Štrudla sa šljivama i makom - Strudel with poppy seed & plums
Brza priprema a prelepa poslastica. Uz ne puno namirnica a isto kao da ste zamesili ,dobićete prelepu štrudlu od gotovih kora sa makom i šljivama. Tako lepog izgleda a još lepšeg ukusa koji se ne zaboravlja. Na lagan način do neodoljive poslastice. Obradujte vaše ukućane ovom preukusnom štrudlom.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 450g gotovih kora ( Moje kore su tanke tako da sam koristila po 5 kora za jedan rolat), ako vi koristite deblje kore onda 3 kore po rolatu.
- 100g mlevenog maka
- 400g seckanih svežih šljiva
Za fil je potrebno:
- 3 jaja
- 250ml jogurta
- griza
- Ulja
- šećera
- 1 kesica vanil šećera
- ½ kesice praska za pecivo (7gr.)
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 30 minuta

Quick preparation and a beautiful delicacy. With not many ingredients, you will get a beautiful strudel made from ready-made crusts with poppy seeds and plums. Such a beautiful appearance and an even more beautiful taste that you will never forget. In a light way to an irresistible delicacy. Delight your loved ones with this delicious strudel.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora…💖💖
- 450g of filo pastry crusts (My crusts are thin, so I used 5 crusts for one roll), if you use thicker crusts, then 3 crusts per roll.
- 100g of ground poppy seeds
- 400g of chopped fresh plums
For the filling you need:
- 3 eggs
- 250 ml. of yoghourt
- 100 gr. of semolina
- 100 ml. Oils
- 250 gr. sugar
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
- ½ bag of baking powder (7 gr.)
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 30 minutes
Starinski Čokoladni Sočan Izmišljeni Kolač - Old-fashioned Juicy chocolate Cake
Starinski sočan, čokoladni izmišljeni kolač, brzo i jednostavno. Kada nemate vremena a napravili bi ste nešto prelepo , ovo je pravi recept za vas. Pogodan za sve prilike. Jednostavno se topi u ustima, ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni a sigurno će tražiti parče više. Ko ga god bude probao tražiće vam recept.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za koru je potrebno:
- 5 punih kašika mlevenih oraha
- 6 punih kašika brašna
- 1 kesica (14g)praška za pecivo
- 1 puna kašika kakao praha
- 200 ml mleka
- 100 ml ulja
- 3 jaja ( odvojiti belanca od žumanaca)
- 10 kašika šećera
- 1 kesica (10g) vanil šećera
Peći na 180°C(360°F) 25 minuta
Za preliv je potrebno:
- 130 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 150 g putera ( može i margarin)
- 200 g mlevenih oraha
- 6 kašika šećera

An old-fashioned juicy made up chocolate cake, quick and easy. When you don’t have time and would like to make something beautiful, this is the right recipe for you. Suitable for all occasions. It simply melts in the mouth, the household will be more than delighted and will surely ask for more. Whoever tries it will ask you for the recipe.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the crust you need:
- 5 full spoons of ground walnuts
- 6 full spoons of flour
- 1 bag (14g) of baking powder
- 1 full spoon of cocoa powder
- 200 ml of milk
- 100 ml of oil
- 3 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks)
- 10 spoons of sugar
- 1 bag (10g) of vanilla sugar
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 25 minutes
For dressing you need:
- 130 g of dark chocolate
- 150 g of butter (you can also use margarine)
- 200 g of ground walnuts
- 6 spoons of sugar
Domaća Krempita - Homemade Vanilla Cream Pie
Domaća krempita tako lagana i kremasta, topi se u ustima.Užitak ukusa koji vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Brza i lagana priprema a dobićete preukusnu poslasticu. Krempitu služiti hladnu svakako uz domaći sok , limunadu svakako po vašem ukusu , a osećaj će biti kao da ste u poslastičarnici.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za koru nam je potrebno:
- 1 celo jaje
- 3 žumanca
- 3 kašike mlake vode
- 3 kaašike šećera
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
- 2 kašike brašna
Peći na 200°C (390°F) 10 minuta
Za krem je potrebno:
- 800 ml vode
- 3 kesice pudinga od vanile
- 200 g šećera
Skuvati puding
Posebno umutiti penasto 3 belanca sa 5 kašika šećera
U vreo puding dodati penasto umućena belanca
Za ukrašavanje 300 ml umućene slatke pavlake ili 2 krem šlaga

Homemade cream pie so light and creamy, it melts in your mouth. A taste delight that will not leave you indifferent. Quick and easy preparation and you will get a delicious treat. Serve the cream pie cold, of course, with homemade juice, lemonade, of course, to your taste, and you will feel like you are in a pastry shop.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the crust we need:
- 1 whole egg
- 3 egg yolks
- 3 tablespoons of warm water
- 3 spoons of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 2 tablespoons of flour
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for 10 minutes
For the cream you need:
- 800 ml of water
- 3 bags of vanilla pudding
- 200 g of sugar
Cook the pudding
Separately, whip 3 egg whites with 5 spoons of sugar until foamy
Add foamy egg whites to the hot pudding
To decorate, 300 ml of whipped cream or cream as you wish
Cool and serve the treat
Starinski kolač Noć I Dan - Old fashioned cake (Day and Night)
Kolač za koji se uvek traži recept –Dan I Noć. Dekorativan i tako lep, a tek prefinjeni ukus i spoj fila od oraha i čokolade prava je poslastica za sve sladokusce. Idealan je za proslave jer može stojati nekoliko dana a da ne izgubi na svežini. Starinski kolač naših baka koji se brzo priprema a još brže pojede. Sa ne tako puno sastojaka koje većinom imate kod kuće napravićete dekorativan i preukusan kolač.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
Za koru (biskvit ) je potrebno:
- 200 g putera
- 100 g Kristal šećera
- 5 jaja ( odvojiti belanca od žumanaca)
- 15 kašika brašna (300 g )
- 100 ml mleka
- Podeliti smesu na 2 dela , u jedan deo dodati 2 kašike kakao Praha
- Ispeći 2 kore (biskvit) svetlu i tamnu
- Peći na 180 °C (360 °F) 15 minuta
- Dimenzija pleha je 30x20cm
Za fil je potrebno:
- 200 g putera
- 140 g Kristal šećera
- 200 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 150 ml mleka
- 100 g mlevenih oraha
- 50 g mlevenih badema
Možete staviti samo 150 g mlevenih oraha
Posipati kolač mlevenim orasima

The cake for which the recipe is always requested – Day and Night. Decorative and so beautiful, and the newly refined taste and combination of walnut and chocolate filling is a real treat for all gourmets. It is ideal for all kind of parties because it can stand for several days without losing its freshness. An old-fashioned cake of our grandmothers that is quick to prepare and even quicker to eat. With not so many ingredients that you usually have at home, you will make a decorative and delicious cake.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…
For the crust (biscuit) you need:
- 200 g of butter
- 100 g Crystal sugar
- 5 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks)
- 15 tablespoons of flour (300 g)
- 100 ml of milk
- Divide the mixture into 2 parts, add 2 spoons of cocoa to one part
- Bake 2 crusts (biscuits), light and dark
- Bake at 180 °C (360 °F) for 15 minutes
- The size of the baking tray is 30x20cm
For the filling you need:
- 200 g of butter
- 140 g Crystal sugar
- 200 g of cooking chocolate
- 150 ml of milk
- 100 g of ground walnuts
- 50 g of ground almonds
You can put only 150 g of ground walnuts
Sprinkle the cake with ground nuts
Dvobojne Šarene Oblande - Two-tone Colorful Wafers
Jednostavan recept za najlepše dvobojne šarene oblande. Pogodne za sve vrste proslava, a najmlađi ukućani će se najviše obradovti. Veoma brza i lagana priprema bez oduzimanja puno vremena.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
- 250 ml mleka
- 200 g kristal šećera
- 300 g mlevenog keksa
- 300 g mlevenih oraha
- 250 g putera
- 1 kesica (9g) vanil šećera
- 100 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 1 pakovanje oblandi ( dimenzije 23×30 cm)
Smesu podeliti na 2 dela , u prvi deo dodati vanil šećer a u drugi deo dodati 100 g otopljene čokolade za kuvanje.
Ostaviti preko noći u frižideru

A simple recipe for the most beautiful two-tone colorful wafers. Suitable for all kinds of celebrations, and the youngest members of the household will be the happiest. Very quick and easy preparation without taking much time.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…
- 250 ml of milk
- 200 g of crystal sugar
- 300 g of ground biscuits
- 300 g of ground walnuts
- 250 g of butter
- 1 bag (9g) of vanilla sugar
- 100 g of cooking chocolate
- 1 pack of wafers (dimensions 23×30 cm)
Divide the mixture into 2 parts, add vanilla sugar to the first part and add 100 g of melted cooking chocolate to the second part.
Leave overnight in the fridge,
Izmišljeni Kolač - Imaginary Cake
Idealan za sve prilike a tako ukusan i kremast. Takozvani izmišljeni kolač kome je teško odoleti. Jednostavna priprema. Ukućani će biti više nego oduševljeni a prijatelji će vam sigurno tražiti recept. Tajna izmišljenog kolača je nestrpljivost jer mu je teško odoleti a ne probati ga pre njegove finalne izrade, prosto mami i pleni svojim izgledom i ukusom.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
Za patišpanj je potrebno:
- 5 jaja
- 5 kašika šećera
- 5 kašika brašna
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
- 1 kašika ulja
Peći na 180°C (360°F) 10-150 minuta
Za fil je potrebno:
- 4 jaja
- 200 gr. Šećera
- 80 g čokolade za kuvanje
- 250 g putera
- 4-5 kašika mlevenog keksa
- 4-5 kašika mlevenih oraha
Potrebna su dva manja lista oblande
Fil kuvati na pari ( može a i nemora)
Fil podeliti na 3 jednaka dela i premazivati kore.
U prvi deo fila dodati 4-5 kašika mlevenog keksa
U drugi deo fila dodati 4-5 kšika mlevenih oraha
Treći deo fila ostaviti kakav jeste ne dodavati ništa
Redosled premazivanja:
- List oblande
- Fil bez orha i keksa
- Patišpanj( kora)
- Fil sa orasima
- Patišpanj (kora)
- Fil sa keksom
- List oblaande
- Fil od čokolade
- Posuti mlevenim orasima
Kolač pritisnuti ( sa nekim težim predmetom), ostaviti u frižideru da prenoći , seći i služiti sutradan.

Ideal for all occasions and so delicious and creamy. The so-called fictional cake that is hard to resist. Simple preparation. The housemates will be more than delighted and friends will surely ask you for the recipe. The secret of a fictional cake is impatience because it is hard to resist and not try it before its final creation, it simply entices and captivates with its appearance and taste.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora…💖💖
For the spongecake you need:
- 5 eggs
- 5 spoons of sugar
- 5 tablespoons of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 1 tablespoon of oil
Bake at 180°C (360°F) for 10-150 minutes
For the filling you need:
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. Sugar
- 80 g of cooking chocolate
- 250 g of butter
- 4-5 tablespoons of ground biscuits
- 4-5 spoons of ground walnuts
Two smaller wafer sheets are needed
Make the filling on steam (you can do it on steam or may not)
Divide the filling into 3 equal parts and coat the crusts.
Add 4-5 spoons of ground biscuits to the first part of the filling
Add 4-5 tablespoons of ground walnuts to the second part of the filling
Leave the third part of the filling as it is, do not add anything
Coating order:
- Wafer sheet
- Filling without walnuts and biscuits
- Spongecake (crust)
- Filling with walnuts
- Spongecake (crust)
- Biscuit filling
- Sheet wafer
- Chocolate filling
- Sprinkle with ground nuts
Press the cake (with a heavier object), leave it in the fridge overnight, cut it and serve it the next day.
Starinski Rolat sa Orasima - Old fashioned roll with walnuts
Jedna od lepših starinskih poslastica koja se lepi za srce i dušu , a to je starinski rolat sa orasima. Brza i lagana priprema . Tako je od davnina, rolat sa orasima je bio prava poslastica. Jako stari recept, ali godine mu ništa ne mogu. Često prisutan kod nas.
Topla preporuka vaše aurore…💖💖
Za patišpanj(biskvit) je potrebno:
- 7 jaja
- 7 kašika šećera
- 7 kašika brašna
- 1 kašika vode
- 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
Za fil je potrebno:
- 250g mlevenih oraha
- 100ml vrućeg mleka
- 1 kesica vanil šećera
- 3 kašike šećera u prahu (po ukusu)
Peći na 180°C(356°F) do 15 minuta

One of the most beautiful antique delicacies that sticks to the heart and soul, and that is the antique roll with walnuts. Quick and easy preparation. That’s how it has been since ancient times, roll with walnuts was a real treat. A very old recipe, but age can’t do anything to it. Often present with us.
Warm recommendation of your aurora …💖💖
For spongecake (biscuit) you need:
- 7 eggs
- 7 tablespoons sugar
- 7 tablespoons flour
- 1 tablespoon water
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
The filling(topping) requires:
- 250g ground walnuts
- 100ml of hot milk
- 1 bag of vanilla sugar
- 3 tablespoons icing sugar (your choice)
Bake at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for up to 15 minutes
Slatka Tradicija(kolač sa jagodama)-Strawberry cake
Slatka Tradicija – Kolač sa jagodama. Lagan, kremast kolač za užitak
Pozdrav dragi moji, želim sa vama da podelim ovaj predivan recept za kolač koji sam napravila za svoju porodicu, decu koja ga obožavaju, šta bi to bilo nego jagode koje su nam stigle i svi ih obožavamo. Ovaj kolač je poseban jer je lagan, kremast, osvežavajuć a tako lak i jednostavan za pripremu. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti i da ćete ga napraviti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore💖💖
Potrebne namirnice za kolač sa jagodama:
- 450 – 500 gr jagoda
- 2 pudinga ( ja sam koristila ukus bele čokolade)
- 600 ml mleka
- 100 gr kristal šećera
- 150 gr putera ili margarina
- 2 kašike prah šećera
- 5 jaja
- 5 kašika šećera
- 2 kašike griza
- 4 kašike brašna
Ukrasiti: Krem šlag ili slatka pavlaka
Peći koru(biskvit) na 180°C (356°F)15 min.

Sweet Tradition – Strawberry cake. A light, creamy cake for enjoyment
Hello my dears, I want to share with you this wonderful cake recipe that I made for my family, the children who adore it, what would it be but the strawberries that have arrived in this time of the year and we all adore them. This cake is special because it is light, creamy, refreshing and so easy and simple to prepare. I hope you like it and make it.
A warm recommendation from your Aurora💖💖
Necessary ingredients for strawberry cake:
- 450 – 500 g of strawberries
- 2 puddings (I used the taste of white chocolate)
- 600 ml of milk
- 100 g of crystal sugar
- 150 g butter or margarine
- 2 tablespoons icing sugar
Crust (biscuit):
- 5 eggs
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 2 tablespoons of semolina
- 4 tablespoons flour
Garnish: Whipped cream or sweet sour cream
Bake the crust (biscuit) at 180 ° C (356 ° F) for 15 min.
Pasta Kolač sa Makom-Poppy seed pasta cake
Tako jednostavan kolač a ukus prelep . Ovaj recept je našao svoje mesto u mojoj ne tako skromnoj svesci recepata. Na ovaj recept sam naišla sasvim slučajno dok smo bili u poseti našim prijateljima u Budimpešti. Ovo je tradicionalna poslatica u Mađarskoj. Oduševljena ukusom i samom pripremom bez brašna , ulja, praška za pecivo , tako jednostavan. Evo reših i da sa vama podelim ovaj predivni recept. Nadam se, da će se i vama dopasti.
Topla preporuka vaše Aurore…
- 400g taljatele( skuvajte testeninu)
- 50g putera (dodjte u vruću proceđenu testeninu)
- 4 žumanca
- 2 kašike šećera u prahu
- Izrendana korica jednog limuna
- 150g kisele pavlake
- 4 belanca umutiti posebno i sjediniti sa filom
Za posipane kolača je potrebno
- 200g mlevenog maka
- 150g šećera u prahu
- 200g džema od kajsija
- Peći na 190°C(374°F) 30-40 minuta
- šecer prah za posipanje

Such a simple cake and the taste is beautiful. This recipe has found its place in my recipe book. I came across this recipe quite by accident while we were visiting our friends in Budapest. This is a traditional dessert in Hungary. Delighted by the taste and the preparation itself without flour, oil, baking powder, so simple. Here I decided to share with you this wonderful recipe. I hope you like it too.
Warm recommendation of your Aurora …
1. 400g tagliatelle (cook pasta)
2. 50g butter(add to hot strained pasta)
2. 4 yolks
3. 2 tablespoons iceing sugar
4. Grated one lemon zest
5. 150g sour cream
6. Whisk 4 egg whites separately and combine with the filling
For sprinkling:
1. 200g ground poppy
2. 150g iceing sugar
3. 200g apricot jam
4. Bake at 190 ° C (374 ° F) for 30-40 minutes
Baklava kolač sa orasima(lažna baklava)-Baklava
Lagan brz i jednostavn kolač koji ukusom podseća na pravu baklavu. Tako da ga možemo s pravom nazvati Baklava kolač. Možemo reći da je lažna baklava bez kora. Ovaj recept se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju jer spada u starinske recepte. Za sladokusce istančanog čula ukusa ovo je prava poslastica. Postaće i vaš omiljeni kolač, topla preporuka vaše Aurore…💖💖
- 4 jaja
- 150g šećera
- 10 kašika brašna
- 200ml mleka
- 150ml ulja
- 150g mlevenih oraha
- Peći na 200°C 25 minuta
- 180g šećera
- 250ml vode

A light, quick and easy cake that tastes like real baklava. So we can rightly call it Baklava Cake. We can say that fake baklava is without crust. This recipe is passed down from generation to generation because it belongs to the old recipes. For gourmets with a refined sense of taste, this is a real treat. It will also become your favorite cake, a warm recommendation of your Aurora …💖💖
- 4 eggs
- 150g of sugar
- 10 tablespoons flour
- 200ml of milk
- 150ml of oil
- 150g ground walnuts
- Bake at 200 ° C (392°F) for 25 minutes
- 180g of sugar
- 250ml of water
Češke ruzice punjene sa tri fila i prelivom poznate kao Lady ruzice- Lady cookie
Nesvakidasnja kombinacija ukusa prelepih prhkih kolacica sa prelivom. Napravite ove predivne kolacice I bicete odusevljeni ukusima, idealni za sve prilike a zasluzuju biti u sveskama nasih recepata. Jednostavno probajte I bicete prezadovoljni.
Srdacna preporuka vase Aurore…💖💖
- 400g brasna
- malo soli
- 125g rendanog putera (predhodno zamrznutog)
- 125g masti
- Ukoliko ne koristite mast onda moze 250g putera ili margarina
- 2 zumanca
- 8g suvog kvasca ili (30g svezeg)
- 15g secera
- 125 ml. mleka
Testo razvuci I seci na kocke 5x5cm
Prvi fil:
- 125g mlevenog maka
- 60 ml. vruceg mleka
Drugi fil:
- 100g dzema po izboru
Treci fil:
- 200g krem sira(moj izbor je Philadelphia cheese)
- 1 zumance
- Pola kesice pudinga od vanile
- 1 kesica vanil secera
- 125g otopljenog putera
- 125ml. ruma
Prelivom preliti vruce kolacice

An unusual combination of flavors of beautiful cookies with topping. Make these beautiful cookies and you will be delighted with the flavors, ideal for all occasions and they deserve to be in the notebooks of our recipes. Just try it and you will be very satisfied.
sincerely, Your Aurora…💖💖
- 400g flour
- a little bit of salt
- 125g grated butter (pre-frozen)
- 125g fat
- If you do not use fat then you can use 250g butter or margarine
- 2 yolks
- 8g dry yeast or (30g fresh)
- 15g sugar
- 125ml. milk
Roll out the dough and cut into 5x5cm cubes
First filling:
- 125g ground poppy
- 60ml. hot milk
Second filling:
- 100g of jam of your choice
Third filling:
- 200g cream cheese (my choice is Philadelphia cheese)
- 1 yolk
- Half a bag of vanilla pudding
- 1 bag (9g) of vanilla sugar
- 125g of melted butter
- 125ml. rum
Pour the topping over the hot cookies
Rolat Kocke sa dzemom-Roll cake with jam
Izgledom ce privuci degustatore da ce jedva cekati da ga probaju, A ukusom bicete prezadovoljni!!
Potrebne namirnice za rolat:
- 3 kom. Jaja
- 2 kasike vruce vode
- 5 kasika secera
- 3-4 kasike brasna
- 1 kasicica praska za pecivo
- 1 kesica vanil secera(9g)
- ½ korice rendanog limuna
- Oko 150g marmalade ili dzem po zelji
Odvojiti zumanca od belanaca, umutiti u cvrst sneg, dodati seceri mutiti dok Se secer ne istopi.Dodavati jedno po jedno zumance I mutiti mikserom na Manjoj brzini. Dodati vodu , vanillin secer, koricu rendanog limuna, brasno pomesano sa praskom za pecivo.Mutiti kratko da se sve sjedini. Smesu sipti u pleh dimenzije (28cmx36cm) oblozen papirom za pecenje premazan sa malo ulja, poravnati I peci u rerni zgrejanoj na 180 C oko 15 minuta. Pecen biskvit izvaditi iz pleha , umotati u vlaznu krpu zajedno sa papirom I uviti u rolat. Nakon 10-ak minuta kada se rolat prohladi premazati dzemom po zelji I saviti u rolat. Ostaviti na hladnom mestu.
Sastojci za kore x2:
- 2 kom. Jaja
- 2 kasike secera
- 2 kasike vruce vode
- 3 kasike brasna
- 1 kasika kakao praha
- ½ kasicice praska za pecivo
Zaa dva manja biskvita moze se umutiti smesa odjednom pa se prepoloviti I peci, a moze se umutiti posebno za svaki. Za jedan biskvit odvojiti zumanca od belanaca. Belanca umutiti u cvrst sneg, dodati secer I mutiti dok se istopi, dodati zumanca pa umutiti na najmanjoj brzini, zatim na kraju pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo I kakaom.
Smesu sipati u pleh oblozenu papirom za pecenje premazan sa malo ulja. Peci na 180 C 5-6 minuta jer su korice jako tanke.Na ist nacin pripremiti I drugu koru ako se priprema pojedinacno.
Sastojci za fil:
- 400 ml. mleka
- 6 kasika Kristal secera
- 5 kasika gustina
- 1 kesica vanil secera (9 g.)
- 200 ml. slatke pavlake
Za fil, u 2 dl. hladnog mleka razmutiti gustin, ostatak mleka I secer staviti da prokuva zatim dodati gustin I mesati dok se ne zgusne. Ostaviti da se ohladi uz povremeno mesanje.
Od rolata odrezati krajeve I skloniti sa strane koji su potrebni za popunjavanje praznina izmedju isecenih rolata. Rolat iseci na 12 ili vise jednakih delova u zavisnosti koliko zelite da vam kolac bude visok.
Na tacnu staviti jedan biskvit , zatim premazati sa ½ krema , preko krema poredjati rolate jedan do drugog, prazninu popunite iseckanim krajevima rolata koje ste isekli. Preko rolata premazati drugu polovinu krema I prekriti drugim biskvitom.
Kolac je prelepog ukusa a I izgleda tako da vam toplo preporucujem ovaj predivni recept.
Vasa Aurora

Apparently it will attract tasters that they can’t wait to try it,
And you will be very satisfied with the taste
Necessary ingredients for rolls:
1. 3 Eggs
2. 2 tablespoons hot water
3. 5 tablespoons sugar
4. 3-4 tablespoons flour
5. 1 teaspoon baking powder
6. 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (9g)
7. ½ grated lemon zest
8. About 150 g. of marmalade or jam as desired
Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, whisk in the solid snow, add the sugar and stir until the sugar melts. Add the egg yolks one by one and stir with a mixer on low speed. Add water, vanilla sugar, grated lemon zest, flour mixed with baking powder. Stir briefly to combine. Pour the mixture into a tray measuring (28cmx36cm) lined with baking paper coated with a little bit of oil, flatten and bake in an oven preheated to 180 C for about 15 minutes. Remove the baked biscuit from the baking tray, wrap it in a wet cloth together with the paper and wrap it in a roll. After about 10 minutes, when the roll cools down, coat it with jam as desired and fold it into a roll. Leave in a cool place.
Ingredients for crust x2:
1. 2 Eggs
2. 2 teaspoons sugar
3. 2 tablespoons hot water
4. 3 tablespoons flour
5. 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
6. ½ a spoon of baking powder
For two smaller biscuits, the mixture can be whipped at once, then halved and baked, and it can be whipped separately for each. For one biscuit, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Whisk the egg whites in solid snow, add the sugar and stir until it melts, add the egg yolk and whisk on the lowest speed, then finally mix the flour with the baking powder and cocoa.
Pour the mixture into a baking tray lined with baking paper coated with a little bit of oil. Bake at 180 C for 5-6 minutes because the crust is very thin. Prepare the second crust in the same way if it is prepared individually.
Ingredients for the coating:
1. 400 ml. milk
2. 6 tablespoons crystal sugar
3. 5 tablespoons density
4. 1 bag of vanilla sugar (9 g)
5. 200 ml. whipped cream
For fill, in 2 dl. Whip the corn starch with cold milk, put the rest of the milk and sugar to boil, then add the corn starch and mix until it thickens. Leave to cool with occasional stirring.
Cut off the ends of the rolls and remove from the sides that are needed to fill the gaps between the cut rolls. Cut the roll into 12 or more equal parts depending on how high you want your stake to be.
Place one biscuit on the tray, then coat with ½ cream, arrange the rolls next to each other over the cream, fill the gap with the chopped ends of the rolls you cut. Spread the other half of the cream over the rolls and cover with another biscuit.
The tastes of cake is beautiful and looks so delicious I warmly recommend this wonderful recipe.
Your Aurora….
Bakin Kolac-Grandma Waffle
- Necessary ingredients:
- ▶ 4 eggs
- ▶ 16 teaspoons of sugar
- ▶ 14 tablespoons of oil
- ▶ 22 teaspoons of milk
- ▶ 14 g baking powder
- ▶ one lemon zest
- ▶ Squeezed juice of half a lemon
- ▶ 20 tablespoons flour

- Potrebne namirnice:
- ▶4 jaja
- ▶16 kasika secera
- ▶14 kasika ulja
- ▶22 kasike mleka
- ▶14 gr praska za pecivo
- ▶korica jednog limuna
- ▶cedjeni sok pola limuna
- ▶20 kasika brasna
Kuglof-Bundt Cake
- Necessary ingredients for a cake full of chocolate, juicy and very tasty!
- ▶ 5 eggs
- ▶ 200 g crystal sugar
- ▶ 3 teaspoons cocoa
- ▶ 220 g of sour milk
- ▶ 150 ml of oil
- ▶ 18 g vanilla sugar
- ▶ pinch of salt
- ▶ baking powder
- ▶ 250 g of flour
- Topping:
- ▶ 300 ml of milk
- ▶ 4 tablespoons oil
- ▶ 2 teaspoons cocoa
- ▶ 100 g of chocolate
- ▶ 4 teaspoons crystal sugar
- Pour melted 80 g of chocolate and one tablespoon of oil over the cake.

- Potrebne namirnice za kolac pun cokolade, socan i jako ukusan!
- ▶5 jaja
- ▶200 gr kristal secera
- ▶3 kasike kakao
- ▶220 gr kiselog mleka
- ▶150 ml ulja
- ▶ 18 gr vanilin secer
- ▶prstohvat soli
- ▶prasak za pecivo
- ▶250 gr brasna
- Preliv:
- ▶300 ml mleka
- ▶4 kasike ulja
- ▶2 kasike kakao
- ▶100 gr cokolade
- ▶4 kasike kristal secera
- Prelijte kolac sa: otopite 80 gr cokolade i jednom kasikom ulja.
Sipana pita sa jabukama-Apple pie
- Necessary ingredients for fasting pie, lazy apple pie:
- ▶2 kg of apples
- ▶ 150 g of crystal sugar
- ▶ 18 g vanilla sugar
- ▶ 300 g of semolina
- ▶ 300 g of flour
- ▶ 150 g of crystal sugar
- ▶ 14 gr of baking powder
- ▶ 100 g of fasting margarine

- Potrebne namirnice za brtzu posnu pitu, lenju pitu sa jabukama:
- ▶2 kg jabuka
- ▶150 gr kristal secera
- ▶18 gr vanilin secer
- ▶300 gr griza
- ▶300 gr brasna
- ▶150 gr kristal secera
- ▶prasak za pecivo
- ▶100 gr margarina
Zimski kolacic-Winter cake
- Dough:
- 250 – 300 g of flour
- half a bag of baking powder(7g)
- 7 g of dry yeast
- 3 teaspoons of milk
- 250 g butter
- 2 yolks
- vanilla sugar
- 3 teaspoons icing sugar
- Fill:
- 200 g of ground walnuts
- 2 egg whites
- 90 g icing sugar
- 2 -3 teaspoons of jam

- Testo:
- 250 – 300 gr brasna
- pola kesice praska za pecivo
- 7 gr suvog kvasca
- 3 kasike mleka
- 250 gr putera
- 2 zumanca
- vanilin secer
- 3 kasike prah secera
- Fil:
- 200 gr mlevenih oraha
- 2 belanca
- 90 gr prah secera
- 2 -3 kasike dzema
Polumeseci sa orasima i cokoladom-Half a moon chocolate cake
- Necessary ingredients for a beautiful cake with nuts and chocolate:
- Crust:
- 150 g butter
- 150 g of crystal sugar
- 150 g of ground walnuts
- 4 egg whites
- 70 g of flour
- Yellow topping:
- 4 egg yolks
- 150 g of icing sugar
- 18 g vanilla sugar
- Chocolate cream:
- 100 ml of milk
- 100 g of crystal sugar
- 100 g butter
- 100 g of dark chocolate
- 100 g of ground walnuts

- Potrebne namirnice za predivan kolac sa orasima i cokoladom:
- Kora:
- 150 gr putera
- 150 gr kristal secera
- 150 gr mlevenih oraha
- 4 belanca
- 70 gr brasna
- Zuti preliv:
- 4 zumanca
- 150 gr secera u prahu
- 18 gr vanilin secer
- Cokoladni krem:
- 100 ml mleka
- 100 gr kristal secera
- 100 gr putera
- 100 gr crne cokolade
- 100 gr mlevenih oraha
Starinski kolac-Old fashion cake
- Necessary ingredients for antique cake with jam and walnuts:
- 70 g butter
- 80 g icing sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 cracker
- 30 – 50 ml of cold milk
- 300 g of flour
- Filling:
- 100 g butter
- 100 g of ground walnuts
- 1 whites
- Apricot jam

- Potrebne namirnice za starinski kolac sa dzemom i orasima:
- 70 gr putera
- 80 gr secera u prahu
- 1 jaje
- 1 zumance
- 1 prasak za pecivo
- 30 – 50 ml hladnog mleka
- 300 gr brasna
- Fil:
- 100 gr putera
- 100 gr mlevenih oraha
- 1 belance
- dzem od kajsija
Potkovice sa orasima-Horseshoes walnuts cake
- Necessary ingredients for antique horseshoe cake:
- 300 g of flour
- 80 g powdered sugar
- 100 g of ground walnuts or hazelnuts
- 200 g butter
- 18 g vanilla sugar
- 1 egg white

- Potrebne namirnice za starinski prhki kolac sa orasima:
- 300 gr brasna
- 80 gr secera u prahu
- 100 gr mlevenih oraha ili lesnika
- 200 gr putera
- 18 gr vanilin secer
- 1 belance