Domaci hleb-Homemade bread
Domaće Lepinje kao ispod sača-Homemade buns
Jedan domaći recept koji srdačno preporučujem ,verovasto ste već probali kod svojih baka a nemoguće je kupiti u pekarama. Odiše starinom i neodoljivim mirisom koji se širi kućom. Lepinja kao ispod sača , na brz i lagan način pripreme. Pripremite i vi vašoj porodici nezaboravan užitak jedne starinske lepinje uz domaći kajmak i ljutu tucanu papriku. Na kraju krajeva može i samo prazna… prste da poližete
Topla preporuka, vaša Aurora…💖💖
Potrebne namirnice: ( za dve lepinje)
- 700g brašna
- 2 kesice suvog kvasca(16g)
- 1 kašičica šećera
- 1 ½ kašičica soli (ja sam stavila himalajsku so) može obična so
- 200ml mlakog mleka
- 100ml jogurta
- 150ml mlake vode
- Zamesiti testo
- peći na gornjem grejaču 10-12 minuta(MAKSIMUM) na maksimlnoj temperaturi, kod mene je to500°F (260°C)

A beautiful recipe that I heartily recommend, you have probably already tried it with your grandmothers and it is impossible to buy it in bakeries. It exudes antiquity and an irresistible scent that spreads through the house. Bun as under the( sac)baking pot, in a quick and easy way to prepare. Prepare for your family the unforgettable pleasure of an antique bun.
Warm recommendation, your Aurora …💖💖
Necessary ingredients: (for two buns)
- 700g flour
- 2 bags of dry yeast (16g)
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 ½ teaspoon of salt (I put Himalayan salt) can be a plain salt
- 200ml of warm milk
- 100ml of yogurt
- 150ml of warm water
- Knead the dough
- bake it on the upper heater for 10-12 minutes (MAXIMUM) at maximum temperature 500°F(260°C)
Rusticni hlebcici-Rustic mini buns
- Necessary ingredients:
- 500 g of flour
- 8 g of dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 300 ml of warm milk
- 100 ml of olive oil
- 1 egg
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

- Potrebne namirnice:
- 500 gr brasna
- 8 gr suvog kvasca
- 1 kasicica secera
- 300 ml mlakog mleka
- 100 ml maslinovog ulja
- 1 jaje
- 1 1/2 kasicica soli
Pogaca za Badnje vece-Pogacha for Christmas Eve
- Necessary ingredients for Christmas Eve bannock cake:
- 350 – 400 ml of warm water
- 8 g of dry yeast or 20 g of fresh
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 80 ml of oil
- 600 – 650 g of flour
- 1 teaspoon salt

- Potrebne namirnice za pogacu za Badnje Vece:
- 350 – 400 ml mlake vode
- 8 gr suvog kvasca ili 20 gr svezeg
- 1 kasicica secera
- 80 ml ulja
- 600 – 650 gr brasna
- 1 kasicica soli