Najpopularniji Recepti-Popular Recipes
Domaća Pita Koturača-Homemade stretched pie
Brzo i lako- Kako najlakse razvuci domace kore za pitu
Jedan od prelepih recepata a prenosim vam kako najlakse razvuci domace kore za pitu i napraviti prelepu domacu pitu sa sirom. Moj prvi recept sa mojih 10 godina upravo je bio ovaj.Tako da mogu sa vam prenesem moje dugogodisnje iskustvo kako brzo i lako mozete napraviti domacu pitu sa razvucenim korama. Nadam se da ce vam se svideti moj recept i da cete ga podeliti sa prijateljima.
Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
Potrebni sastojci za Brzo i lako- Kako najlakse razvuci domace kore za pitu:
- 1 kg. brasna
- 80ml ulja
- 1 kasika soli
- 500-600 ml. vode , u zavisnosti koje brasno koristite
- 300-400gr. sira
- 6 jaja

Quick and easy- How to most easily stretch homemade pie crusts
One of the beautiful recipes and I tell you how to most easily stretch homemade pie crusts and make a beautiful homemade cheese pie. My first recipe at the age of 10 was this one. So I can share with you my many years of experience in how you can quickly and easily make a homemade pie with stretched crusts. I hope you like my recipe and share it with your friends.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
Ingredients needed for Quick and easy – How to easily stretch homemade pie crusts:
- 1 kg. flour
- 80ml of oils
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 500-600 ml. water, depending on which flour you use
- 300-400gr. cheese
- 6 eggs
Vesela Poklon Pogaca - Cheerful gift pogacha
Vesela poklon pogaca , za sve prilike kao sto su razna veselja i slavlja .Na ovaj nacin pripreme obradovacete svoju rodbinu i prijatelje. Na ovako predivnom i dekorativnom poklonu jednostavno ostace te bez reci. Pokusajte je napraviti i darovati je sa ljubavlju. Topla preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 900g brasna
- 350ml mlakog mleka
- 150ml jogurta
- 8g suvog kvasca ili 25-30g svezeg
- 100ml ulja
- 2 jaja
- 1 kasicica soli
- 150g putera
Peci na 180 stepeni 45-50 minuta (meni je trebalo sat vremena)
Flasu za kalup obloziti alu-folijom (bez poklopca na flasi)

A cheerful gift of pogacha, for all occasions, such as various festivities and celebrations.This way of preparation will make your relatives and friends happy. Such a beautiful and decorative gift will leave you speechless. Try to make it and give it as a gift with love.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
900g of flour
350 ml of warm milk
150 ml of yoghourt
8g of dry yeast or 25-30g of fresh yeast
100ml of oil
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of salt
150g of butter
Bake at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes (it took me an hour)
Cover the bottle for the mold with aluminum foil (without the cap on the bottle).
Zaboravljena starinska pita,koju ste davno jeli kod svojih baka, majki-recept koji je vredan probati
Pozdrav dragi moji na moje veliko zadovoljstvo zelim sa vama da podelim jos jedan predivan starinski recept, recept nasih baka i majki koji je vredan napraviti ga svako,ponosna sam na sebe jer mogu svojoj porodici da priustim nase najlepse, najbogatije recepte koje su samo nase bake i majke znale da nam naprave.Tako cu ostaviti veliki trag svojoj deci u buducnosti i sacuvati nase blago od zaborava sto je i moj cilj ovog kanala. Nadam se da sam i u vama probudila vreme kada ste bar jednom probali ovako nesto, podelite ovaj recept sa vasim prijateljima da se i oni prisete, ljubi vas vasa Aurora!!
Topla preporuka , Vasa Aurora…💖💖
Potrebne namirnice za starinsku pitu :
- 700 gr brasna
- 450 – 500 ml mlake vode
- 2 kasicice soli
- 150 – 200 gr putera ili masti
- 500 ml mleka
- 5 jaja

A forgotten old pie, which you ate with your grandmothers a long time ago, is a mother’s recipe that is worth trying
Hello my dear to my great pleasure I want to share with you another wonderful old recipe, a recipe of our grandmothers and mothers that is worth making everyone, I am proud of myself because I can afford my family our most beautiful, richest recipes that are only our grandmothers and mothers knew how to make us. So I will leave a big mark on my children in the future and save our treasure from oblivion, which is my goal of this channel. I hope I awakened in you the time when you tried something like this at least once, share this recipe with your friends so that they will remember, your Aurora loves you !!
Warm recommendation, Your Aurora …💖💖
Necessary ingredients for antique pie:
- 700 g of flour
- 450 – 500 ml of lukewarm water
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 150 – 200 g of butter or fat
- 500 ml of milk
- 5 eggs
Pita naseg detinjstva – Verujem da ste bar jednom probali, Kako su se nekada pite pravile Dragi moji jedan od meni posebno dragih recepata, gibanica koju sam cesto jela kod svoje majke.Gibanica je kao sundjer mekana, socna ma predivna verujte mi. Nadam se da ce vam se dopasti da cete je probati, podelite recept sa vasim prijateljima, vasa Aurora!!…💖💖
Topla preporuka!
Potrebne namirnice za pitu naseg detinjstva:
- 200 ml mlake vode
- 8 gr suvog kvasca
- 1 kasicica secera
- 1 kasicica soli
- 100 ml ulja
- 350 – 400 gr brasna
- 300 gr sira
- 3 kasike pavlake ili kiselog mleka
- 3 jaja
- 150 gr putera ili masti

Pies of our childhood – I believe you have tried at least once, How pies used to be made
My dears, one of the recipes that is especially dear to me, gibanica, which I often ate at my mother’s. I hope you like it, you will try it, share the recipe with your friends, your Aurora !!…💖💖
Necessary ingredients for the pie of our childhood:
- 200 ml of warm water
- 8 g of dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 100 ml of oil
- 350 – 400 g of flour
- 300 g of cheese
- 3 tablespoons sour cream or yogurt
- 3 eggs
- 150 g butter or fat
Kokosovi Čupavci-Coconut Lemingtons
Fini, meki i ukusni čupavci su jedan od onih kolača koje narvno svi obožavamo još od detinjstva i vjerujem da nema onoga ko ih nije barem jednom probao. Recept za čupavce koji vam predstavljam i s njime će vam ovaj kolač uvek ispasti sočan i neodoljiv.
Čupavci spajaju dva provereno fina sastojka koji uvek dobro idu zajedno. Kokos i čokolada divna je kombinacija s kojom se nikada ne može pogrešiti . U ovim finim sočnim čupavcima čokoladom natopljeni biskvit gotovo se topi u ustima, a ukus je zaista izvrstan!
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 4 jaja
- 150 gr. kristal secera
- 1 vanilin secer
- prstohvat soli
- ulja
- mleka
- prasak za pecivo
- brasno 200-250gr.
- putera
- 100 gr. mlecne cokolade
- 100 gr. crne cokolade za kuvanje
- secera
- mleka
- kokosovog brasna

Fine, soft and delicious lemingtons are one of those cakes that we have all adored since childhood and I believe that there is no one who has not tried them at least once. The recipe for lemingtons that I present to you and with it, this cake will always turn out juicy and irresistible.
The lemingtons combine two proven fine ingredients that always go well together. Coconut and chocolate is a wonderful combination that can never go wrong. In these fine juicy chocolate chips, the biscuit soaked in chocolate almost melts in your mouth, and the taste is really great!
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 4 eggs
- 150 gr. Of crystal sugar
- 1 vanilla sugar
- a pinch of salt
- Of oil
- milk
- baking powder
- flour 200-250gr.
- 150gr. butter
- 100 gr. milk chocolate
- 100 gr. dark chocolate for cooking
- Of sugar
- 350ml. Of milk
- 300gr. coconut