.
Postoji li neko da ne voli palačinke? Iskreno mislim da ne i zato je ova torta koja od omiljenih nam palačinki na sasvim drugačiji način pun pogodak.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 6 jaja (odvojiti belanca od žumanaca)
- 300ml mleka
- Narendana korica jednog limuna
- Prstohvat soli
- 1 kašika šećera
- 100ml vode
- 300g brašna
- 70g putera (može i ulje)
Za premazivanje(moj izbor)
- 200g džema od kajsija (po vašoj želji)
- 150g mlevenih oraha
- Ukrasiti glazurom od čokolade , ganaž, posuti prah šećerom ili mlevenim orasima

We can’t get bored of pancakes for a simple reason, because the combinations we can make with them are endless. Salty, sweet, with nuts, chocolate, plasma biscuits, various toppings. This recipe is special because it is not one of those classic pancakes that we are used to making. Something completely different.
Is there anyone who doesn’t like pancakes? I honestly don’t think so and that’s why this cake, which is one of our favorite pancakes, is a complete hit in a completely different way.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …
- 6 eggs (divide yolks from egg whites)
- 300ml of milk
- one lemon zest
- A pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 100ml of water
- 300g flour
- 70g butter ( also you can use oil)
For coating (my choice)
- 200g apricot jam (Your choice)
- 150g ground walnuts
- Decorate with chocolate glaze, ganache, sprinkle with icing sugar or ground walnuts
Posne suve paprike punjene pasuljem-Stuffed dry paprika with beans
Vreme je posta i dobro nam dođu ovako interesantni i jednostavni recepti za ukusna jela a ovaj recept je baš upravo taj koji daje tu starinsku notu koju smo polako počeli zaboravljati. .Posne suve paprike punjene pasuljem, idealan, lagan i brz recept. Često su bile na meniju na našoj trpezi i kada nisu posti , dok je deda bio u polju a baka je spremala ručak koji je mirisao tako prelepo da još uvek pamtim miris i ukus suvih punjenih paprika koje su se krčkale na bakinom smederevcu . Tako da i Ja u dalekom svetu čuvam tradiciju naših starinskih recepata koje prenosim i na svoju porodicu, kako bake nisu ostavljale pisane tragove naših starinskih recepata Ja se nadam da ću ih sačuvati od zaborava i preneti na sledeće generacije.
Služiti ih vruće uz posnu toplu domaću pogaču
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 10-15 komada suvih domacih paprika ( potopiti u vreloj vodi dok neomekšaju)
- 1 ½ glavica crnog luka
- Začini po ukusu (ja sam dodala suvi celer i paradajz) a može i bosiljak
- 600g kuvnog pasulja
- 1 šargarepa
- Svež peršun
- Biber( po ukusu)
- Malo soli (po ukusu)
- 1 kašičica slatke crvene mlevene paprike(može i ljuta ko voli)
- Malo ulja
- Paprike preliti sa 2-3 kašike ulja i zapeći ih u zagrejanoj rerni na 200°C 20-25 minuta
- Moja preporuka: služiti ih dok su vruće uz jednu toplu posnu pogaču

It’s fasting time and we find such interesting and simple recipes for delicious dishes , and this recipe is exactly the one that gives that old note that we have slowly started to forget. .Fasting dried paprika stuffed with beans, an ideal, easy and quick recipe. They were often on the menu at our table even when they were not fasting, while Grandpa was in the field and Grandma was preparing lunch that smelled so beautiful that I still remember the smell and taste of dry stuffed paprika simmering on Grandma’s stove. So that I in the distant world keep the tradition of our old recipes, which I pass on to my family, as grandmothers did not leave written traces of our old recipes. I hope to preserve them from oblivion and pass them on to the next generations.
Serve them hot with a warm fasting homemade bread
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 10-15 pieces of dried homemade paprika (soak them in hot water until soft)
- 1 ½ onion
- Spices as you wish (I added dried celery and tomatoes) can be basil too
- 600g of cooked beans
- 1 carrot
- Fresh parsley
- Pepper (as you wish)
- A little salt (as you wish)
- 1 teaspoon of sweet red ground pepper (can be hot if you like)
- A littlebit of oil
- Pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil over the peppers and bake them in a preheated oven at 200 ° C(392°F) for 20-25 minutes
- My recommendation: serve them while hot with one warm fasting bread
Pogačice sa Čvarcima- Pastrie with pork cracklings
Podeliću sa vama ovaj prelep recept jer se čuva od davnina i prenosi se sa kolena na koleno.Sećam se pogačica sa čvarcima iz detinjstva, baka ih je nekada vrlo često pravila. Čvarci su bili nešto kao delikates. Kako vreme prolazi tako smo pomalo zaboravljali na čvarke na polici u hladnom špajzu. Tada bi se obično baka dosetila napraviti nešto od čvaraka kako bi se ipak pojeli. Pogačice sa čvarcima su uvek bile pun pogodak jer su bile fine mirisne i tople, a i podsećale su nas na fini ukus svežih čvaraka. Bilo je u tome nekakve čarolije, jer čvarci su tako opet dobili svoje zasluženo mesto na našem stolu. Danas zasigurno mogu reći da su čvarci posebno traženi po prodavnicama a tek pogačice sa čvarcima postale su pravi delikates.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 400g brašna(koristila sam brašno za sve namene)
- 150ml mlakog mleka
- 8g suvog kvasca(ili 30g svežeg)
- 100g kiselog mleka( ja sam koristila pavlaku)
- 50g domace masti ili putera
- 1 kašičica šećera
- Malo bibera
- 1 jaje
- 1 kašičica soli
- 350-400g domaćih mlevenih čvaraka
- 1 jaje za premazivanje
- Ostaviti da narastu 20minuta
Peći na 200°C(392°F) 20-25 minuta

I will share with you this beautiful recipe because it has been kept since ancient times and is passed from generation to generation. I remember pastries with pork cracklings from my childhood, my grandmother used to make them very often. The cracklings were something of a delicacy. As time went on, we kind of forgot about the cracklings on the shelves in the cold pantry. Then usually Grandma would think of making something out of cracklings to eat anyway. Pastrie with cracklings were always a complete success because they were fine, fragrant and warm, and they reminded us of the fine taste of fresh cracklings. There was some magic in that, because the cracklings got their deserved place on our table again. Today, I can say for sure that cracklings are especially in demand in stores, but pastrie with cracklings have become a real delicacy.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 400g flour (I used flour for all purposes)
- 150ml of warm milk
- 8g dry yeast (or 30g fresh)
- 100g of plain yogurt (I used sour cream)
- 50g homemade fat or butter
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- A little pepper
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 350-400g of homemade ground cracklings
- 1 egg for coating
- Leave to rise for 20 minutes
Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) for 20-25 minutes
Pasta Kolač sa Makom-Poppy seed pasta cake
Tako jednostavan kolač a ukus prelep . Ovaj recept je našao svoje mesto u mojoj ne tako skromnoj svesci recepata. Na ovaj recept sam naišla sasvim slučajno dok smo bili u poseti našim prijateljima u Budimpešti. Ovo je tradicionalna poslatica u Mađarskoj. Oduševljena ukusom i samom pripremom bez brašna , ulja, praška za pecivo , tako jednostavan. Evo reših i da sa vama podelim ovaj predivni recept. Nadam se, da će se i vama dopasti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
- 400g taljatele( skuvajte testeninu)
- 50g putera (dodjte u vruću proceđenu testeninu)
- 4 žumanca
- 2 kašike šećera u prahu
- Izrendana korica jednog limuna
- 150g kisele pavlake
- 4 belanca umutiti posebno i sjediniti sa filom
Za posipane kolača je potrebno
- 200g mlevenog maka
- 150g šećera u prahu
- 200g džema od kajsija
- Peći na 190°C(374°F) 30-40 minuta
- šecer prah za posipanje

Such a simple cake and the taste is beautiful. This recipe has found its place in my recipe book. I came across this recipe quite by accident while we were visiting our friends in Budapest. This is a traditional dessert in Hungary. Delighted by the taste and the preparation itself without flour, oil, baking powder, so simple. Here I decided to share with you this wonderful recipe. I hope you like it too.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …
1. 400g tagliatelle (cook pasta)
2. 50g butter(add to hot strained pasta)
2. 4 yolks
3. 2 tablespoons iceing sugar
4. Grated one lemon zest
5. 150g sour cream
6. Whisk 4 egg whites separately and combine with the filling
For sprinkling:
1. 200g ground poppy
2. 150g iceing sugar
3. 200g apricot jam
4. Bake at 190 ° C (374 ° F) for 30-40 minutes
Brza prolećna pita bez sira filovana spanaćem-Fast Spinach Pie
Brza prolećna pita sa spanaćem bez sira, jednostavno se dogodi da nemate sira kod kuce a da ne bi odlazili u radnju ovo je nešto savršeno kada vam treba nešto brzo i lagano. Pita od gotovih kora a na stolu je očas posla. Fil se pravi od spanaća i kiselog mleka. Možete je služiti i za doručak i za večeru, ali i da poslužite goste. Još ako je servirate sa jogurtom ili kiselim mlekom, nema većeg užitka. Obradujte porodicu domaćom, vrućom pitom koja će se odmah razgrabiti sa stola.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 1 pakovanje gotovih kora (500g)
- 400g svežeg spanaća
- 3 jaja
- malo soli
- 100ml ulja
- 500g kiselog mleka ( može i jogurt)
- 3 kašike brašna
- 1 kesica praška za pecivo(14g)
- Susam za posipanje
- Peći na 200°C(392°F) 35-40 minuta

A quick spring pie with spinach without cheese, it just so happens that you don’t have cheese at home and in order not to go to the store, this is something perfect when you need something quick and easy. The pie is made of ready-made(filo pastry) sheets and it’s with eye blink is on the table. The filling is made from spinach and plain yogurt. You can serve it for breakfast and dinner, but also to serve guests. Even if you serve it with yogurt or sour cream, there is no greater pleasure. Treat your family to a homemade, hot pie that will immediately snatch from the table.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
1. 1 pack of filo pastry (500g)
2. 400g of fresh spinach
3. 3 eggs
4. a little bit of salt
5. 100ml of oil
6. 500g of plain yogurt (can also be yogurt)
7. 3 tablespoons flour
8. 1 bag of baking powder (14g)
9. Sesame seed for sprinkling
10. Bake at 200 ° C (392 ° F) for 35-40 minutes
Posna domaća lisnata pita sa prazilukom-Homemade leeks pie
Kako su nekada bake pravile posne a tako lepe i lisnate pite. Jedna od savršenih posnih pita sa prazilukom i pečurkama. Tako lagana za napraviti a ekonomična posna pita. Na ovaj način mozete je lako napraviti bez razvlačenja kora po stolu. Jednostavan recept koji vam toplo preporučuje vaša Aurora…💖💖
- 500g brašna
- 350ml mlake vode
- 1 kašičica soli
- 3 kašike ulja
- 3 srednja praziluka
- 300g pečuraka , po vašem izboru( ja sam koristila šampinjone)
- na malo ulja upržite praziluk pa dodajte pečurke

How grandmothers used to make fastive and so beautiful puff pastry. One of the perfect fasting pies with leeks and mushrooms. So easy to make and economical fasting pie. This way you can easily make it without spreading the crust on the table. A simple recipe that is warmly recommended by your Aurora …💖💖
- 500g flour
- 350ml of warm water
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 tablespoons oil
- 3 medium leeks
- 300g mushrooms, of your choice (I used champignons)
- Fry the leeks in a little bit of oil and add the mushrooms
Predivna Vaskršnja Pogača-Easter homemade pogacha
Predivna Vaskršnja pogača, pravi se različito na različitim lokalitetima. Sa različitim teksturama a i drugačijim ukusima. Neke pogače imaju i različitu unutrašnju konzistenciju, tako da se mogu koristiti različiti sastojci. Ja ću vam predstaviti na ovaj način i nadam se da će vam se svideti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 600-650g brašna
- 250ml mlakog mleka
- 8g suvog ili 30g svežeg kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica soli
- 2 jaja
- 2 kašike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
- 3-4 kašike ulja
- 1 kašika sirćeta(ja sam koristila jabukovo)
- Peći na 180°C(356°F) 40-45 minuta
Za premazivanje:
- 150g putera
Za posipanje:
- susam

Beautiful Easter cake, made differently in different locations. With different textures and different flavors. Some cakes also have different internal consistency, so different ingredients can be used. I will introduce you this way and I hope you like it.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 600-650g flour
- 250ml of warm milk
- 8g dry or 30g fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons sour cream or plain yogurt
- 3-4 tablespoons oil
- 1 tablespoon vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)
- Bake it at 356°F(180°C )40-45 minutes
For coating:
- 150g butter
For sprinkling:
- Sesame seed
Piroške-Fryed dough
Najbolji recept za Piroške -Testo koje se topi u ustima -Spolja hrskave a unutra Šuplje
Piroške ili mekike kako ih ko zove ja ih obično pravim sa nekim punjenjem, ovog puta su bile sa svežim sirom(mocarelom) i šunkom, mogu biti prazne pa čak i sa mesom, ponekad ih pravim i sa krompirom. Nestanu za tren, testo je kao pena, spolja su hrskave unutra su šuplje bez imalo testa. Nadam se da će vam se ovaj recept dopasti. podelite recept sa vasim prijateljima. Sve vas puno ljubi vaša Aurora!!💖💖
- 250 ml vrele vode
- 4-5 kašika brašna
- 10 gr suvog kvasca potopiti u 250 ml mlake vode sa 1 kašičicom šećera
- 1 – 2 kašičice soli
- 700 gr brašna
- 2-3 kašike ulja
- Sveža mocarela sir
- šunka

The best recipe for Piroske(fryed dough) – Dough that melts in your mouth – Crispy on the outside and hollow on the inside
Fritter or( mekike) as they are called, I usually make them with some filling, this time they were with fresh cheese (mozzarella) and ham, they can be empty and even with meat, sometimes I make them with potatoes. They disappear in an moment, the dough is like foam, they are crispy on the outside, hollow on the inside . I hope you enjoy this recipe. share the recipe with your friends. All of you are loved by your Aurora !!💖💖
- 250 ml of boiling water
- 4-5 tablespoons flour
- Dip 10 g of dry yeast in 250 ml of warm water with 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 – 2 teaspoons salt
- 700 g of flour
- 2-3 tablespoons of oil
- Fresh mozzarella cheese
- ham
Boem Čokoladna Torta-Amazing Birthday Chocolate Cake
Ukusna, prefinjena, idealna za rođendane ili neke druge svečanosti koje želite da učinite nezaboravnim!
Jedna od onih torti koja se prenosi kroz generacije, ukusom osvaja sve koji je probaju, naročito one koji su ljubitelji čokolade. Mogu vam iskreno reći da će i vama tražiti recept kao i meni.
Ako želite iznenaditi nekog ovo je prava torta i pravi recept za vas, topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za koru je potrebno: A peku se 3 kore
- 4 belanca
- 4 kašike šećera
- 100g mlevenih oraha
- 5g kakao praha
- Peći na 180°C 15 minuta
Žuti fil:
- 6 žumanaca
- 5 kašika šećera
- 18g vanil šećera
- 4 kašike brašna
- 500ml mleka
- 200g putera ili margarina
Čokoladni fil:
- 6 žumanaca
- 5 kašika šećera
- 18g vanil šećera
- 100g čokolade za kuvanje
- 150g putera ili margarina
- Skuvati na pari
Za ganaž je potrebno:
- 200g čokolade
- 200ml vruće slatke pavlake
Na kraju posle žutog fila ukrasiti tortu sa krem šlagom od čokolade( po izboru ko voli)

Delicious, sophisticated, ideal for birthdays or other celebrations that you want to make unforgettable!
One of those cakes that is passed down through the generations, tastes great for everyone who tries it, especially those who love chocolate. I can honestly tell you that everyone will ask you for a recipe like they asked me.
If you want to surprise someone, this is the right cake and the right recipe for you, a warm recommendation from your Aurora …💖💖
For the crust you need: And You need to bake 3 crusts
- 4 egg whites
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 100g ground walnuts
- 5g cocoa powder
- Bake at 180 ° C (356°F) for 15 minutes
Yellow cream:
- 6 yolks
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 18g vanilla sugar
- 4 tablespoons flour
- 500ml of milk
- 200g butter or margarine
Chocolate cream:
- 6 yolks
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 18g vanilla sugar
- 100g of cooking chocolate
- 150g butter or margarine
- cook at steam
For Ganache:
200g of chocolate
200ml hot whipped cream
On the end, after the yellow filling, decorate the cake with chocolate whipped cream (of your choice)
Domaće Lepinje kao ispod sača-Homemade buns
Jedan domaći recept koji srdačno preporučujem ,verovasto ste već probali kod svojih baka a nemoguće je kupiti u pekarama. Odiše starinom i neodoljivim mirisom koji se širi kućom. Lepinja kao ispod sača , na brz i lagan način pripreme. Pripremite i vi vašoj porodici nezaboravan užitak jedne starinske lepinje uz domaći kajmak i ljutu tucanu papriku. Na kraju krajeva može i samo prazna… prste da poližete
Topla preporuka, vaša Aurora…💖💖
Potrebne namirnice: ( za dve lepinje)
- 700g brašna
- 2 kesice suvog kvasca(16g)
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 ½ kašičica soli (ja sam stavila himalajsku so) može obična so
- 200ml mlakog mleka
- 100ml jogurta
- 150ml mlake vode
- Zamesiti testo
- peći na gornjem grejaču 10-12 minuta(MAKSIMUM) na maksimlnoj temperaturi, kod mene je to500°F (260°C)

A beautiful recipe that I heartily recommend, you have probably already tried it with your grandmothers and it is impossible to buy it in bakeries. It exudes antiquity and an irresistible scent that spreads through the house. Bun as under the( sac)baking pot, in a quick and easy way to prepare. Prepare for your family the unforgettable pleasure of an antique bun.
Warm recommendation, your Aurora …💖💖
Necessary ingredients: (for two buns)
- 700g flour
- 2 bags of dry yeast (16g)
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 ½ teaspoon of salt (I put Himalayan salt) can be a plain salt
- 200ml of warm milk
- 100ml of yogurt
- 150ml of warm water
- Knead the dough
- bake it on the upper heater for 10-12 minutes (MAXIMUM) at maximum temperature 500°F(260°C)
Baklava kolač sa orasima(lažna baklava)-Baklava
Lagan brz i jednostavn kolač koji ukusom podseća na pravu baklavu. Tako da ga možemo s pravom nazvati Baklava kolač. Možemo reći da je lažna baklava bez kora. Ovaj recept se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju jer spada u starinske recepte. Za sladokusce istančanog čula ukusa ovo je prava poslastica. Postaće i vaš omiljeni kolač, topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 4 jaja
- 150g šećera
- 10 kašika brašna
- 200ml mleka
- 150ml ulja
- 150g mlevenih oraha
- Peći na 200°C 25 minuta
- 180g šećera
- 250ml vode

A light, quick and easy cake that tastes like real baklava. So we can rightly call it Baklava Cake. We can say that fake baklava is without crust. This recipe is passed down from generation to generation because it belongs to the old recipes. For gourmets with a refined sense of taste, this is a real treat. It will also become your favorite cake, a warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 4 eggs
- 150g of sugar
- 10 tablespoons flour
- 200ml of milk
- 150ml of oil
- 150g ground walnuts
- Bake at 200 ° C (392°F) for 25 minutes
- 180g of sugar
- 250ml of water
Carska Pita-Royal Pie
Kada nemate previse vremena a nemate ideju sta bi ste na brz a lak nacin,evo jednog dobrog recepta koji ce vam pomoci. Fantasticna Carska pita. Jednostavna I brza priprema a ukus neodoljiv. Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- Pakovanje kora
- 4 jajeta
- 200ml jogurta (moze I mleko)
- 180g brasna
- 60ml ulja
- 1 kesica praska za pecivo(14g)
- 150g sira
- Malo sveze ili pecene paprika
- 3-4 kisela krastavcica
- 150g sunke
- 100g prsute(moze po vasem izboru)
- So po ukusu
- Susam za posipanje

When you don’t have too much time and you have no idea what to do in a quick and easy way, here is a good recipe that will help you. Fantastic Royal Pie. Simple and fast preparation and the taste is irresistible. Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 1 pack medium filo pastry for pies
- 4 eggs
- 200ml yogurt or (you can use milk too)
- 180g flour
- 60ml oil
- 1 bag of baking powder (14g)
- 150g of cheese
- A little fresh or roasted paprika
- 3-4 pickles
- 150g of ham
- 100g prosciutto (can be of your choice)
- Little bit of salt
- Sesame seed for sprinkling
Heljdopita-Buckwheat Pie
Jedan od lepsih recepata koji vam mogu preporuciti a ukus je fantastican. Predpostavljam da ste je vec probali. Pokusajte na ovaj nacin I bicete prezadovoljni. Zlatiborski specijalitet koji je odavno dodat u meniju naseg doma a zasto ne bi bio I vaseg. Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 250g heljdinog brasna
- 80g psenicnog brasna
- 2 jajeta
- malo soli
- ½ kesice praska za pecivo (4 ½ g)
- 50ml ulja
- 600ml mleka ( moze i 300ml vode -300ml mleka)
- Umutite redju smesu kao za palacinke(sto redja smesa palacinke ce biti tanje)
- 4 jajeta
- 150g pavlake ( moze I kiselog mleka ili jogurta)
- 300g tvrdog sira
- malo ulja
- susam za posipanje

One of the nicer recipes I can recommend and the taste is fantastic. I guess you’ve tried it before. Try at this way and you will be very satisfied. Zlatibor specialty that has a long time ago been added to the menu of our home and why not yours. Warm recommendation of your Aurora…
- 250g of buckwheat flour
- 80g wheat flour
- 2 eggs
- a little bit of salt
- ½ baking powder bags (4 ½ g)
- 50ml oil
- 600ml of milk (optional 300ml of water -300ml of milk)
- 4 eggs
- 150g sour cream (can use it sour milk or yogurt)
- 300g hard cheese
- a little bit of oil
- sesame seed for sprinkle
Vaskrsnja pamuk rol pogca- Easter roll pogacha
Jos jedna prelepa pogaca za sve praznike koja ce ulepsati vase trpeze. Jednostavno lagana I brza za pripremiti. Uz malo vremena I truda nacice se na vasem stolu, topla preporuka za ovaj recept .
Vasa Aurora…💖💖
- 670g brasna
- 2 jaja
- 8g suvog kvasca(30g svezeg)
- 200ml mlakog mleka
- 1 kasicica secera
- 50ml ulja
- 100ml jogurta
- 1 ½ kasicica soli (himalajska so)
- 150g-200g putera ili(margarina) za premazivanje
- 1 jaje za premazivanje pogace
- Crni kim ili mak , susam za posipanje pogace
- peci na 180°C 30-35 minuta

Another beautiful pogacha for all holidays that will beautify your dining tables. Easy and quick to prepare. With a little time and effort you will find it on your table, a warm recommendation for this recipe.
Your Aurora…💖💖
- 670g flour
- 2 eggs
- 8g dry yeast (30g fresh)
- 200ml of warm milk
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 50ml oil
- 100ml of yogurt
- 1 ½ teaspoon of salt (Himalayan salt)
- 150g-200g butter or (margarine) for coating
- 1 egg for coating before baking
- Black cumin or poppy seed, sesame seed for sprinkling pogacha
- bake it at 180°C(356°F) for 30-35 minutes
Češke ruzice punjene sa tri fila i prelivom poznate kao Lady ruzice- Lady cookie
Nesvakidasnja kombinacija ukusa prelepih prhkih kolacica sa prelivom. Napravite ove predivne kolacice I bicete odusevljeni ukusima, idealni za sve prilike a zasluzuju biti u sveskama nasih recepata. Jednostavno probajte I bicete prezadovoljni.
Srdacna preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 400g brasna
- malo soli
- 125g rendanog putera (predhodno zamrznutog)
- 125g masti
- Ukoliko ne koristite mast onda moze 250g putera ili margarina
- 2 zumanca
- 8g suvog kvasca ili (30g svezeg)
- 15g secera
- 125ml. mlakog mleka
Testo razvuci I seci na kocke 5x5cm
Prvi fil:
- 125g mlevenog maka
- 60 ml. vruceg mleka
Drugi fil:
- 100g dzema po izboru
Treci fil:
- 200g krem sira(moj izbor je Philadelphia cheese)
- 1 zumance
- Pola kesice pudinga od vanile
- 1 kesica vanil secera(9g)
- 125g otopljenog putera
- 125ml ruma
Prelivom preliti vruce kolacice

An unusual combination of flavors of beautiful cookies with topping. Make these beautiful cookies and you will be delighted with the flavors, ideal for all occasions and they deserve to be in the notebooks of our recipes. Just try it and you will be very satisfied.
sincerely, Your Aurora…💖💖
- 400g flour
- a little bit of salt
- 125g grated butter (pre-frozen)
- 125g fat
- If you do not use fat then you can use 250g butter or margarine
- 2 yolks
- 8g dry yeast or (30g fresh)
- 15g sugar
- 125ml. milk
Roll out the dough and cut into 5x5cm cubes
First filling:
- 125g ground poppy
- 60ml. hot milk
Second filling:
- 100g of jam of your choice
Third filling:
- 200g cream cheese (my choice is Philadelphia cheese)
- 1 yolk
- Half a bag of vanilla pudding
- 1 bag (9g) of vanilla sugar
- 125g of melted butter
- 125ml. rum
Pour the topping over the hot cookies
Kukuruzna Pita-Cornmeal Pie
Jedan od lepsih recepata a ujedno I zdrav predlog sta spremiti za dorucak ili veceru. Mi je zovemo kukuruznaa pita, volimo je za dorucak.Tako rumena ,tanka I socna a nije od onih suvih proja. Sluzi se vruca uz casu jogurta ili kiselog mleka. Po vasem iznoru naravno moze koje parce prsute I suvog mesa, ajvara I tursije.
Ovaj recept vam toplo preporucuje vasa Aurora…
- 2 jaja
- 50 ml. ulja
- 1 mlada mala tikvica
- 1 kasicica praska za pecivo
- 200 ml. mleka
- 1 kasicica soli
- 8 kasika kukuruznog brasna
- 3 kasike psenicnog brasna
- 100 g sira
- peci na 220°C 30minuta

One of the best recipes and at the same time a healthy suggestion of what to prepare for breakfast or dinner. We call it cornmeal pie, we love it for breakfast. So yellow, thin and juicy and not one of those dry cornmeal pie. Serve hot with a glass of yogurt or sour milk. According by your choice, of course you can have some pieces of prosciutto and dried meat, ajvar and pickles.
This recipe is warmly recommended by your Aurora… 💖💖
- 2 eggs
- 50 ml. oils
- 1 small zucchini
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 200 ml. milk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 8 tablespoons cornmeal
- 3 tablespoons wheat flour
- 100 g of cheese
- bake it at 220°C ( 428°F) for 30 minutes
Vikend pecivo-Weekend pastry
Jos jedna topla preporuka predivnog peciva , jednostavno ce vas osvojiti svojim ukusom. Vikend pecivo koje je uvek dobro doslo uz soljicu kafe ili caja i toplog caskanja za iznenadne goste , svoju porodicu , komsije, prijatelje, a najvise ce se obradovati deca. I sto poslovica kaze ” ispeci pa reci”
- 500 G brasna
- 8 g suvog kvasca ili (20 g svezeg)
- 250 ml mlakog mleka
- 1 jaje
- 50 g secera
- 60 ml ulja
- 1 izrendana kora narandze
- 1 jaje za premazivanje
- Dzem od jagoda ili po vasem izboru

Another warm recommendation of a wonderful pastry, it will simply win you over with its taste. Weekend pastries that always come in handy with a cup of coffee or tea and a warm chat for surprise guests, your family, neighbors, friends, and the children will be most happy. And what the proverb says “bake and say” or “think before you speak”
2. 500 G flour
3. 8 g of dry yeast or (20 g of fresh)
4. 250 ml of warm milk
5. 1 egg
6. 50 g sugar
7. 60 ml of oil
8. 1 grated orange zest
9. 1 egg for coating
1. Strawberry jam or your choice
Lisnate pitice sa spanacem-Leafy spinach pies
Recept koji vam toplo preporucujem, ne kupujte pecivo u pekarama sa aditivima kada ga mozete kod kuce napraviti sa namirnicama koje vec imate kod kuce, jednostavno ovakvo pecivo i ne moze se naci u pekarama.
Potrebne namirnice:
- 600 gr. brasna
- 1 jaje
- kasicica soli
- 400 ml. mlake vod
- zamesiti glatko testo i podeliti na dva dela
- svez spanac oko 400-500 gr. ( moze blitva , zelje, kopriva…)
- tvrdi kravlji sir 350-400 gr.
- 1 jaje
- pola kasicice soli
- 250 gr. otopljenog putera ili margarina
Testo razvuci u dve velike tanke kore, prvu koru premazati otopljenim puterom i ostaviti da se puter osusi, preko suvog putera staviti drugu razvucenu koru. Uz pomoc tanke dugacke oklagije kao sto je prikazano u videu , namotati obadve kore na oklagiji i iseci ostrim nozem po duzini kao sto je prikazano u videu. Zatim skloniti oklagiju i preseci testo po duzini kako bi dobili dve lisnate trake. Staviti jednu traku preko druge, testo seci na uske trake sirine 2.5cm. Svaku dobijenu trakicu okrenuti listove na gore , blago rukama pritisnuti i razvuci tanko oklagijom. Filovatii sloziti u tepsiju , premazati jednim umucenim jajetom i peci 30 minuta na 200 C

Homemade puff pastries filled with spinach & cheese
Necessary ingredients:
- 600 gr. flour
- 1 egg
- teaspoon of salt
- 400 ml. warm water
knead a smooth dough and divide into two parts
- fresh spinach about 400-500 gr. (can be chard, nettle …)
- Greek cow feta cheese 350-400 gr.
- 1 egg
- half a teaspoon of salt
- 250 gr. melted butter or margarine
Roll out the dough into two large thin crusts, coat the first crust with melted butter and leave the butter to dry, put the second stretched crust over the dry butter. Using a thin long rolling pin as shown in the video, roll both crusts on the rolling pin and cut with a sharp knife lengthwise as shown in the video. Then remove the rolling pin and cut the dough lengthwise to get two leaf strips. Put one strip over the other, cut the dough into narrow strips 2.5 cm wide. Turn each obtained strip upside down, lightly press with your hands and stretch it thinly with a rolling pin. Arrange it in a pan, coat with one scrambled egg and bake for 30 minutes at 200 C
Bon Appetit!!💖💖
Rolat Kocke sa dzemom-Roll cake with jam
Izgledom ce privuci degustatore da ce jedva cekati da ga probaju, A ukusom bicete prezadovoljni!!
Potrebne namirnice za rolat:
- 3 kom. Jaja
- 2 kasike vruce vode
- 5 kasika secera
- 3-4 kasike brasna
- 1 kasicica praska za pecivo
- 1 kesica vanil secera(9g)
- ½ korice rendanog limuna
- Oko 150g marmalade ili dzem po zelji
Odvojiti zumanca od belanaca, umutiti u cvrst sneg, dodati seceri mutiti dok Se secer ne istopi.Dodavati jedno po jedno zumance I mutiti mikserom na Manjoj brzini. Dodati vodu , vanillin secer, koricu rendanog limuna, brasno pomesano sa praskom za pecivo.Mutiti kratko da se sve sjedini. Smesu sipti u pleh dimenzije (28cmx36cm) oblozen papirom za pecenje premazan sa malo ulja, poravnati I peci u rerni zgrejanoj na 180 C oko 15 minuta. Pecen biskvit izvaditi iz pleha , umotati u vlaznu krpu zajedno sa papirom I uviti u rolat. Nakon 10-ak minuta kada se rolat prohladi premazati dzemom po zelji I saviti u rolat. Ostaviti na hladnom mestu.
Sastojci za kore x2:
- 2 kom. Jaja
- 2 kasike secera
- 2 kasike vruce vode
- 3 kasike brasna
- 1 kasika kakao praha
- ½ kasicice praska za pecivo
Zaa dva manja biskvita moze se umutiti smesa odjednom pa se prepoloviti I peci, a moze se umutiti posebno za svaki. Za jedan biskvit odvojiti zumanca od belanaca. Belanca umutiti u cvrst sneg, dodati secer I mutiti dok se istopi, dodati zumanca pa umutiti na najmanjoj brzini, zatim na kraju pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo I kakaom.
Smesu sipati u pleh oblozenu papirom za pecenje premazan sa malo ulja. Peci na 180 C 5-6 minuta jer su korice jako tanke.Na ist nacin pripremiti I drugu koru ako se priprema pojedinacno.
Sastojci za fil:
- 400 ml. mleka
- 6 kasika Kristal secera
- 5 kasika gustina
- 1 kesica vanil secera (9 g.)
- 200 ml. slatke pavlake
Za fil, u 2 dl. hladnog mleka razmutiti gustin, ostatak mleka I secer staviti da prokuva zatim dodati gustin I mesati dok se ne zgusne. Ostaviti da se ohladi uz povremeno mesanje.
Od rolata odrezati krajeve I skloniti sa strane koji su potrebni za popunjavanje praznina izmedju isecenih rolata. Rolat iseci na 12 ili vise jednakih delova u zavisnosti koliko zelite da vam kolac bude visok.
Na tacnu staviti jedan biskvit , zatim premazati sa ½ krema , preko krema poredjati rolate jedan do drugog, prazninu popunite iseckanim krajevima rolata koje ste isekli. Preko rolata premazati drugu polovinu krema I prekriti drugim biskvitom.
Kolac je prelepog ukusa a I izgleda tako da vam toplo preporucujem ovaj predivni recept.
Vasa Aurora

Apparently it will attract tasters that they can’t wait to try it,
And you will be very satisfied with the taste
Necessary ingredients for rolls:
1. 3 Eggs
2. 2 tablespoons hot water
3. 5 tablespoons sugar
4. 3-4 tablespoons flour
5. 1 teaspoon baking powder
6. 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (9g)
7. ½ grated lemon zest
8. About 150 g. of marmalade or jam as desired
Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, whisk in the solid snow, add the sugar and stir until the sugar melts. Add the egg yolks one by one and stir with a mixer on low speed. Add water, vanilla sugar, grated lemon zest, flour mixed with baking powder. Stir briefly to combine. Pour the mixture into a tray measuring (28cmx36cm) lined with baking paper coated with a little bit of oil, flatten and bake in an oven preheated to 180 C for about 15 minutes. Remove the baked biscuit from the baking tray, wrap it in a wet cloth together with the paper and wrap it in a roll. After about 10 minutes, when the roll cools down, coat it with jam as desired and fold it into a roll. Leave in a cool place.
Ingredients for crust x2:
1. 2 Eggs
2. 2 teaspoons sugar
3. 2 tablespoons hot water
4. 3 tablespoons flour
5. 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
6. ½ a spoon of baking powder
For two smaller biscuits, the mixture can be whipped at once, then halved and baked, and it can be whipped separately for each. For one biscuit, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Whisk the egg whites in solid snow, add the sugar and stir until it melts, add the egg yolk and whisk on the lowest speed, then finally mix the flour with the baking powder and cocoa.
Pour the mixture into a baking tray lined with baking paper coated with a little bit of oil. Bake at 180 C for 5-6 minutes because the crust is very thin. Prepare the second crust in the same way if it is prepared individually.
Ingredients for the filling:
1. 400 ml. milk
2. 6 tablespoons crystal sugar
3. 5 tablespoons density
4. 1 bag of vanilla sugar (9 g)
5. 200 ml. whipped cream
For fill, in 2 dl. Whip the corn starch with cold milk, put the rest of the milk and sugar to boil, then add the corn starch and mix until it thickens. Leave to cool with occasional stirring.
Cut off the ends of the rolls and remove from the sides that are needed to fill the gaps between the cut rolls. Cut the roll into 12 or more equal parts depending on how high you want your stake to be.
Place one biscuit on the tray, then coat with ½ cream, arrange the rolls next to each other over the cream, fill the gap with the chopped ends of the rolls you cut. Spread the other half of the cream over the rolls and cover with another biscuit.
The tastes of cake is beautiful and looks so delicious I warmly recommend this wonderful recipe.
Your Aurora….
Pita sirnica(lazna flija)-Easy cheese pie
Potrebne namirnice :
- 10 lista tortilje
- 450 gr. mladog neslaanog sitnog sira
- 4 jaja
- pola kasicice soli
- 150 gr. kisele pavlake ili kiselog mleka
- 100ml. ulja
- susam za posipanje
- pecite na 190°C 25 minuta

- Necessary ingredients:
- 10 tortilla sheets
- 450 g. young unsalted cottage cheese
- 4 eggs
- half a teaspoon of salt
- 150 g. sour cream or sour milk
- 100 ml. oils
Sesame seed for sprinkling
bake it at 374°F(190°C)
Stuffed pizza-Punjena pica
Try this amazing recipe with two different dough
- Necessary groceries:
- warm water
- 300g flour
- 8g of dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt
- 5 tablespoons olive oil
- 400g puff pastry
- 150g pizza sauce
- 180g fresh mozzarella
- Cherry tomato
- 100g of prosciutto
- oregano
- a little bit of olive oil
- bake it at 180 degrees for 25 minutes
Probajte ovaj divan recept -Punjena pica od dve vrste testa.
- Potrebne namirnice:
- mlaka voda
- 300 g brašna
- 8 g suvog kvasca
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 kašičica himalajske soli
- 5 kašika maslinovog ulja
- 400 g lisnatog testa
- 150 g sosa za picu
- 180 g sveže mocarele
- čeri paradajz
- 100 g pršute
- origano
- malo maslinovog ulja
- pecite na 180 stepeni 25 minuta
Bolognese Ragu-Bolonjeze sos
- Necessary ingredients:
- ▶ 150 g of bacon
- ▶ 1 carrot
- ▶ 1 stick of celery
- ▶ 1 onion
- ▶5 tbsp of olive oil
- ▶ 500 g ground beef
- ▶ 200 g minced pork
- ▶ a little bit of salt
- ▶ 1 teaspoon of oregano
- ▶ 1/2 glass of red or white wine
- ▶ 700 ml of tomato&basil sauce
- ▶ 1/2 teaspoon of pepper
- ▶ 1 glass of water
- ▶ 400 g pasta (spaghetti, tagliatelle)
- ▶ Parmesan
- Potrebne namirnice:
- ▶150 gr slanine
- ▶1 sargarepa
- ▶1 celer
- ▶1 glavica crnog luka
- ▶5 kasika maslinovog ulja
- ▶500 gr mlevene junetine
- ▶200 gr mlevenog svinjskog mesa
- ▶malo soli
- ▶1 kasicica origana
- ▶1/2 case crnog ili belog vina
- ▶700 ml paradajz soka
- ▶1/2 kasicice bibera
- ▶1 casa vode
- ▶400 gr testenine ( spaghetti, tagliatelle )
- ▶parmezan
Grandma cake-Bakin kolac
- Necessary ingredients:
- 4 eggs
- 16 teaspoons of sugar
- 14 tablespoons of oil
- 22 teaspoons of milk
- 14 g baking powder
- one lemon zest
- Squeezed juice of half a lemon
- 20 tablespoons flour
- Potrebne namirnice:
- 4 jaja
- 16 kasika secera
- 14 kasika ulja
- 22 kasike mleka
- 14 gr praska za pecivo
- korica jednog limuna
- cedjeni sok pola limuna
- 20 kasika brasna
Gibanica sa sirom-Cheese pie
- Necessary ingredients:
- packing fillo pastry sheets for pies and gibanica 500 gr
- Topping:
- 4 eggs
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 14 g of baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 200 g of plain yogurt or sour cream
- 300 g of ricotta cheese or as you wish
- For coating:
- 100 ml of water
- 50 ml of oil
- 1/2 cup of carbonated water
- sesame seeds
- Potrebne namirnice:
- pakovanje kora za pite i gibanice 500 gr
- Preliv:
- 4 jaja
- 2 kasike brasna
- 14 gr praska za pevivo
- malo soli
- 200 gr kiselog mleka ili pavlake
- 300 gr sira po zelji
- Za premazivanje:
- 100 ml vode
- 50 ml ulja
- 1/2 cace gazirane vode
- susam